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Javanese Language Wikipedia Revitalization Project 2012-2013/Activities/2012/April

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April 2012 (activities in detail)


02 April 2012

02 April 2012 Code Account Detail Cost Photo
Aim Papat Limpad 2012 Project TOT Planning
  • Cost
Location Starbuck PIM 2
Address Jakarta
Time 12.00-14.00 WIB
Total Rp. ---

Minutes of the meeting

  1. Time:2 April 2012 10.00 - 12.00
  2. Venue:University of Indonesia Campus Depok, West Java
  3. Participants : Nunung Martina, Prasetyo, Ichsan Mochtar
  4. Summary:
    1. Planning Papat Limpad 2012 Project launching
    2. Papat Limpad 2012 Project launching decided wil be conducted in 7 May 2012 at IKIP PGRI Semarang.
    3. Preparation and budgetting
    4. Other matters

06 April 2012

06 April 2012 Code Account Detail Cost Photo
Aim Papat Limpad 2012 Project Budget Planning
  • Cost
Location Mc Cafe
Address Jakarta
Time 10.00-14.30 WIB
Total Rp. ---

Committee activities during ToT Papat Limpad 2012 in Jakarta

  • 10.00 Check in Hotel Smart
  • 11.00 Opening: Direktur Proyek
  • 12.00 Break
  • 14.00 Project Papat Limpad 2012: Pras, Ichsan dan Nunung
  • 16.00 Committee working technique: Hendra, Kartika, Ivonne
  • 17.00 Back to hotel
  • 19.00 Dinner
  • Evening program: Editing Wiki (hotel room)

06 April 2012

06 April 2012 Code Account Detail Cost Photo
Aim Papat Limpad 2012 Project Budget Planning
  • Cost
Location Smart Hotel (in room activity)
Address Jakarta
Time 14.30-18.45 WIB
Total Rp. ---

07 April 2012

07 April 2012 Code Akccount Detail Cost Photo
Aim Preparing letter to Universities participating in Papat Limpad 2012, and training for Activity Report Papat Limpad 2012
  • Cost
Membahas Draf Surat Pengantar
Membahas Draf Surat Pengantar
Berlatih membuat Laporan Aktivitas
Berlatih membuat Laporan Aktivitas
Location FX Senayan
Address Jakarta
Time 11.00-WIB
Total Rp. ---

Program of the day:

  1. 06.00 Breakfast at Smart hotel
  2. 08.00 Committee working technique and advance editing : Ivonne
  3. 10.00 Sharing abaout BP2010 experience (expectation & result) and discussion about goal, threat and opportunity
  4. 12.00 Break
  5. 13.00 Admininstration and financial report: Ichsan
  6. 15.00 Committee working technique and advance editing: Ivonne, Pras, Nunung, Ichsan, followed by editing practice (at Smart hotel)

Link to discussion about letter draft to universities regarding Papat Limpad 2012 here and discussion about Papat Limpad 2012 budget in here

08 April 2012

08 April 2012 Code Account Detail Cost Photo
  • Cost
Location Smart Hotel
Address Jakarta
Time 09-10.30 WIB
Total Rp. ---

09 April 2012

09 April 2012 Code Account Detail Cost Photo
Aim Preparing proposal letters to Universities
  • Cost
File:April 09 2012 PL 2012.jpg
File:April 09 2012 Coordination Meeting PL 2012.jpg
Location Food Court Pondok Indah Mall
Address Jakarta Selatan
Time 14.00-16.30 WIB
Total Rp. ---
  • Meeting preparing letters to participating Universities. Venue:Food court Pondol Indah Mall, Jakarta. Participants: Siska Doviana, Ichsan Mochtar, Nunung Martina and Prasetyo.

14 April 2012

14 April 2012 Code Account Detail Cost Photo
Aim Coordination with parcitipating Universities
  • Cost
Location Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Jurusan Sastra Indonesia UNDIP
Address Kampus Tembalang, Semarang
Time 09.00-10.24 WIB
Total Rp. ---

Minutes of the meeting

  1. Time:14 April 2012 09.00 - 12.00
  2. Venue:Diponegoro University Semarang
  3. Participants : Nunung Martina, Prasetyo, Puryono, Nurul Baitirohmah, Elok Wahyuni, Prof Redianto (UNDIP)
  4. Summary:
    1. Introduction to Wikimedia and Wikipedia
    2. Introduction to Papat Limpad 2012 Project.
    3. Discussion on related matters
      1. UNDIP interested to join the competition
      2. Participant is not limited to Javanese Language Class (Jurusan)
      3. Formal invitation and MoU draft will be sent as soon as possible
  5. Follow up:
    1. List of participant from Diponegoro University
        1. Purnawati
        2. Dicki Agus
        3. Marya Rusnizar
        4. Novia Joehary
        5. Shofwan Yusuf
        6. Primadita Herdiani
        7. Elisa Cintia
        8. Ani vivi
        9. Isna Eviliyana
        10. Erwan Setyo
        11. Muhammad Shofi’i
        12. Adhi Kurniawan
        13. Eta Farida
        14. Wulung Aji Putra
        15. Aziizatul Khusniyah
        16. Dwi Mulyati
        17. Anni Rahayuningsih
        18. Dian Ekowati
        19. Riza Nuzulul
        20. Ahmad Islahudin
        21. Joseph Army
        22. Fadhil Nugroho
        23. Fera Agustia
        24. Evi Endang W
        25. Sekar Permata
        26. Annisah
        27. Windi Susetyo Ningrum
        28. Sudarsono 0
        29. Arum Jayanti
        30. Yussy Nur Agni

14 April 2012

14 April 2012 Code Account Detail Cost Photo
Aim Coordination with parcitipating Universities
  • Cost
Location UPT PPL UNY
Address Uiversitas Negeri Jogyakarta (UNY)
Time WIB
Total Rp. ---

Minutes of the meeting

  1. Time:14 April 2012 10.00 - 12.00
  2. Venue:Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
  3. Participant :
    1. Wikimedia: Nunung Martina, Prasetyo
    2. Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta: Prof. Suwarna
  4. Summary:
    1. Introduction to Papat Limpad 2012
    2. Commitment UNY to join competition
    3. Rendering formal invitation
    4. Discussion
  5. Follow up:
    1. Communication through sms and telephone call with Prof Suwarna and Bpk. Suwardi (Kajur)
    2. List of participant from UNY:

15 April 2012

15 April 2012 Code Account Detail Cost Photo
Aim Coordination with parcitipating Universities
  • Cost
Location Kantor Dekan Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni UNNES
Address Banaran-Sekaran Gunung Pati Semarang
Time WIB
  • Nunung Martina
  • Prasetyo
  • Puryono
  • Prof Manu Atmadja (Guru Besar UGM)
  • Dr Mu'jizah, M.Hum (Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa, Jakarta)
  • Hanna Dabrowska (Polandia)
  • Sucipto (Humas Unnes)
  • Zakariyah P.Aminullah (Mahasiswa UGM)
  • Bambang Sulanjari (IKIP PGRI)
  • Yusra (Kajur pendidikan bahasa jawa dan sastra jawa UNNES)
  • Teguh (Sekretaris jurusan pendidikan bahasa jawa dan sastra jawa UNNES)
  • Bu Utami (Kajur Pendidikan bahasa jawa dan sastra IKIP PGRI)
Total Rp. ---

Minutes meeting

  1. Time:15 April 2012 11.00 - 12.00
  2. Venue:Semarang Public University (UNNES), Central Java
  3. Participants :
    1. Wikimedia: Nunung Martina, Prasetyo, Puryono
    2. Semarang Public University: Yusra (Kajur pendidikan bahasa jawa dan sastra jawa UNNES), Teguh (Sekretaris jurusan pendidikan bahasa jawa dan sastra jawa UNNES), Sucipto (Humas Unnes)
    3. Gajah Mada University: Prof Manu Atmadja (Guru Besar UGM), Zakariyah P.Aminullah (Mahasiswa UGM)
    4. IKIP PGRI Semarang: Bambang Sulanjari, Bu Utami (Kajur Pendidikan bahasa jawa dan sastra)
    5. Badan Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa: Dr Mu'jizah, M.Hum
    6. Others: Hanna Dabrowska (Polandia)
  4. Summary:
    1. Introduction to Wikimedia, Wikipedia and Papat Limpad 2012
    2. Commitment UNNES, UGM, IKIP PGRI to join the competition
    3. Rendering competition proposal and related documenta
    4. Discussion

15 April 2012

15 April 2012 Code Account Detail Cost Photo
Aim Coordination with parcitipating Universities)
  • Cost
Location Computer Lab. IKIP PGRI Semarang
Address Jl. Dr Sucipto Semarang
Time WIB
Total Rp. ---

Minutes of the meeting

  1. Time:15 April 2012
  2. Venue:IKIP PGRI Semarang
  3. Participants
    1. Wikimedia: Nunung Martina, Prasetyo, Sigit Adhi Wibowo, Nurul Baiti Rohmah, Elok Wahyuni, Puryono
    2. IKIP PGRI: Bambang Sulanjari (IKIP PGRI, Ibu Utami (Kajur Pendidikan bahasa jawa dan sastra IKIP PGRI)
  4. Summary:
    1. IKIP PGRI committed to participate in Papad Limpad 2012 writing competition.
    2. Cooperation will be bound in a Memory of Understanding
    3. IKIP PGRI will host the Launching ceremony
    4. Wikimedia will provide training for student who participate in the writing competition.

18 April 2012

18 April 2012 Code Account Detail Cost Photo
Aim Preparation for OpeningPL 2012
  • Cost
Location Pondok Indah Mall
Address Jakarta Selatan
Time 14.00-16.30 WIB
Total Rp. ---

Minutes of the meeting

  1. Time:18 April 2012
  2. Venue:Pondok Indah Mall Jakarta
  3. Participants : Nunung Martina, Prasetyo, Ichsan Mochtar
  4. Summary:
    1. Invitation for launching ceremony should be send 2 weeks before D Day
    2. Preparation of MoU draft
    3. Preparation of media campaign (banner, poster etc.)
    4. Preparation of Press Release

24 April 2012

24 April 2012 Code Account Detail Cost Photo
Aim Meeting with University of Indonesia official
  • Cost
Meeting with UI official 24 April 2012
Location Faculty of Language, University of Indonesia
Address Depok, West Java
Time 14.00-16.30 WIB
Total Rp. ---

Minutes of the meeting

  1. Time:24 April 2012 10.00 - 12.00
  2. Venue:University of Indonesia Campus Depok, West Java
  3. Participants :
    1. Wikimedia: Nunung Martina, Prasetyo, Ichsan Mochtar
    2. University of Indonesia: Mr Darmoko M.Hum and Mrs. Woro Dwi Mastuti
  4. Summary:
    1. Introduction to Papat Limpad 2012
    2. Commitment UI to participate in Papat Limpad 2012
    3. Formal invitation letter
    4. Other arrangements