For the most up to date information see the run pages or Wiki Operations Summary on Airtable
- 🟢 InternetArchiveBot is currently running on 300+ Wikimedia wikis.
- 🟢 We have moved the management interface to a new server. Please start using instead of Please let us know if anything broke during this process.
- 🟡 Testing is stalled on Alemannisch Wikipedia (als), Asturian Wikipedia (ast), and Japanese Wikipedia (ja).
- 🔴 Bot is approved but disabled on Hungarian Wikipedia (hu).
- 🔴 Bot is approved but disabled indefinitely pending software improvements on French Wikipedia (fr),, Norwegian Nynorsk Wikipedia (nn), Polish Wikipedia (pl), Portuguese Wikipedia (pt), and Ukrainian Wikipedia (uk).
Last updated: 16:06, 25 February 2025 (UTC)