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International Museum Day 2021/Wikidata Competition/List 1

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The International Museum Day Wikidata Competition 2021
3 – 18 May 2021

About Participate Winners 2020 edition


Start a query and get a list!

Museums without labels in certain languages

How to start a query and get a list
  • On the following page, select All items without the property set.
  • This will take you to the Wikidata Query Service, with a pre-filled SPARQL query. Execute it by clicking on the blue triangle button on the left side of the screen.

Top groupings (Minimum 5 items) Top Properties (used at least 0 times per grouping)
Name Count українська
Argentina (Q414) 1358 0.88% (12) 🔍
Totals (all items) 1453 1.17% (17) 🔍