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Indic Wikisource Community/Newsletter/October-December 2020

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Indic Wikisource Community
Books & Archive
Issue 03, OctoberDecember 2020

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This issue is the 3rd newsletter of the Indic Wikisource Community.

Gujarati Wikisource is the only project among Indic Wikisource communities to run an Audio Book Projects.

With the business of the life people are finding it difficult to spare time for reading and concept of Audio Book is quite popular in Western Countries. Moreover, till the times all the books are not available in the braille, our visually impaired friends will not be able to enjoy the rich literary heritage. As compared to creating the braille books, the audio books will be more interesting, cheaper and easy to create without involving any technical knowledge of braille codes or braille printing.

The Idea was long back in mind and initially the during 2012, some of the chapters of Gandhiji’s books Rachantmak Karyakrm (રચનાત્મક કાર્યક્રમ) were recorded in the voice of User:Kalpgna. However this did not go further long. During 2019, User:Modern Bhatt joined the Gujarati Community. He runs a literature based Whatsapp Group named as Gujarati Melo (ગુજરાતી મેળો).

During 23 - 24 February 2019, Wikisource Workshop for Gujarati Community was organized at Ahmadabad. It provided a change to interact with fellow volunteers. While interacting with User:Modern Bhatt it was understood that in his spare time he was reading stories for Schools for the blind. When this thing was brought to my notice, the idea of revoking the dormant project came in mind. Moreover, contribution to Wiksource is slightly complicated and all the users are finding it difficult.

The mater was discussed with User:Modern Bhatt and the recording of the books started in March 2019. The first book was published on Wikisource in June 2020. With continuous hard work of Mr. Modern Bhatt, Gujarati Wikisource has so far completed uploading of 25 books,so far.

While recording was going one more Volunteer Ms. Misha Desai started Recording. She became the first female to complete the recording of a full book. Apart from User:Modern Bhatt and individual stories are read by Nizil Shah and Gazal world as well.

List of Audio Books here.

Order Name Author Type Sound Short URL
1 Saurashtra ni Rasdhar 1 Zaverchand Meghani Folklore - the story Morden Bhatt https://w.wiki/4j9
2 Saurashtra ni Rasdhar 2 Zaverchand Meghani Folklore - the story Morden Bhatt https://w.wiki/LaL
3 Saurashtra ni Rasdhar 3 Zaverchand Meghani Folklore - the story Morden Bhatt https://w.wiki/LaK
4 Meghani ni Navlikao volume 1 Zaverchand Meghani Novel collection Morden Bhatt https://w.wiki/LvW
5 Meghani ni Navlikao volume 2 Zaverchand Meghani Novel collection Morden Bhatt https://w.wiki/LvV
6 Sorathi Baharvatia - Part I Zaverchand Meghani Folklore - the story Morden Bhatt https://w.wiki/KE9
7 Sorathi Baharvatia - Part II Zaverchand Meghani Folklore - the story Morden Bhatt https://w.wiki/LvU
8 Sorathi Baharvatia - Part III Zaverchand Meghani Folklore - the story Morden Bhatt https://w.wiki/LvT
9 Tulsi-kyaro Zaverchand Meghani Novel Morden Bhatt https://w.wiki/5iS
10 Saurashtra ni Rasdhar 4 Zaverchand Meghani Folklore - the story Morden Bhatt https://w.wiki/6Fq
11 Vevishal Zaverchand Meghani Novel Morden Bhatt https://w.wiki/6e$
12 Saurashtra ni Rasdhar 5 Zaverchand Meghani Folklore - the story Morden Bhatt https://w.wiki/7Ru
13 Samarangan Zaverchand Meghani Folklore - the story Morden Bhatt https://w.wiki/7gX
14 Ra'gangajalio Zaverchand Meghani Folklore - the story Morden Bhatt https://w.wiki/8P7
15 Vasundhara na vahala davala Zaverchand Meghani Novel story Morden Bhatt https://w.wiki/Yin
16 Mansai Na Diva Zaverchand Meghani Character narrative Morden Bhatt https://w.wiki/DV7
17 Sorath, tara vaheta pani Zaverchand Meghani Novel story Morden Bhatt https://w.wiki/JTN
18 Karan Ghelo Nandshankar Mehta Novel story Morden Bhatt https://w.wiki/MFY
19 Pratimao Zaverchand Meghani Novel Morden Bhatt https://w.wiki/MSo
20 Sasuvahu ni Ladhai Mahipatram Rooparam Nilkanth Novel Morden Bhatt https://w.wiki/RiC
21 Hira ni Chamak Ramanlal Desai Novel collection Morden Bhatt https://w.wiki/Ubx
22 Kankavati Zaverchand Meghani Vratakatha collection Nisha Desai https://w.wiki/a5H
23 Dadaji ni Vato Zaverchand Meghani Story collection Morden Bhatt https://w.wiki/cqd
24 Liludi Dharti - 1 Chunilal Madiya Novel Morden Bhatt https://w.wiki/gKU
25 Liludi Dharti - 2 Chunilal Madiya Novel Morden Bhatt https://w.wiki/h7B
26 Niranjan Zaverchand Meghani Novel Morden Bhatt https://w.wiki/trg

A complete list of works containing audio files, including solo works

The below few books are re-licensed to CC-BY-SA 4.0 license out of a total of 97 books was released and uploaded in commons.

Indic Wikisource Proofreadthon

CIS-A2K conducted another all India level online Indic Wikisource Proofreadthon in November 2020 on Wikisource to enhance the skills, awareness, and encourage to works on Wikisource of Indian language Wikisource contributors. This was fifteen days Online Proofreadthon, where the participants contested among their language-specific an all-India basis. We have 12 Indic language base Wikisource but all communities don't have any experience with the online Proofreadthon and never organized such things. So CIS-A2K conducted the all India level online Proofreadthon to support the community to grow the same level to others. But every language community has a different quality standard as per their policies. Most of the community is at a growing level compare to others in respect to proofreading ( MOS of layout and check the error of OCR output). So this online edit-thon has helped the community to compare with other quality and rectify to set the proper Wikisource standard.

From the past May 2020 edit-thon experience, we announced the new format for this session. One, we have increased to 10 winners from each community because not encourage between the interlanguage community rat-race. Two, set the minimum threshold point 350 to get any prize. Each community selected the books to be Proofread by the 280 participants. Total of 372 books proofread in this edithon/contest. A total of 50771 pages and 27566 pages was proofread and validated respectively. Below the statistics graph of the contest. In this contest total of 12, Indic Wikisource communities participated out of 12.

Proofreading statistics during India Wikisource Proofreadthon

Participants engaged during India Wikisource Proofreadthon

Number of Books proofreaded by each language community during India Wikisource Proofreadthon

Wikisoure Online Training for Colleges-1
Tamil Wikisource Community conducted eight days of online training on Wikisource from From 26 December 2020 to 04 January 2021. The main venue was at Shri SS Shasun Jain College.The training runs via Google Meet every evening from 2 to 4 p.m. Also, a 30-minute recipe tutorial takes place. Also, for students who want to, personal presentations during non-college hours take place via zoom, Jitsi, and mobile.About 50 participants involved in this event.
Below the proofreading developments of the last three month September 2020 - December 2020

  • No visible development is shown in Odia and Malayalam Wikisource.
  • In Sanskrit and Kannada Wikisource, they have the text of 22394 and 21038 numbers without scan page supported text exist respectively, it shows their content quality low. The community should work in this area in the coming months.
  • As per proofread stats the top 3 communities are as below.
    • Tamil (First)
    • Telegu (Second)
    • Bengali (third)
Languages Link Indexed counts Validated Counts
Assamese(as) অসমীয়া 304 100
Bangla(bn) বাংলা 4432 76
Gujarati(gu) ગુજરાતી 150 73
Hindi(hi) हिन्दी 424 29
Italian(it) italiano 2614 1089
Kannada(kn) ಕನ್ನಡ 345 18
Malayalam(ml) മലയാളം 348 0
Marathi(mr) मराठी 162 39
Odia(or) ଓଡ଼ିଆ 85 18
Punjabi(pa) ਪੰਜਾਬੀ 245 15
Polish(pl) polski 4187 2182
Tamil(ta) தமிழ் 2233 217
Telugu(te) తెలుగు 626 80
English(en) English 19047 4702
This table shows the number of pages that have been proofread using the ProofreadPage extension, at 12 Indic Wikisource subdomains.


  • The "proofread" column counts all the pages that have been proofread : [category q3] + [category q4]
  • Language subdomains are ranked by the number of page verifications : [category q3] + 2x[category q4]
  • The "with scans" column counts pages whose text is transcluded from the "Page:" namespace.
  • The "percent" column shows the percentage of texts backed with scans, excluding disambiguation pages from the total:

Percent (%) = [with scans]/([with scans] + [without scans])

Statistics on Friday, 01. January 2021 12:01PM

Page namespace Main namespace
Language All pages Without text Not proofread Problematic Proofread Validated All pages With scans Without scans %
as 44692 837 23617 266 19972 16556 1853 602 1251 32.49
bn 707003 7519 662275 768 36441 13774 9298 9275 6 99.94
gu 27249 423 3039 3 23784 17070 6980 3552 3428 50.89
hi 135704 2045 37914 66 31184 8486 2260 2259 1 99.96
kn 62901 1102 54034 87 7934 5278 21326 226 21100 1.06
ml 47607 2072 12323 132 33080 704 6484 766 5718 11.81
mr 57813 104 44748 3 12903 4997 2098 585 1513 27.88
or 7668 78 1686 6 5898 5295 835 260 570 31.33
pa 41571 637 13934 110 26890 11330 489 359 130 73.42
sa 81420 298 54544 31 26546 10521 23734 932 22802 3.93
ta 409494 274 318569 173 90475 57644 11837 7352 4483 62.12
te 75571 1904 16284 175 57208 35102 14804 5547 9257 37.47

Thanks for reading! To receive a quaterly talk page update about new issues of Books & Archive, please add your name to the subscriber's list. To suggest items for the next issue, please contact the editor, Jayanta (CIS-A2K) (talk · contribs) at Indic Wikisource Community/Newsletter/Suggestions.