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Indic Wikisource Community/Newsletter/July-September 2020

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Indic Wikisource Community
Books & Archive
Issue 02, JulySeptember 2020

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This issue is the 2nd newsletter of the Indic Wikisource Community.

The below books are re-licensed to CC-BY-SA 4.0 license.

  • During the last 3 months, Bengali Wikimedian conducted Online proofreadthon one Vidyasagar 200 years birth anniversary. A total of 10 users participated in this edithon. Out of 4 there 1 woman participants contributed. 23 books used for proofreading and 446 pages proofread & 617 pages validated in these events of only 30days long.
  • An online Webinar workshops conducted by Assamese Wikimedia Community on 28th July and 27th September 2020. The workshop was about the basic of Wikisource.

  • No development in Malayalam wikisource.
  • In Sanskrit and Kannada Wikisource, they have the text of 22394 and 21038 numbers without scan page supported text exist respectively, it shows their content quality low. The community should work in this area in the coming months.
  • As per proofread stats the top 3 communities are as below.
    • Tamil (First)
    • Telegu (Second)
    • Malayalam (third)
Languages Link Indexed counts Validated Counts
English(en) English 18125 4196
French(fr) français 19084 2880
Polish(pl) polski 4075 2129
Italian(it) italiano 2578 1072
Spanish(es) español 1823 219
Tamil(ta) தமிழ் 2221 182
Assamese(as) অসমীয়া 272 81
Telugu(te) తెలుగు 555 74
Bangla(bn) বাংলা 4341 72
Gujarati(gu) ગુજરાતી 139 69
Marathi(mr) मराठी 152 32
Hindi(hi) हिन्दी 404 28
Odia(or) ଓଡ଼ିଆ 85 18
Punjabi(pa) ਪੰਜਾਬੀ 233 15
Kannada(kn) ಕನ್ನಡ 330 13
Sanskrit(sa) संस्कृत 330 5
Malayalam(ml) മലയാളം 347 0
This table shows the number of pages that have been proofread using the ProofreadPage extension, at 12 Indic Wikisource subdomains.


  • The "proofread" column counts all the pages that have been proofread : [category q3] + [category q4]
  • Language subdomains are ranked by the number of page verifications : [category q3] + 2x[category q4]
  • The "with scans" column counts pages whose text is transcluded from the "Page:" namespace.
  • The "percent" column shows the percentage of texts backed with scans, excluding disambiguation pages from the total:

Percent (%) = [with scans]/([with scans] + [without scans])

Statistics on Thursday, 01. October 2020 01:02PM

Page namespace Main namespace
Language All pages Without text Not proofread Problematic Proofread Validated All pages With scans Without scans %
as 39126 792 25062 127 13145 10408 1788 499 1289 27.91
bn 710447 7274 672113 624 30436 13587 9148 9124 7 99.92
gu 24675 401 3392 3 20879 15948 6693 3144 3549 46.97
hi 130602 1946 39725 115 21103 7470 1909 1908 1 99.95
kn 61171 1091 53434 86 6816 4223 21286 226 21060 1.06
ml 47299 2052 12650 133 32464 694 6468 762 5706 11.78
mr 56318 80 44562 3 11620 4521 2144 581 1563 27.10
or 7658 78 1814 5 5761 5132 811 233 573 28.91
pa 38547 598 13805 106 24038 11121 484 357 127 73.76
sa 72488 293 53424 30 18740 9164 23428 765 22663 3.27
ta 409058 221 338238 166 70433 39010 11438 6985 4451 61.08
te 67599 1682 16162 94 49661 31536 14372 5147 9225 35.81

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