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IRC office hours/Office hours 2014-01-09

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Chat on Metrics Meeting
Thursday 09 January 2014
19:00 - 20:00 UTC

[18:52:48] <marktraceur> Hello all!
[18:53:00] <marktraceur> Metrics will be starting up in a few minutes here (roughly 8, but maybe up to ten)
[18:53:20] <marktraceur> I'm not the IRC czar today, I hear rumours that Jamesofur|away is playing that role
[18:53:30] <marktraceur> So please hilight him if you have questions
[18:53:37] <marktraceur> The stream link is in the topic as always
[18:56:01] <greg-g> marktraceur: is there a non-plus link? just a youtube link?
[18:56:06] <greg-g> what's with the "Are you going to watch?
[18:56:08] <greg-g> "
[18:56:14] <marktraceur> greg-g: No, Google's fucked everything
[18:56:41] <greg-g> Jamesofur: QUESTION: Can we please switch away from Google Plus? kthx.
[18:57:24] <marktraceur> Reminder, the stream link is at https://plus.google.com/events/crqoknckp6413o74bglvk72h6a0
[18:57:30] * legoktm votes for youtube�
[18:57:33] <marktraceur> Second reminder, bother Jamesofur with your questions!
[18:57:35] <Jamesofur> greg-g: I wish, but we can't avoid it :(
[18:57:43] <greg-g> yes we can
[18:57:50] * aude actually around�
[18:58:01] <Jamesofur> ahh the youtube link yes
[18:58:06] * Jamesofur gets youtube link�
[18:58:07] <aude> happy to just watch
[18:58:19] <Jamesofur> (actually I think the youtube link only exists once we've started, so will post here asap)
[18:58:21] <marktraceur> Jamesofur: There is no youtube link, only Zuul^WGoogle Plus
[18:58:22] <greg-g> we can also just stop using google for email and using a social network to do work things ;)
[18:58:44] <marktraceur> "just" I like the way you think, greg-g
[18:58:50] <bd808> Last month it was possible to get the youtube link after the stream started
[18:59:03] <Jamesofur> aye, I think bd808 is correct
[18:59:08] <marktraceur> Oh, hm
[18:59:12] <Jamesofur> when it starts live streaming the youtube link gets created
[18:59:13] <greg-g> marktraceur: we already manage way more email traffic via lists.wikimedia.org, no reason we can't for @wikimedia.org email addresses
[18:59:16] <greg-g> #preachestochoir
[18:59:50] <Jamesofur> google has turned out to be a significantly better email system then the (which we DID run) especially since most people pushed it into their personal gmails anyway (which causes it's own issues)
[18:59:55] <marcoil> or, at the very least, is there a way of telling G+ to use the whole window for the stream instead of using less than half for it and the rest for Robert's accoount? :P
[19:00:04] <bd808> greg-g: Be careful, you'll get yourself transferred to ITOPS
[19:00:08] <effeietsanders> Jamesofur: can you share the youtube link when you find it?
[19:00:11] <Jamesofur> yup
[19:00:17] <Jamesofur> definitely will
[19:00:25] <effeietsanders> \m/
[19:01:33] <Jamesofur> starting up in a sec
[19:01:44] <brion> Question: the new streaming link is on plus.google.com not youtube?
[19:01:46] <brion> just confirming :)
[19:01:47] <marktraceur> Starting...now!
[19:01:54] <marktraceur> brion: Seems like
[19:02:04] <Bence> would it make sense to actually start the stream a few minutes early - even with muted mikes - to ensure the link can be sent out, and youtube ca sych up for everyone? (For next time)
[19:02:10] <subbu> brion asked my question
[19:02:13] <legoktm> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YD6Tn07FxD0
[19:02:15] <brion> ok https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YD6Tn07FxD0
[19:02:16] <legoktm> greg-g: ^
[19:02:41] <AndyRussG> Thanks legoktm and brion
[19:02:54] <greg-g> ty
[19:02:57] <sumanah> I'm getting error occurred/please stand by
[19:03:00] <bd808> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YD6Tn07FxD0
[19:03:10] <greg-g> please stand by is normal
[19:03:13] <marcoil> \o/
[19:03:26] <meganhernandez> moiz!
[19:03:41] <shahyar> get ready for my name to be pronounced
[19:03:55] <Jamesofur> Bence: That's not a bad idea, I'll bring it up to Chip after the meeting for next time
[19:04:05] <marktraceur> More better
[19:04:25] <effeietsanders> bence: that seems to be what happened
[19:04:30] <effeietsanders> as it is still on stand by
[19:04:46] <Bence> the stream has started for me
[19:04:54] <Bence> it takes for youtube to roll out globally
[19:05:00] <Jamesofur> aye, it should be going, if you aren't seeing it please refresh
[19:05:06] <legoktm> I'm still standing by
[19:05:07] <greg-g> not for me, just refreshed
[19:05:08] <Bence> that is why it makes sense to start the stream early
[19:05:23] * sumanah refreshes, still gets error/Please Stand By�
[19:05:33] <legoktm> oh
[19:05:34] <legoktm> there we go
[19:05:35] <aude> https://plus.google.com/events/crqoknckp6413o74bglvk72h6a0 works
[19:05:42] <marcoil> also it usually doesn't auto-start until I refresh, at least for me
[19:05:43] <Jamesofur> odd...
[19:06:01] * aude only so good with this google technology though :)�
[19:06:05] <Jamesofur> yeah, the refresh makes sense (not preferable but makes sense) it shouldn't require it longer though
[19:06:07] <HaeB> some (experimental) livetweeting today: https://twitter.com/Wikimedia
[19:06:12] <brion> agh i've got errors now
[19:06:16] <AnnaKoval> Hi Bence :) OIT would like to know why you'd like them to start the stream early.
[19:06:18] * bd808 lost audio :(�
[19:06:32] <Jamesofur> AnnaKoval: So that we have a youtube link from the start
[19:06:41] <Jamesofur> and because the first couple minutes always cause errors
[19:06:57] <AnnaKoval> @Jamesofurseems like it!
[19:07:03] <brion> ok i can load the youtube link only in chrome. sigh
[19:07:25] <Jamesofur> brion: what were you trying earlier?
[19:07:35] <Jamesofur> I have it in firefox, though I do have the html5 editor enabled which could have an effect
[19:07:53] <sumanah> yup, works in Chrome now
[19:07:54] <brion> Jamesofur: firefox, where i'm logged in with both google accounts (personal gmail primary)
[19:07:59] <brion> in chrome i'm wikimedia-only
[19:08:15] <Jamesofur> this is on the plug.google or youtube link?
[19:08:21] <brion> either
[19:08:29] <Jamesofur> I'm on 3 google accounts (one with 2 youtube accounts) on chrome but only the one on firefox
[19:08:31] <Jamesofur> hmmm
[19:08:44] <cndiv> I'm running metrics. Tell me what's up with the audio, please?
[19:08:47] <Jamesofur> Andrew Otto from Analytics on talking about logging now
[19:08:57] <cndiv> Jamesofur: are there audio issues?
[19:09:03] <effeietsanders> cndiv: not here
[19:09:06] <effeietsanders> audio is fine
[19:09:07] <Bence> audio is good for me
[19:09:09] <effeietsanders> better than ever
[19:09:09] <Jamesofur> cndiv: Not that I've heard yet, there were streaming issues
[19:09:18] <marktraceur> 2014-01-09 - 11:06:18 * bd808 lost audio :(
[19:09:22] <cndiv> ok good stuff
[19:09:29] <cndiv> marktraceur: wonder if that's his side
[19:09:31] <Jamesofur> ahh there is one sorry
[19:09:35] <Jamesofur> bd808: still having issues?
[19:10:09] <bd808> Yes. I can't get video now either. Probably on my end somehow
[19:10:20] <siebrand> We're having a Metrics meeting viewing hangout.
[19:10:27] <greg-g> (I can confirm Fx not getting video, but chromium does)
[19:10:32] <siebrand> Please let me know your G+ email address for an invitation :)
[19:10:47] <cndiv> siebrand: you mean you're re-broadcasting the meeting?
[19:11:03] <siebrand> cndiv: No, we have a hangout where we can watch the metrics meeting together.
[19:11:13] <siebrand> cndiv: You're in SF "we're" in th ehangout.
[19:11:13] <Jamesofur> so meta
[19:11:13] <cndiv> siebrand: oh interesting
[19:11:28] <cndiv> ok back to it
[19:11:32] <cndiv> let me know if there are troubles
[19:11:34] <cndiv> thanks
[19:11:54] <effeietsanders> there's a bit of echo now
[19:12:09] <StevenW> ottomata: how do we get access to run queries on Hive
[19:12:09] <effeietsanders> (with andrew)
[19:12:09] <StevenW>  ?
[19:12:16] <marcoil> not always mismatched, sometimes I consult things in other languages on purpose…
[19:12:18] <Jamesofur> cndiv: echo
[19:12:28] <brion> woooo mobile apps
[19:12:30] <siebrand> halfak joined. Yay! :)
[19:12:33] <halfak>  :)
[19:12:34] <marcoil> not everyone on the internet is uni-lingual ;)
[19:12:47] <Ironholds> StevenW: as I understand it, hive is (at the moment) a bit...hard to use (I was alpha testing it a couple of months back)
[19:13:06] <tnegrin> this is a bit of a teaser -- we're still productizing it
[19:13:07] <marktraceur> I browse simple.wikipedia.org, but first I switch my accept-language header to "simple"
[19:13:08] <ottomata> StevenW, you can get access, just submit an RT request for access to analytics machines to use hadoop
[19:13:13] <Ironholds> but you get access by getting howie as your manager and the analytics team to sign off on it, basically, through an RT request (same as the SQL slaves, or..)
[19:13:14] <Ironholds> snap
[19:13:19] <ottomata> but, that comes with the caveat that it is not productionized yet
[19:13:23] <ottomata> you can play with it
[19:13:26] <ottomata> but don't rely on it yet :p
[19:13:27] <tnegrin> totally
[19:13:27] <Ironholds> it's fun to play with
[19:13:31] <StevenW> Yeah I'd love to test it out
[19:13:50] <tnegrin> let's make it happen
[19:13:51] <Ironholds> tnegrin: I spend a month working on taking the request logs and generating granular UA data and you don't mention varnishkafka being this far along why? ;p
[19:14:05] <marcoil> marktraceur: does "simple" have an ISO langcode?
[19:14:07] <Jamesofur> For those that didn't catch it this is a Mobile apps update from Kenan, a bit out of order because of a meeting
[19:14:21] <Jamesofur> marcoil: no
[19:14:26] <MissGayle> Thanks James :)
[19:14:27] * bd808 gives up and goes to eat lunch instead�
[19:14:29] <marcoil> (just wondering)
[19:14:30] <tnegrin> Ironholds: honestly -- it just kind of came together over the break -- I wouldn't want you to wait on it
[19:14:42] <Ironholds> tnegrin: kk. Any chance this means we can get better than a 1:1000 ratio?
[19:14:43] <Eloquence> how's the video coming through?
[19:14:44] <sumanah> yay "other languages"!
[19:14:45] <marktraceur> marcoil: doesn't stop me trying
[19:14:49] <tnegrin> yep
[19:14:53] <Ironholds> a lot of the data we really don't need, which should reduce volume and frequency
[19:14:55] <brion> marcoil: to label it correctly, it might be something like en-x-simple; afaik no *proper* full code for it
[19:14:59] <marcoil> marktraceur: :D
[19:14:59] <ragesoss> "saved page" makes it seems like it just saved an edit.
[19:15:07] <tnegrin> Ironholds: totally -- _but_ it's just for mobile
[19:15:11] <ottomata> Ironholds: this is unsampled
[19:15:14] <brion> ragesoss: good point, we should clarify the language on that
[19:15:14] <sumanah> yay "saved pages"
[19:15:14] <ottomata> yeah just for mobile data right now
[19:15:16] <StevenW> Yeah interface copy could use some work there.
[19:15:18] <Jamesofur> marcoil: yeah, it's a pseudo code to allow us to have the url but iso wise it's still 'en'
[19:15:19] <Ironholds> ottomata, wait, seriously?
[19:15:21] <Ironholds> nice!
[19:15:26] <ottomata> yeah, so
[19:15:27] <ottomata> that query i showed
[19:15:31] <ottomata> was run on 24 hours of data
[19:15:34] <brion> especially since we're adding editing too :D
[19:15:35] * Ironholds giggles in glee at the prospect of unsampled data�
[19:15:35] <ottomata> unsampled mobile data
[19:15:39] <ottomata> about 260GB uncompressed
[19:15:46] <ottomata> returned in 10 mins
[19:15:47] <brion> yeah the video goes on for another minute, stop it whenever ;)
[19:15:54] <Ironholds> ottomata, so, in case you haven't heard, guess what I've been working on while you guys have been working on varnishkafka, completely ignorant of your work?
[19:16:03] <brion> oh noooooo the other video isn't working
[19:16:04] <brion> darn
[19:16:08] <greg-g> we google drive!
[19:16:08] <brion> good thing we had two :D
[19:16:12] <greg-g> weee*
[19:16:17] <ottomata> Ironholds: what?!
[19:16:37] <Ironholds> a series of filters to break down requests into actual requests rather than requests-for-weird-bits-of-mediawiki and then break it down by namespace, project, project language, API-or-not, edit-request-or-not, and then unique UA
[19:16:51] <Ironholds> on the sampled data, while going "man, I wish I had more data than this" ;p
[19:16:58] <Jamesofur> Next up is Stephen Walling with a Growth Team update on article creation research and draft namespace
[19:17:00] <Ironholds> so, this is...sympatico, I guess.
[19:17:07] <greg-g> can someone give me those dates again for mobile releases?
[19:17:12] <legoktm> Jamesofur: Steven* :P
[19:17:24] <Jamesofur> yes, damn spellcheck ;)
[19:17:26] <chrismcmahon> Jan 31 greg-g I believe I heard
[19:17:30] <ottomata> yeah, Ironholds, there is a lot of incomplete work in hadoop for what you are trying to do too
[19:17:31] <ottomata> ummm
[19:17:33] <greg-g> there were two, I thought
[19:17:33] <halfak> Question for Kenan: If I pull the Wikipedia app from the android store right now, will I get the version you are demoing?
[19:17:35] <greg-g> brion: ^
[19:17:40] <ottomata> at least, real pageviews, ua classification,e tc.
[19:17:42] <greg-g> brion: release dates? what were they?
[19:17:43] <brion> greg-g: mid to late february iirc
[19:17:52] <greg-g> what were the things?
[19:17:56] <Ironholds> ottomata, cool! Mine is...broadly-speaking, done
[19:17:57] <marcoil> greg-g: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1hcCEygGvtSAqcWDMbP2RZrhivo11wY9PDkOt6RbWouA/edit?usp=sharing
[19:17:58] * greg-g didn't get it written down in time�
[19:18:04] <greg-g> thanks marcoil
[19:18:08] <Ironholds> broadly as in "it needs a lot of refinement and to be paralellised, but works"
[19:18:43] <ottomata> Ironholds:
[19:18:43] <ottomata> https://github.com/wikimedia/kraken/tree/master/kraken-generic/src/main/java/org/wikimedia/analytics/kraken/pageview
[19:18:46] <greg-g> what's kenan's irc nick?
[19:18:49] <Ironholds> ottomata, ta
[19:19:12] <brion> greg-g: i believe just 'kenanwang'
[19:19:39] <greg-g> simple, I like
[19:19:52] <Jamesofur> aye, that's what the contact list says as well
[19:19:56] <Ironholds> ottomata, that'll need a lot of tweaking. Want me to submit some patches and try working on it at my end?
[19:20:08] <Ironholds> I don't know Java, but I know aaaall the weird exceptions and use cases here ;p
[19:20:45] <Ironholds> and the syntax looks relatively familiar.
[19:20:59] <siebrand> What's the survival % of published drafts?
[19:21:10] <siebrand> (or is that 100% by default?)
[19:21:28] <Eloquence> siebrand, I'd be cautious to interpret this data at all given that Draft: isn't prominently advertised anywhere yet, AFAIK
[19:21:30] <tnegrin> Ironholds: reach out to Christian -- he's working on the page view definitions -- it's likely we will not use the kraken codebase
[19:21:43] <Ironholds> okie-dokes. What are the other options being explored?
[19:21:58] <tnegrin> java UDFs
[19:22:04] <Ironholds> aha
[19:22:20] <Ironholds> and then just build it into hadoop and make it poke-able?
[19:22:54] <tnegrin> basically we want to write some fundamentals in java which allows hive and/or other tools to access them
[19:23:01] <Ironholds> *nods*
[19:23:07] <Jamesofur> StevenW: For when you're back quick question from siebrand about survival rate
[19:23:15] <StevenW> siebrand: don't know yet, but I can find out. :)
[19:23:16] <Ironholds> I know...most of those words. Anyway, we should have this conversation in meatspace or another channel to avoid hogging p
[19:23:19] <siebrand> k
[19:23:22] <halfak> Monthly research showcase is next wednesday
[19:23:23] <siebrand> thanks
[19:23:26] <Jamesofur> (though Erik gave a good warning about how much it's being used)
[19:24:24] <halfak> Jamesofur: I can talk about the survival metric.
[19:24:34] <Jamesofur> perfect!
[19:24:37] <tnegrin> Ironholds: kk
[19:24:48] <Jamesofur> siebrand: Looks like halfak is your man
[19:25:23] <siebrand> Jamesofur: Ah, he's in the same hangout at the moment :)
[19:25:34] <Jamesofur> well that's not fair!
[19:25:39] <Jamesofur> We want to hear! :P
[19:25:49] * Jamesofur feels left out�
[19:26:03] <greg-g> "IT WORKS, well, not anymore"
[19:27:03] <Jamesofur> the real time is my favorite thing with the new system
[19:27:11] <Jamesofur> the 24 hour thing really annoyed me
[19:27:57] <chrismcmahon> we did find an edge case where searching with accented characters yields slightly different results than previous search, but it's still really nice. it was fun working CirrusSearch on beta labs
[19:28:19] <Jamesofur> oooooo I didn't even realize we are doing searchable pdf etc
[19:28:25] <manybubbles> chrismcmahon: I'm actually getting around to fix that
[19:28:34] <sumanah> YAYAYAY PDF & DJVU search!!
[19:28:36] <chrismcmahon> manybubbles: you rawk :-)
[19:28:42] <sumanah> this is so great!
[19:28:49] <ragesoss> in case this isn't answered by the end: does this mean a just-uploaded file on Commons will show up in VisualEditor right away?
[19:28:54] <sumanah> I am loving so much of the news in today's meeting
[19:29:04] <MissGayle> Hi Sumanah! :) Glad you're back!
[19:29:06] <chrismcmahon> CirrusSearch was the first extension to be hosted on beta labs before production release
[19:29:17] <sumanah> hi MissGayle! :) Glad to see you
[19:29:27] <manybubbles> ragesoss: if it doesn't then it is a bug
[19:29:31] <manybubbles> so yes
[19:29:34] <russavia> from a commons standpoint, an important thing in relation to search is if under the new search regime will searching for toothbrush, still return a photo of a woman shoving a toothbrush in her hoo-hoo?
[19:30:01] <Eloquence> russavia, it will return an image of YOU
[19:30:18] <Jamesofur> if they are categorized... probably
[19:30:26] <StevenW> russavia: I think you can answer that by turning on the new search in Beta Features?
[19:30:27] <ragesoss> manybubbles: and that should be working as soon as it hits en.wiki, I take it?
[19:30:29] <marktraceur> Use Commons search results as a replacement for a mirror when you're brushing?
[19:30:30] <russavia> well eloquence, i've never used a toothbrush, a gerbil..sure...but never a toothbrush
[19:30:38] <Eloquence> tmi
[19:30:44] <russavia>  :)
[19:30:44] * Jamesofur hides�
[19:31:05] <manybubbles> ragesoss: it won't hit enwiki as the default backend for a while
[19:31:13] <DarTar> getting a nasty fatal exception for search on mw.org right now
[19:31:15] <DarTar> [84b31246] 2014-01-09 19:31:01: Fatal exception of type MWException
[19:31:17] <manybubbles> 1.5-2.5 monthsish
[19:31:19] <manybubbles> bleh
[19:31:22] <DarTar> https://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?search=user+agents&title=Special%3ASearch&fulltext=1
[19:31:26] <russavia> StevenW, intelligence search is what we were after
[19:31:26] <marktraceur> Oh, good, it's project wide
[19:31:30] <mhurd> Eloquence: the iOS video should work now (if set to 720p it looks nice): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzrhW8TFc_0NZjlGSUhiYm1PQ3c/edit?usp=sharing
[19:31:35] <greg-g> marktraceur: what?!
[19:31:35] <manybubbles> DarTar: its everything
[19:31:49] <ragesoss> manybubbles: that's "soon" to my mind. :)
[19:31:57] <marktraceur> greg-g: To ops!
[19:32:04] <Jamesofur> ragesoss: Just talked to Chad, he says that's one of the reasons they fixed the 24 hour thing
[19:32:06] <Jamesofur> because of VE
[19:32:07] <DarTar> ouch
[19:32:46] <greg-g> someone tell chad to get on irc :)
[19:32:49] <Bence> what was the 24 hour thing?
[19:33:00] <greg-g> marktraceur: ^
[19:33:10] <Jamesofur> Bence: the old search engine only updates the index every 24 hours
[19:33:16] <marktraceur> greg-g: It's a Parser error I thought?
[19:33:24] <Jamesofur> and that meant something like VE couldn't find files right away either
[19:33:29] <marktraceur> Oh, he join ops
[19:33:30] <greg-g> marktraceur: maybe :)
[19:33:37] <Bence> I see, thanks
[19:34:13] <StevenW> so to answer the question russavia
[19:34:15] <Jamesofur> [the new system will do it much faster generally in seconds to minutes]
[19:34:27] <StevenW> https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?search=toothbrush&title=Special%3ASearch&fulltext=1 with new search gives a bunch of categories/pages as the first 5-10 results
[19:34:50] <siebrand> The Metrics meeting viewing party in Hangout is still open. Please provide me with your Google+ email address in a PM for an invitation. Currently there are pginer, halfak , aharoni and I.
[19:34:57] <StevenW> while old search gives page "Toothbrush" and then images, not including the nude ones of old
[19:35:59] <manybubbles> StevenW: it isn't really that different
[19:36:19] <halfak> Is the tasks over time graph cumulative?
[19:36:29] <chrismcmahon> the GCI contributors were more competent and professional than we expected, it was nice
[19:36:37] <StevenW> manybubbles: really? Everything above the fold in new search is a page or a category.
[19:36:41] <StevenW> that's quite different
[19:36:41] <marktraceur> halfak: Seems like yes
[19:37:43] <greg-g> wordcloud!
[19:37:56] <Jamesofur> chrismcmahon: how was it compared to GSoC?
[19:38:44] <chrismcmahon> Jamesofur: it's kind of apples and oranges to GSoC. the GCI tasks were of a much smaller scope than the GSoC projects.
[19:38:55] <chrismcmahon> Jamesofur: and the age of the participants very different also
[19:39:15] <Jamesofur> aye, that's why I asked tbh
[19:39:32] <siebrand> CodeIn was awesome.
[19:39:39] <sumanah> I look forward to public Lessons learned from GCI
[19:40:06] <Jamesofur> if they were still totally apples/oranges that's fine but I wondered if we felt it was as useful/more useful etc (part of me can say the smaller projects may actually be more)
[19:41:55] <chrismcmahon> Jamesofur: we had a couple of contributors do some really great work. one in particular was very highly motivated, and zeljkof was a great mentor for him
[19:42:05] <Jamesofur> perfect
[19:42:12] <Jamesofur> hopefully we can keep him/them
[19:43:02] <chrismcmahon> Jamesofur: another spent far longer than he needed on a task and turned in work much more sophisticated than we expected. again, I can't say enough about zeljkof mentoring, that was a key factor in the successes.
[19:43:42] <zeljkof> Jamesofur, chrismcmahon: code-in was a lot of fun but also a lot of work :)
[19:44:09] <Jamesofur> mentoring in general is a huge deal, it is a lot of work but is also the key to succeeding and getting people to stay so \o/ zeljkof
[19:44:34] <Jamesofur> what did those guys work on?
[19:45:45] <sumanah> Do we have a specific latency goal? I think I missed that
[19:45:56] <greg-g> "This page intentionally left blank."
[19:46:14] <chrismcmahon> Jamesofur: browser test automation using Cucumber and Ruby, Jenkins configuration were standouts. Also documentation. zeljkof, what else?
[19:46:30] <greg-g> sumanah: until we get down below a second, probably just "Faster, since we're getting slower"
[19:46:35] <zeljkof> chrismcmahon, Jamesofur: I think that is it
[19:46:40] <Jamesofur> YAY DOCUMENTATION AND TESTS \o/
[19:46:41] <MissGayle> I like learning stuff from Ori
[19:46:55] <Jamesofur> MissGayle: that's not fair, you just like learning stuff in general
[19:46:59] <Jamesofur> though he IS a good teacher :)
[19:47:01] * sumanah agrees with MissGayle �
[19:47:10] * heatherw also�
[19:47:13] <MissGayle> That IS true :)
[19:47:47] <chrismcmahon> Jamesofur: thanks for your endorsement! :-)
[19:48:10] <Jamesofur> very :D
[19:48:48] <MissGayle> :D
[19:48:54] * sumanah applauds�
[19:49:02] <MissGayle> We need more ways to reward mentoring in the Foundation
[19:49:13] <MissGayle> I'm open to ideas
[19:49:40] <sumanah> MissGayle: I'll think about that and try to give you ideas
[19:49:46] <Jamesofur> pie in the sky too
[19:49:56] <ezachte> Yeah for Ori for saving so many lifetimes, 1 second per view times so many billion views per month adds up big time.
[19:50:37] <russavia> just one point -- if fewer searches are being done maybe it's because people found what they were looking for in an earlier search (with 30 results instead of 10)
[19:51:37] <marktraceur> russavia: I think they would not measure "get page 2" as a second search
[19:52:14] <halfak> Bravo ori. Point well made.
[19:52:20] <Eloquence> +1
[19:52:23] <greg-g> ori: best one of these I've seen :)
[19:52:42] <Jamesofur> Katy up for an FDC update now :)
[19:52:43] <StevenW> Who is Katy? What is this round 1 thing which is done?
[19:52:49] <subbu> good presentation ori
[19:52:49] <StevenW> How is babby formed?
[19:52:58] <Jamesofur> actually I think they were really focused but much less stressed then earlier
[19:53:21] <Eloquence> Katy Love presenting on the Funds Dissemination Committee :-)
[19:53:28] <Eloquence> which gives annual grants to Wikimedia affiliates
[19:53:42] <Jamesofur> https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/User:KLove_(WMF) ;)
[19:54:44] <greg-g> I love the "SALE!" star graphic ;)
[19:54:52] <mwalker> hmm... I wonder if we remitted donations into the local currency (if we predicted how much a grant was likely to be) if we could save a ton on forex fees
[19:55:02] <mwalker> or if that would cost too much to manage
[19:55:04] <marktraceur> greg-g: ACTUAL SIZE!
[19:55:29] <Jamesofur> mwalker: I know, from at least past discussions, that has been discussed for some things like Euros but that for lots of other currencies finance wasn't sure it was worth the overhead
[19:55:40] <mwalker> *nods* we do actually do it for euro
[19:55:49] <Jamesofur> granted last time i talked about it was a while ago
[19:55:52] <Jamesofur> up next is Siko with an update on the Individual Engagement Grants round that just finished (round 2 )
[19:55:59] <Jamesofur> Individual Engagement Grants support Wikimedians to complete projects that benefit the Wikimedia movement. Our focus is on experimentation for online impact.
[19:56:46] <sumanah> Are we running like 10 min late/over? (I have a thing that is supposed to start at the hour mark)
[19:57:45] <Jamesofur> I think we are, yes, sumanah
[19:57:46] <Eloquence> sumanah, yeah, I think I'll still take Fabrice until Siko goes really long
[19:57:55] <Eloquence> s/until/unless/
[19:58:10] <sumanah> ok, will delay my other thing
[19:58:24] <teekay> Is the metrics and activities meeting concluded?
[19:58:29] <Eloquence> not yet
[19:58:39] <Eloquence> still going on, see topic
[19:59:09] <AndyRussG> Great stuff, ori, StevenW!
[19:59:36] <teekay> Sorry, not a regular on IRC, and I just joined. Didn't know "topic" is in upper-left corner. Thanks, Erik!
[19:59:42] <Eloquence> np
[19:59:58] <sumanah> Yayyyyy Gadgets compatibility! This is great. Crosswiki gadgets-related coordination is a super-needed thing
[20:00:02] <StevenW> +1
[20:01:36] <greg-g> YAG+R (Yet Another G+ Rant): Boy I can't wait to watch "Miley Cyrus - Get It Right & Wrecking Ball - New Year's Rockin' Eve " after this!
[20:02:18] <Eloquence> greg-g, G+ really understands you and cares about you on a personal level
[20:02:32] <greg-g> Eloquence: :P
[20:02:48] <brion> ah it's the TPS report
[20:02:54] * greg-g will shut up when we switch away ;)�
[20:02:56] <teekay> Who is currently speaking on the YouTube stream?
[20:03:03] <Eloquence> This is Siko Bouterse
[20:03:09] <subbu> greg-g, it is your fault for not allowing google to monitor all your habits
[20:03:09] <manybubbles> greg-g: it wants me to watch minions
[20:03:18] <Jamesofur> greg-g: I look forward to listening to you for years to come :)
[20:03:24] <Eloquence> She organizes the Individual Engagement Grants and, I think, Travel Support
[20:03:24] * Jamesofur ducks�
[20:03:27] <Ironholds> greg-g, evidently we're all pinging you
[20:03:31] <Ironholds> greg-g, this is a fun game
[20:03:36] * greg-g feels loved�
[20:03:41] <Eloquence> hey greg-g
[20:03:46] <subbu> how abotu we now ping Ironholds next?
[20:03:51] <Ironholds> Eloquence, you talking to greg-g?
[20:04:24] <marcoil> youtube is way better, next up is a Sherlock mini-episode
[20:04:28] <marcoil> greg-g: ^^
[20:04:33] <Jamesofur> Last up, Fabrice talking about the Multimedia vision for the next couple years
[20:04:42] <greg-g> marcoil: I got that one, too!
[20:04:55] <Jamesofur> G+ really does now Wikimedians
[20:05:01] <Jamesofur> Sherlock and Miley Cyrus
[20:05:12] <Jamesofur> *know
[20:05:39] <greg-g> no Thomas the train, which is surprising given my current youtube history
[20:05:50] <Jamesofur> lol
[20:06:06] <sumanah> greg-g: anomie and another person caused me to learn of Dinosaur Train
[20:06:31] <Jamesofur> are you showing your kid copyrighted videos on youtube!? Horrible an shocking :D
[20:06:42] <Jamesofur> what are you training him! To be a PIRATE!?
[20:06:58] <marktraceur> Yaharr
[20:07:02] <sumanah> I find the idea of "Wiki Loves Birds" heartwarming :)
[20:07:08] <Jamesofur> to be fair they may like that
[20:07:19] <greg-g> Jamesofur: from the videos we watch: "I do not own Thomas The Tank Engine! It is owned by HIT Entertainment and this video does not make or intend to make a profit."
[20:07:24] <greg-g>  :)
[20:07:37] <Jamesofur> greg-g: yeah, I like how they think that helps lol
[20:07:40] <marktraceur> Aw, cute, they think that matters
[20:07:42] <greg-g>  :)
[20:07:54] <Ironholds> well, it can be a factor
[20:08:02] <Ironholds> just not on youtube ;p
[20:08:06] <marktraceur> Speaking of copyvio, let's commit it on the youtube stream!
[20:08:17] <Ironholds> do not cross go, do not avoid having your life's assets stolen for looking at hollywood funny
[20:08:29] <marcoil> my favourite video on youtube is "This video is not available in your country"
[20:08:30] <Jamesofur> it can be a factor if they get sued money wise etc but yeah, not in culpability.
[20:08:47] <greg-g> marktraceur: :) is PBS very litigious?
[20:08:48] <Jamesofur> marktraceur: we already got Chip temp banned that way lets not get Robert banned :P
[20:08:58] <marktraceur> Jamesofur: Ah you're no fun
[20:09:01] <sumanah> this is a great, understandable, and IMO inspiring vision for the future of multimedia at WMF, thank you Fabrice
[20:09:16] <marktraceur> greg-g: Geez, you gotta hope not.
[20:09:27] <Jamesofur> never seen them sue... which is probably a good sign
[20:09:31] <sumanah> multimedia across Wikimedia actually
[20:09:46] <greg-g> who made this slide deck images?
[20:09:59] <Jamesofur> Clearly the argument would be that the money they get from the US Government means it should be available
[20:10:06] <Jamesofur> Thanks for coming everyone
[20:10:13] <Jamesofur> that will end the meeting for today
[20:10:24] <marktraceur> greg-g: fabriceflorin did, with pginer's help
[20:10:31] <greg-g> cool, impressed
[20:10:49] <marcoil> thanks to all the presenters, great work!
[20:11:05] <Eloquence> thanks all :)