IIIT Hyderabad Mini Hackathon 2023
Event details: https://indicwiki.iiit.ac.in/summit-2023/
Project Showcase / Outcomes
[edit]Project: WikiShootMe Userscript for Wikipedia
- Username: Gopa Vasanth
- Description: This userscript takes latitude and longitude coordinates from the wikipedia page and redirects the user to the Wikishoot tool page, which shows nearby Wikimedia Commons images of the location.
- Link to script: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Gopavasanth/UserScripts/WikiShootMe.js
- Link to install script: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Gopavasanth/UserScripts
Project: Translations to Telugu
[edit]- Usernames:
- V Bhavya
- Thirumal Goud
- T Mamatha
- B Divya
- Summary: A total of 455 software strings were translated
- Contributed translations to the following software projects:
- MediaWiki Most Important messages
- Echo
- Blue Spice Echo Connector
- Colourless Echo JavaScript Kit
- ContentTranslation extension
- Universal Language Selector
- Wikipedia
Project: IndicRefTool
[edit]- Usernames:
- Jim Carter
- Kmaniiisha071
- GitHub link: https://github.com/RudraPSinha/WikiRef_Tool
- Summary:
- Contributed to building the WikiRef Tool that uses Open AI completion models to fetch references that can be used for citation and generation of content.
- Build the frontend of the tool with React and attached the first instance of the server built on Node.
Tool is available for test use at: https://astonishing-shortbread-7be40b.netlify.app/ Hosting it at Netlify as the Toolforge Account is having some issues.
Project: Improve VideoCutTool infrastructure
[edit]- Usernames:
- Mohan Sai Krishna
- Bhanu Sai Teja
- Gana Jayant
- Phabrciator: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T330755
- GitHub: https://github.com/ganajayant/video-cut-tool
- Summary: Worked on simplifying the stack that VideoCutTool depends on by replacing the usage of MongoDb with Sqlite. The work is still ongoing and a patch will be submitted by the volunteers soon.
Project: Voice Search
[edit]- Usernames: Nenavath Sunil
- GitHub patch: https://github.com/Sunilstar-V/Sunilstar-V.github.io/blob/main/Voice_search_engine.js
- External tool: https://github.com/Sunilstar-V/Web_designs_using_CSS_html_javascript/blob/main/voise_search_engine.html
- Summary:
- Added the voice-based search on the Wikipedia search page. So users can directly search for anything using voice commands.
Project: Tamil Wikisource Index categorization
[edit]- Username: info-farmer
- GitHub URL: https://github.com/tha-uzhavan/wikisource
- Summary:
- Many newbies are asking for books on the basis of a specific page number. For e.g. they need books which are having less than 50 pages. So, I am creating this code to classify and write categories according to the maximum page of the book.
- Just write index book names in அட்டவணைகள்.txt and run this program. This program will then add the category according to the highest page number of the book.
- Please check the code readme link for more details. https://github.com/tha-uzhavan/wikisource/blob/main/README.md
Project: Translations to Punjabi
[edit]- Username: Jagseer S Sidhu
- Summary: Over 100 strings were translated
- Contributed translations to the following software projects:
- MediaWiki Most Important messages
- Wikisource Contest Tool
Project: AI based summary and article search
[edit]- Username: Sarvagya Agrawal
- Summary:
- The project aims to summarize the article using natural language processing techniques within 8 to 10 lines to provide the user with the intent of the article and help them decide whether it has relevant information or not. This can be done by clicking on the 'Get Summary' button.
- 'Get similar articles' help user to find out articles similar to the current article from wiki database which may be old or recently added articles in the database.
- GitHub: https://github.com/sarvagyaagrawal/wikipedia_hackathon