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This page is a translated version of the page Huggle/Download and the translation is 35% complete.

The latest version of Huggle is 3.4.13. It is strongly recommended that you always run the latest version, if possible.



When Windows shows this warning, click "More info" to override it.
Nuværende version (anbefalet)
To open, open the application, then close the warning that the app can't be opened. Then, open System Preferences > Security and Privacy > Open Anyway.
Ældre versioner kan findes her: https://github.com/huggle/huggle3-qt-lx/releases
List of all JS extensions


  • On all Linux distributions with snap preinstalled (such as Ubuntu 16.04 and newer), Huggle can be installed as easily as this:
    sudo snap install huggle
  • If your Linux distro does not have snap, then follow these instructions.


The current version is the release of Huggle with the most features and the most up-to-date changes and fixes. The legacy version is the old version of Huggle, which is no longer supported.


Running Huggle on Windows with High DPI displays (UHD)

If you have a high DPI monitor and you are using scaling (you probably do), you need to reconfigure your Huggle shortcut in order to run it properly, otherwise everything will be improperly sized:

  • First, install Huggle
  • Then find the shortcut you use to launch it, for example the one in the Start Menu and right click → Show location
  • In Explorer, right click → Properties
  • Now change the highlighted settings as can be seen on the picture on the right (Override high DPI scaling → System)

Windows: Unable to start application <random error code>

You probably downloaded 32 bit version and installed it over 64 bit (or vice versa) so parts of Huggle that stayed from previous installation use different architecture and Windows refuse to start the application this way.

Solution: completely wipe Huggle from your system, after uninstall remove any leftovers from Program Files and then try to install it again, it's recommended to download CPU architecture that you have (most likely x64).


Valgfrit, men anbefalet

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