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Heritage Lens/Iteration 3

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Heritage Lens
Deoband Community Wikimedia

The Iteration 3 of the Heritage Lens is tentatively scheduled to run from 26 to 28 March, 2024, in Delhi. Our fellow for this iteration will help photograph some of the Muslim heritage and bring it to Wikimedia Commons. Our fellow خوشبو helped upload over 130 images on Wikimedia Commons which are categorised here.

Some images!


Learning report


This section includes questions answered by the fellow for learning and evaluation purposes.

  • What do you think about the Heritage Lens initiative?

As an art and culture enthusiast hailing from Delhi, I found myself drawn towards this initiative. Under moonlit domes, Delhi, for me, carries whispers of centuries past. This city is a living canvas — a testament to history. Delhi’s heritage is not just about stones; it’s about stories. Stories and narratives that now seem to be rewritten by the State. As the political situation continues to deteriorate, I believe it becomes a solemn duty now more than ever to preserve and document the Muslim heritage that’s left. I consider it a privilege to be selected for this fellowship.

  • What new things did you learn during the execution of the project? What do you think about their impact?

One of the key learnings was understanding the technicalities of Wikimedia Commons and the process of uploading images. Under the guidance of DCW’s Program Lead, I learnt about the importance of proper categorization, the use of appropriate metadata, and the significance of licensing & copyright in the context of open-source platforms. I was given a hands-on lesson on accessing some of the tools that are directly integrated within the Wikimedia Commons web interface like HotCat, Twinkle. It was an eye-opener and a gateway into the expansive world of Wikimedia.

  • Did you face any challenges during the project? If yes, please tell about your experience and any possible ideas that you think could be helpful in mitigating those issues.

The 3-day tight schedule made it challenging to explore all the heritage locations. Rushing through sites can compromise the quality of documentation. Maybe spreading the fellowship over a week can produce better outcomes. Not having adequate logistical support well in advance made it difficult to begin the project. Timely logistical support is crucial. A fixed honorarium would also motivate the participants. The scorching heat posed additional challenge. I would suggest scheduling the next iteration of the Heritage Lens after August. The latter half of the year tends to be cooler, which could make the field visits more comfortable and productive for participants.

  • Do you have any additional remarks for the future iterations of the Heritage Lens? What should be improved?

DCW can consider organizing an exhibition featuring selected images from this project. To this end, collaborating with established art galleries can amplify the impact and visibility of Muslim heritage. Another improvement could be on the equipment front. Access to cameras, tripods, and different lenses can significantly enhance the quality of the captured images. Maybe the next iteration could benefit immensely from a well-planned itinerary that focuses on sites that deserve special attention.