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Here are some tools that may be helpful in converting Microsoft Word files to wiki markup:
- Word2MediaWikiPlus: Converts text, tables and pictures into wiki format.
- Word to TikiWiki
- Word to Confluence Converter(outdated)
- Microsoft Office Add-in (newer)
The conversion can also be done using a two step process using Perl. This requires the following software:
#!/bin/bash # doc2mw - Word to MediaWiki converter FILE=$1 TMP="$$-${FILE}" if [ -x "./html2mw" ]; then HTML2MW='./html2mw' else HTML2MW='html2mw' fi wvHtml --targetdir=/tmp "${FILE}" "${TMP}" # Remove extra divs perl -pi -e "s/\<div[^\>]+.\>//gi;" "/tmp/${TMP}" ${HTML2MW} "/tmp/${TMP}" rm "/tmp/${TMP}"
#!/usr/bin/perl # html2mw - HTML to MediaWiki converter use HTML::WikiConverter; my $b; while (<>) { $b .= $_; } my $w = new HTML::WikiConverter( dialect => 'MediaWiki' ); my $p = $w->html2wiki($b); # Substitutions to get rid of nasty things we don't need $p =~ s/<br \/>//g; $p =~ s/\ \;//g; print $p;
Disclaimer: These scripts are probably not the best way to do this, only a *possible* way to do this. Please feel free to improve them.
All in one version
[edit]#!/usr/bin/perl -w use HTML::WikiConverter; my $word_doc = shift or die; my $wvHtml = "/usr/bin/wvHtml"; open( PIPE, "$wvHtml $word_doc -|" ) or die; my $html_stage1 = ""; while( <PIPE> ) { $html_stage1 .= $_; } $html_stage1 =~ s/\<div[^\>]+.\>//gi; # Remove extra div's my $w = new HTML::WikiConverter( dialect => 'MediaWiki' ); my $p = $w->html2wiki( $html_stage1 ); # Clean up $p... $p =~ s/<br \/>//g; $p =~ s/\ \;//g; print $p;