Help:Page name/it
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La forma canonica di un nome di pagina è mostrato in grandi caratteri come testata della pagina. Un altro tipo di forma canonica è quello che viene generato negli URL dal sistema, per questa pagina "Aiuto:Nomi_delle_pagine" con i trattini bassi. Nomi alternativi per questa pagina (su molti progetti) sono aiuto:nomi delle pagine, aiuto:Nomi delle pagine, Aiuto:nomi delle pagine e Aiuto:Nomi delle pagine, ma non Aiuto:Nomi Delle Pagine; quelli in grassetto sono usati in questo progetto. Per i dettagli, guarda sotto.
[edit]Caratteri speciali
[edit]I seguenti caratteri (che possono essere configurati in "$wgLegalTitleChars") non sono ammessi nei titoli di pagina:
# < > [ ] | { }
Nemmeno i caratteri non-stampabili con valori ASCII compresi tra 0 e 31, ed il carattere 127 "delete" sono ammessi.
Tali caratteri sono disabilitati per tale ragione:
- [, ], {, }, e | hanno significati speciali nella sintassi di Wikipedia, e sono processati prima che venga determinato il nome della pagina. Per esempio, [[{{CURRENTYEAR}}]] punta a 2025, non alla pagina chiamata {{CURRENTYEAR}}.
Vedi anche w:en:Wikipedia:Naming conventions (technical restrictions).
Barra (/)
[edit]A seconda del namespace e delle impostazioni, la presenza di una barra nel Nome della Pagina serve per funzioni speciali, vedi Funzione delle sottopagine.
Prefissi dei namespace
[edit]Also, the first part of a page name may not coincide with a project-independent namespace prefix that is automatically converted to another one. As an example, the name Project: A-Kon on Wikipedia is not possible.
The first part of a page name can coincide with a namespace prefix that is not converted. For example, there might be articles in the English Wikipedia about books called Wikipedia: The Big Adventure and Talk: Secrets are Bad (but only without the space after the colon). However, in that case the pages are in the wrong namespace. This may be inconvenient in searching or displaying a list of pages. Also, in the second case there is no link to a Talk page about the book. (As explained above, the second page name is not possible on e.g. the German Wikipedia: see w:de:Talk: Secrets are Bad).
Prefissi che si riferiscono ad altri progetti oppure a pseudo-namespace
[edit]A page name cannot start with a prefix that is in use to refer to another project, including language codes, e.g. "en:" (list), or one of the pseudo-namespaces "Media:" and "Special:".
Thus e.g. an article about the album "Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!" can not have that exact name. An attempt to create the article, whether by a link Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo! or a URL leads to Wikiquote.
With regard to using the prefix of the project itself there is no consistency: a name like en:a cannot be used on en: (try w:en:a and w:en:en:a), while "Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!" can exist on Wikiquote: q:Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!.
Lunghezza massima del nome pagina
[edit]La massima lunghezza del nome pagina è di 255 byte (escluso il prefisso dello spazio dei nomi). Ricordiamoci che i caratteri non-ASCII, con la codifica UTF-8, possono richiedere fino a 4 bytes, pertanto il numero totale di caratteri che possiamo scrivere in un titolo può essere inferiore a 255 a seconda della lingua usata.
Spaces vs. underscores
[edit]In page names, a blank space is equivalent with an underscore. A blank space is displayed in the large font title at the top of the page, the URLs show an underscore. See also below.
[edit]If for the first letter of a page name two cases exist, as in the case of letters of the Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, and Armenian alphabets, the following applies.
All characters of namespace prefixes are case-insensitive. The canonical form, shown in large font as page header, and in URLs generated by the system, is on most projects with one capital; Klingon is an exception, see w:tlh:Chen'ay':h:h, where the c is converted to lower-case, and w:tlh:Qah:Page name, where the h is converted to upper-case. Below "page name" refers to the name without the possible namespace prefix.
Case-sensitivity of the first character
[edit]The first character of the page name (outside the main namespace: after the namespace prefix) may or may not be case-sensitive, depending on the project. [[Help:page name]] gives on this project: Help:page name. If the first character of the page name is case-sensitive this is a link (to a different page), otherwise it is bold (a self link to this page).
Currently the first character of the page name is case-insensitive, except in the following Wiktionaries:
Compare e.g. wikt:de:A and wikt:de:a, and wikt:nl:Sjabloon:H:f and wikt:nl:Sjabloon:h:f.
The same applies for the Klingon Wikipedia, compare e.g. w:tlh:jo and w:tlh:Jo.
Case where the first character is case-insensitive
[edit]The canonical form is with a capital.
Note that in the case of a prefix that is not a namespace for the software, and in the case of a second prefix, the case-insensitivity does not apply to the first character after this prefix, e.g. Template:H:h Help and [[Template:H:H Help]] are distinguished.
Case-sensitivity of the file name extension of an image
[edit]Note that even the file name extension of an image is case-sensitive: compare image:Stop_sign_us.jpg and image:Stop_sign_us.JPG
Ignored spaces/underscores
[edit]Spaces/underscores which are ignored:
- those at the start and end of a full page name
- those at the end of a namespace prefix, before the colon
- those after the colon of the namespace prefix
- duplicate consecutive spaces
Some show up in the link label, e.g. [[___help__ :_ _template_ _]] becomes ___help__ :_ _template_ _, linking to Help:Template.
However, a space before or after a "normal" colon makes a difference, e.g. MediaWiki User's Guide: Editing overview and MediaWiki User's Guide : Editing overview, and MediaWiki User's Guide:Editing overview are all distinguished, because "MediaWiki User's Guide:" is a pseudo-namespace, not a real one.
Coding of characters
[edit]A page name can not contain e.g. %41, because that is automatically converted to the character A, for which %41 is the code. [[%41]] is rendered as A. Similarly %C3%80 is automatically converted to the character À. [[%C3%80]] is rendered as À. The URL of the page is One can argue what is the real name of the page, %C3%80 or À (a user will say the latter), but anyway there can not be distinct pages with these names.
Canonical form
[edit]The inclusion tag for a non-existing page shows a link with the canonical form of the page name: {{qwsazx}}, {{:qwsazx}}, {{project:qws azx}} give Template:Qwsazx, Qwsazx, Meta:Qws azx; compare with ordinary links Template:qwsazx, qwsazx, project:qws azx; these work like Piped links, e.g. [[Qwsazx|qwsazx]]; in this case the conversion shows up on the referring page only when pointing at it: in the pop-up and in the status bar (if applicable for the browser); whether the target is a redirect, and what the final target is, is not shown at all.
An attempt to include a page from another project results in just displaying the wikitext, e.g. {{en:qwsazx}}; ordinary interwiki links do not show existence and do not show a canonical form in the hover box or status bar: en:project:qwsazx. The same applies if interwiki link style is used for a link to a page in the same project: m:project:qwsazx.
A saved redirect page shows the canonical form of the target, even though the preview renders the link in the usual way, compare [1] with the preview of [2].
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This page has been moved to Manual:Page naming on
Any modifications or additions to this page should be made on instead. |
Conversion of spaces to underscores and of special characters to escape codes
[edit]There is no feature for just conversion of spaces to underscores and of special characters to escape codes, but there are two features for doing this in combination with something else: localurl (see Help:Variable) and PAGENAMEE.
Most needs for conversion are covered by these, but e.g. in a template one cannot link to a page with a given name {{{1}}} on a project with a different $wgScript.
[edit]The variable {{PAGENAME}} gives, for this page, Page name/it. {{PAGENAMEE}} gives Page_name/it.
Thus in the first case a space is used, in the second case an underscore, like in URLs. Similarly, À becomes the escape code %C3%80 (see above), and so on.
{{NAMESPACE}}:{{PAGENAME}} and {{NAMESPACE}}:{{PAGENAMEE}} give for this page Help:Page name/it and Help:Page_name/it, respectively. For a page in the main namespace, the page name is prefixed with a colon.
Within localurl, {{PAGENAME}} should be used in the first part (because it is converted by localurl), or {{PAGENAMEE}} in the second part:
- {{SERVER}}{{localurl:Special:Allpages|namespace=12&from={{PAGENAMEE}}}} gives here:
- {{SERVER}}{{localurl:Special:Allpages/{{PAGENAME}}|namespace=12}} gives here:
- {{SERVER}}{{localurl:Special:Allpages|namespace=12&from={{PAGENAME}}}} gives here:
// name/it (wrong link)
- {{SERVER}}{{localurl:Special:Allpages/{{PAGENAMEE}}|namespace=12}} gives here:
// (works here, the underscore, converted from a space, is not affected by the second conversion, but it does not work with special characters).
See Help:ĀāĆćĎďĒēĜĝĤĥĨĩĴĵĹĺŃń and PAGENAMEE for an example of how these variables interact with special characters.
See also
[edit]- Help:Link gives examples of conversions in the page name from wikitext to HTML, and from HTML to actual target page.
- m:MediaWiki_1.3_comments_and_bug_reports#Comments_related_to_page_title
- m:Proposed_Wikipedia_policy_on_foreign_characters#Article Titles (old)
- w:Wikipedia:Naming conventions
- w:en:Wikipedia:Naming conventions (technical restrictions)
- w:Template:Wrongtitle
- w:Wikipedia:List of pages whose correct title is not allowed by MediaWiki
- m:Case insensitivity - about a proposal for case-insensitivity of all characters in the page name.
- - not quite accurate: [[:de:name]] does not give a page with the name de:name.
Sommario delle pagine di Aiuto - Pagine nel namespace Aiuto su: Meta b: n: w: q: wiktionary Per i lettori:
Vai |
Ricerche |
Namespace |
Nomi delle pagine |
Sezioni |
Collegamenti |
Puntano qui |
Piped link |
Collegamenti Interwiki |
Reindirizzamenti |
Variabili |
Categorie |
Pagine speciali