Hardware donation program/Ранко Николић
Your contact information
[edit]- your username
- Ранко Николић
- your contact e-mail (optional)
- nikolic.ranko.95@gmail.com
Explain your plan
[edit]Tell us about how you contribute currently, and how you would contribute if WMF were to gift a used l0 laptop to you.
- I'm user from Bosnia and Herzegovina and member of Wikimedia Community of Republic of Srpska, contribute to Serbian Wikipedia from 2012 with more than 101,000 edits and on other wiki project on Serbian language. On Wikimedia Commons I have over 1,500 uploaded files. In total, I have 125,000 edits on all wiki projects. New device would help me in creation of new content and editing of already existing on Wikipedia in Serbian and other wiki projects. I have at least one change in 257 wiki projetcs from 324 wiki projects I have access to.
- New computer would be beneficial for me due to age of the current PC I use, its slow performance and fact I am not the only one who uses it, since my brother and sister use it as well. Having two computers would increase my productivity and time available for my work on Wikipedia and otherwise.
Affected projects
[edit]Add the existing Wikimedia projects (Wikipedia, Commons, etc.) and language versions that you seek to impact with this equipment.
- Serbian Wikipedia
- Wikimedia Commons
- Other projects on Serbian language (wikisource, wikinews, wikibooks etc)
Work you're proud of
[edit]Show us (through links) some of your best Wikimedia work, on or off wiki, to help us get a sense for the kind of work you do. (no more than 3 or 4 links at most, please.)
- Article on Serbian Wikipedia about Sorbs: Лужички Срби
- Article on Serbian Wikipedia about Germany: Њемачка
- Article on Serbian Wikipedia about Army of Republic of Srpska: Војска Републике Српске
- Article on Serbian Wikisource about Constitution of the Principality of Montenegro: Устав за Књажевину Црну Гору
- And many others
[edit]IF YOU ARE REQUESTING THIS ON BEHALF OF A WIKIMEDIA AFFILIATE (i.e. to be owned by a Wikimedia affiliate rather than an individual), please type your affiliate name below, and add a link to your affiliate's public equipment tracking page.
- Affiliate name
- ...
- Public equipment tracking page
- ...
[edit]Support --Visem (talk) 14:48, 4 January 2018 (UTC)
Support Zoranzoki21 (talk) 19:12, 13 February 2018 (UTC)
Support --Novak Watchmen (talk) 06:30, 22 December 2018 (UTC)
Support -- Nesmir Kudilovic (talk) 10:34, 21 April 2019 (UTC)
Support --Nickispeaki (talk) 23:15, 15 October 2020 (UTC)
- Status
- approved
[edit]You are encouraged to track the impact this equipment has helped you make. This encourages WMF to donate more hardware.
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