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Support et sécurité/ Ressources contre le harcèlement

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Harassment resources and the translation is 21% complete.

À un moment donné de leur vie, presque tout le monde se retrouve dans une situation stressante qui les pousse à chercher de l'aide. Dans nos communautés, ce type de stress peut être probable pour les Wikimédiens actifs dans des domaines controversés, l'anti-vandalisme et le travail administratif. Cependant, le harcèlement, le harcèlement, l'intimidation et les attaques personnelles peuvent et se produisent dans la communauté Wikimédia. Bien que les amis, la famille et les autres Wikimédiens soient souvent de grandes ressources dans de telles situations, vous pourriez vouloir parler à quelqu'un en dehors du mouvement qui a de l'expérience dans des problèmes similaires. L'équipe de la Fondation Wikimédia chargée de la Confiance et de la Sécurité a organisé la liste suivante de ressources pour le soutien et l'orientation. N'hésitez pas à partager le lien vers cette page avec quiconque pourrait le trouver utile.

Remember that it's never shameful to ask for help! If someone is being abusive toward you on-wiki, you always have the option of reaching out to a trusted community member, for instance, local administrators or, for global issues, Stewards. If you need help finding support within Wikimedia, or if you have further concerns about coping with harassment that this page doesn't answer, you can reach out to the Trust & Safety team at ca@wikimedia.org.

If you know of a high-quality resource we can add to our list (especially for countries with few or no options in the current list) please leave a note on this page's talk page rather than editing it directly. We want to make sure the Trust & Safety team can learn more about potential resources before they are added.

Resources for help

Seeking support is never a bad thing when you're feeling overwhelmed or at a crossroads. The following links are designed to help you find the support and resources you need.

Online SOS Online SOS est un projet à but non lucratif qui peut vous aider à obtenir du soutien et des ressources professionnelles, ainsi que des conseils sur ce que vous pouvez faire pour avancer. Consultez leurs sites Web pour diverses listes de contrôle et fiches pratiques pour vous aider à examiner ce qui se passe et les actions que vous pouvez entreprendre.

Trevor Project

  • Contact: 1-866-488-7386 as well as text and online chat

Focusing on LGBT youth, the Trevor project is a resource that can help you both in a crisis and when you need to reach out to find additional support or resources for the experiences you're going through.

Twitter resource page

The Twitter resource page is a well curated collection of international resources for multiple different needs whether you need more immediate and hands on support or want written advice and resources on what to do next.

Stay Safe OnlineCyber bullying and harassment

Cyberbullying and harassment specific resources and tips. Aimed at parents trying to protect their children but useful for anyone who wants to know best practices and advice on what to do.

Protecting yourself online is important for everyone but especially important when you're worried about people misusing your information or about online harassment or cyberbullying where that type of misuse may be more likely. The links in this section are designed to assist you in both cleaning up after someone has already misused your information and protect yourself if you're worried about it happening in the future.

While US-only, if you are within that domain, this website allows you to file complaints about online crimes (including harassment, stalking etc.) to the US Federal Bureau of Investigation via their website.

Have I Been Pwned

Website which tracks account compromises to help you search to see if your account has been compromised in mass hacks (for example large retailers or websites). You search for your accounts by email address.

Account Killer

Clear directions on how to shut down your account on different social media websites. Available in English, Dutch, Spanish and German.

Stay Safe Online

Collection of resources to help with everything from computer security (such as malware or hacked accounts) and online security (such as passwords and ID theft) to online bullying.