Growing Local Language Content on Wikipedia (Project Tiger 2.0)/Support/Harshil169
Contact details
[edit]- Wikipedia username
- Harshil169
- Email (optional)
Your contribution
[edit]Please tell us which existing Wikimedia projects (Wikipedia, Commons, etc.) and language versions you are contributing to, and some of your best contribution towards the project and movement. Please add relevant Wiki/external link wherever applicable
- I started editing on the Gujarati Wikipedia in March of 2019 and so far I made 33 new pages on the project and I did more than 750 edits on the Gujarati Wikipedia. 350 edits on Gujarati Wikipedia are made after 1 August 2019. My global edits are approximately 2000.
- I made pages on the LGBT issues like Gay, Lesbian, Transgender, Bisexual and Sexuality which were absent on the Gujarati Wikipedia.
- I also made pages on the events which happened recently like making pages on Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Act, 2019, Rath Yatra (Ahmedabad), Men Too, 2019 Vadodara flood and some other events on both Gujarati and English Wikipedia.
- I am fighting against vandalism on Gujarati Wikipedia and I have rollbacker rights there.
- I also have page reviewer and rollback rights on the English wikipedia and I removed many vandalism from the wikiproject. I did more than 1000 edits till now. Not only this, I contested many speedy deletion of the pages which were made by spammers and vandals and saved time of community. 500 edits on English Wikipedia are made after 1 August 2019.
- Apart from this, I participated in Gujarati Wikisource and Hindi Wikipedia. I made few pages on Marathi Wikipedia too.
Support details
[edit]Support type
[edit]What type of support you need
- Chromebook-
- Internet-
[edit]Why do you need this support (Internet and/or Chromebook)
Till May 2019, I was editing from my college computer. After May, I graduated and hence, left the college. Mostly I have to do edits on my phone. I don't have any job right now and thus, I am studying further for exams. In my mean time, I am constructively editing on the Wikipedia by making pages and sharing knowledge. I don't have any further source of income to read books, spending on internet and making Wikipedia pages. I am editing through laptop provided to my father from his workplace. For internet, I mostly use Wi-Fi of my neighbor or my mobile internet data (which is limited).
If I will receive this support then I can edit without causing disturbance to my father's work and can edit while travelling or in free time when my father's laptop is absent. I am managing it somehow but if I will be given any support then I can surely make Wikipedia a better place to share knowledge by focusing on the subjects which are absent.
Do you have a working laptop?
At present No. I am editing through laptop provided to my father from his workplace which he regularly takes along with him at office. I can use it when he is at home and he has no work on laptop which rarely happens. Thus, mostly, I do edits from my mobile.
Had you received the support in the first iteration of Project Tiger?
Future activities
[edit]How will you use this in the next six months? Here are guidelines of future activities.
- Making pages related to LGBT, notable women, science, engineering and technology on the Gujarati Wikipedia which is absent. Other than this, philosophy, logic and religion related pages are also few in numbers and I will contribute to make them more.
- Gujarati Wikipedia is quite slow in making articles of recent events, thus, I will make articles on recent events like I did in past.
- I have contact of few Gujarati authors and will try to bring them on Wiki project. This will make community strong.
- Making pages on Marathi and Hindi Wikipedia and mostly, fighting against vandals.
- Updating English Wikipedia pages and making new pages according to recent events like I am doing right now. Fighting against the vandals who are hurting the wiki project.
- Joining Gujarati Wikisource with more enthusiasm and helping it.
- Uploading more media on commons. Till now, I updated only few media on it due to lack of internet data.
Community discussion and endorsements
[edit]Please keep the discussion friendly, and note number of endorsement may not be the only way to assess an application's merit
Comment @Harshil169: Your application is still in draft. Please make it open. Please also clarify in your contribution that 350 edits on Gujarati Wikipedia and 500 edits on English Wikipedia are made after 1 August 2019 (You are eligible to apply anyway so don't worry about it). I will support once you open the request.-Nizil Shah (talk) 07:18, 13 September 2019 (UTC)
- Nizil Shah Done. —Harshil169 (talk) 07:47, 13 September 2019 (UTC)
Support - New but fast learning editor. -Nizil Shah (talk) 08:00, 13 September 2019 (UTC)
Support - Takes quick actions against vandalisers and always welcomes new ideas. HinduKshatrana (talk) 10:35, 13 September 2019 (UTC)
Support Has made good page on Electrical things on wiki. --Rutvik P Shah (talk) 12:40, 13 September 2019 (UTC)
Support Marathi editor. Made two good articles. --PositiveEditor (talk) 13:09, 13 September 2019 (UTC)
Support As a roll baker, he is managing Guajarati Wikipedia very well, I support his request.--Vijay B. Barot (talk) 16:10, 13 September 2019 (UTC)
Support Harshil is upcoming Wikipedian with hardware support to him, Gujarati wiki projects will be benefited. --Sushant savla (talk) 16:23, 13 September 2019 (UTC)
Support He is a proficient and prodigious young man. He actively tracks developments and take keen interest in things. This alows him to present things comprehensively and eloquently. He is also well versed in Gujarati language and hence can help wikipedia in this language grow. Dr kgarg (talk) 17:57, 13 September 2019 (UTC)
Support --Gazal world (talk) 21:14, 14 September 2019 (UTC)
Support A new user to Gujarati Wiki, but have been contributing positively.--DhavalTalk 10:37, 16 September 2019 (UTC)
Support per Dsvyas. -- CptViraj (📧) 03:11, 17 September 2019 (UTC)
- Status
- open