Growing Local Language Content on Wikipedia (Project Tiger 2.0)/Support/कल्याणी कोतकर
Contact details
[edit]Wikipedia username कल्याणी कोतकर
Email (optional)
Your contribution
[edit]1. The UNESCO's Wiki4Women edit-a-thon women-centric Train the Trainer Program.
2. Experienced Wikimedian, Train The Trainer 2019.
3. I am actively participated in Wikimedia projects such as Marathi Wikipedia, Wikisource, Wikidata as well as wikimedia commons.
4. I have attended the Wikimedian event “Train The Trainer 2019” at Vishakhapatnam. The UNESCO's Wiki4Women edit-a-thon women-centric Train the Trainer Program at Delhi.
5. Participated in TTT in Pune - 2018, 24 and 25th Feb. 2018.
6. Participated in Wikipedia Workshop in Kelkar Museum Pune - 17 March 2019.
7. Participated in Wikisource Workshop in Vigyan Aashram Pabal - 25 and 26 May 2019.
Support details
[edit]Support type
[edit]- Laptop
- Internet
[edit]I have arranged awareness & campaign programs in Wikimedia projects but due to unavailability of laptop and internet connection source I could not contribute more to programs. As I planned to work in rural areas where we have lack of facilities. With your kind support if I get this instruments that I feel I can give more contribution to all the Wikipedia projects in future and reach to the more people.
Future activities
[edit]- I would like to more participate in the next 6 months to contribute my knowledge to wikipedia.
- I am planning to organize some training programs for various stream students at college premises.
- I can add/edit few more pages in Wikipedia Marathi, as I'm interested in it. My mother tongue gives a wide spectrum of possibilities to share information through this platform.
Community discussion and endorsements
[edit]Please keep the discussion friendly, and note number of endorsement may not be the only way to assess an application's merit
Support I endorse this application as it is very necessary facility for the contributor--अरविंद धरेप्पा बगले (talk)17:35, 7 September 2019 (UTC)
Support Good work on mrwiki, they need such support and they will definetly make good use of it. thanks QueerEcofeminist "cite! even if you fight"!!! [they/them/their] 13:04, 7 September 2019 (UTC)
Support I endorse this application as it is very necessary facility for the contributor--दिपक कोतकर (talk) 07:05, 9 September 2019 (UTC)
Support She is emerging member from marathi wiki community. If she will receive this support she will surely use this for enhancing Wiki activities. -- 07:58, 9 September 2019 (UTC)
Strong support She is fast learner, dedicated active editor and leader.--Sumita Roy Dutta (talk) 06:57, 12 September 2019 (UTC)
Support --Tiven2240 (talk) 11:47, 13 September 2019 (UTC)
Support good editor of Wikipedia of Marathi. Girl too. --PositiveEditor (talk) 13:13, 13 September 2019 (UTC)
Support I endorse this application as it is very necessary facility for the contributor--Komal Sambhudas
Support--Pooja Jadhav (talk) 06:45, 15 September 2019 (UTC)