Grants talk:TPS/sankoswal/Creative Commons Global Summit/Report
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[edit]@Sankoswal: thank you for this report. The link to the project proposal created during the event is broken. Please fix it. Also, we have yet to receive your receipts and signed agreement. Please send them to Once the link has been fixed, receipts submitted and reviewed by the committee, and your signed agreement returned to WMF, the committee will be able to approve your report and arrange to for your reimbursement to be sent to you. -- Best, Jtud (WMF) (talk) 20:14, 13 November 2015 (UTC)
- @Jtud (WMF): I have made the changes requested by the committee by fixing the broken links. I have also signed the agreement and mailed all the receipts to grantsadmin along with an itemized expense sheet. - Sankoswal (talk) 09:35, 28 November 2015 (UTC)
- @Jtud (WMF): I have made the changes requested by the committee by fixing the broken links. I have also signed the agreement and mailed all the receipts to grantsadmin
- @Sankoswal: Thank you for making the requested changes and for sending in your receipts. However, the receipts for bank charges listed on your itemized expense sheet are missing. Please provide a receipts from your bank, or if the fee is a standard fixed cost, please provide a copy of or a link to your bank's fee schedule.
- Additionally, WMF already provides international travel insurance for all TPS grantees traveling outside of their home country (information/card provided to you in an email dated 30 September 2015 from grantsadmin This policy is a duplicate of coverage and not considered an eligible expense. We will be able to accept your report and process your reimbursement as soon as the receipt from your bank has been received. — Thank you, Jtud (WMF) (talk) 17:29, 30 November 2015 (UTC)
Report accepted
[edit]Thank again, sankoswal for responding to our email regarding your bank fees. We understand that your bank does not issue receipts for fees, will keep your email reply filed with your grant records, and WMF will reimburse you for the bank charges. Your report is accepted. We will contact you via email regarding the details of your reimbursement. -- Best wishes, Jtud (WMF) (talk) 17:43, 30 November 2015 (UTC)