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Grants talk:TPS/Tedder/Legislative Data and Wikipedia Conference

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Latest comment: 12 years ago by Wolliff in topic Request approved

A few comments


Hi, Tedder:

Thanks for the new request.

  1. This request is being submitted very close to the time of this event. We can't guarantee that we will be able to review before the event.
  2. 4 nights seems like an unnecessarily long stay. The event is only 1.5 days, so a 2-night stay should be sufficient. Would you let us know if there is any special reason you require such a long hotel stay?

Thank you for your responses, and expect more comments soon.

Regards, Winifred Olliff (Grants Administrator) talk 00:03, 2 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Hi Wollif-
  1. Yes, I understand it is a late request. The event registration and confirmation just opened.
  2. I'm losing one day for travel on both ends of the trip and I've added a day for recreation. In other words, the minimum trip length to attend the Thurs/Fri meetings is to fly out Weds and back Sat; I added a day onto that. I'm sharing accommodations and it would be reasonable to expect me to pay for the extra hotel night.
Tedder (talk) 16:16, 2 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
In fact, the shared accommodation is free except for the last night. I'll zero out the hotel cost, so the only thing I'm requesting coverage for is the flight. I was wrong- I owe my half of the shared accommodation, but I'm still paying the final night personally. Tedder (talk) 16:22, 2 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, Tedder. Please clarify here
  1. How much are you paying for the hotel per night?
  2. How much is the total cost of the hotel per night?
  3. How many nights hotel are you asking to be funded?

Thanks, Winifred Olliff (Grants Administrator) talk 00:21, 7 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Winifred, sorry for the confusion on the "hotel math". The 2-bedroom airbnb is $218/night with fees, split between myself and another participant. (a third will crash on the couch). I'm requesting three nights be funded; I'm staying four but the fourth is for recreation/tourism. So my half is 218*3/2=327. (actually asking for $324 because of rounding). The total hotel cost for 3 nights is $655. Tedder (talk) 15:54, 7 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for clarifying, Tedder. We hope to deliver a decision soon. Regards, Winifred Olliff (Grants Administrator) talk 17:10, 7 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Request approved


Hello, Tedder: Thank you for this request and for responding to our questions here on the discussion page. This request is approved. We will contact you shortly regarding next steps. Best, Winifred Olliff (Grants Administrator) talk 18:22, 8 March 2013 (UTC)Reply