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Grants talk:TPS/JaminyP/FOSSASIA 2016

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Latest comment: 9 years ago by Mjohnson (WMF) in topic Request not funded

Submission incomplete, need more information


Thank you for your submission, JaminyP. We also confirm receipt of your speaker acceptance notification that you received from Hong Phuc, a representative from FOSSASIA 2016. We appreciate your sending it us via email.

As for your submission, however, it is incomplete and not ready to be reviewed by the committee. At the very least, please make the following changes:

  • add a "Summary" (infobox right side)
  • place the amount requested in the correct area of the infobox (under "amount requested"). If actual funding will be in your local currency, please provide that amount together with the USD amount.
  • add the itemized budget in the "Budget breakdown" section of your submission page
  • provide detailed information in the "Other Instructions" section, since you indicated that you have additional instructions regarding this request.

Please email participation(_AT_)wikimedia.org once you have completed making the revisions to notify us that your submission is ready for review.

Best wishes, JTud (WMF), Grants Administrator (talk) 18:48, 10 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

What is the session about? Also, could you explain more about your background in Wikimedia? Thank you.--Qgil-WMF (talk) 07:24, 18 February 2016 (UTC)Reply
My session is about speech on "smart guidance for blind".The topic is about the project we have carried out.
Please add this information in the main page. Also, please add links whenever possible. What is the relation between your session and Wikimedia? What is the project you have carried out? Where can we learn about your contributions to Wikimedia?--Qgil-WMF (talk) 08:19, 18 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

I have sent you a mail with a file describing about the project.I wish to represent Wikimedia in FOSSASIA-16.

I replied asking you to share this information in the wiki page. I also explained that I am not deciding here, only helping to decide. For what I could see, your proposed session in this event has no direct relation to Wikimedia. For this reason, I don't think it is a good fit for this grants program.--Qgil-WMF (talk) 07:29, 22 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

Request not funded


Thank you again for your submission, JaminyP. Per the eligibility and selection criteria for the TPS program, the committee is unable to fund your request, for the following reasons:

  • Your contribution record indicates that you do not have a history of editing on the Wikimedia Projects outside this request. Please let us know if this conclusion is mistaken.
  • Your application has not sufficiently demonstrated that participation in the event or activity is aligned with the Wikimedia Mission and strategic priorities.
  • Your application has not provided enough information about your plan for participation and your anticipated outcomes and impact.

Thank you for your support of the Wikimedia movement.

Warm regards, --Marti (WMF) (talk) 23:33, 24 February 2016 (UTC)Reply