Grants talk:TPS/Мухамадеева/Wiki-conference 2016 (Kiev)
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[edit]Dear Мухамадеева, Айсар, and З. ӘЙЛЕ,
Thank you for submitting your requests to TPS to participate in Wiki-conference 2016 in Kiev. We appreciate your interest in furthering Bashkir Wikipedia and Wikimedians of Bashkortostan User Group.
We note that your applications appear to be replicates of each other. Rather than sending all three of you, we'd like you to decide on one person to represent the Wikimedians of Bashkortostan. If you believe more than one representative is necessary, please make it clearer what role each additional person would play.
In general, TPS funds users to participate in non-Wikimedia events only. There are exceptions to this rule when it's not possible for the hosts of the Wikimedia event to provide travel funding, but we stilllike to leave the decision in the hands of the event hosts. In this case Wikimedia Ukraine cannot send funds outside of the Ukraine, so we will review these requests through TPS. We've written to Wikimedia Ukraine to get their feedback on your proposals.
Kind regards,
--Marti (WMF) (talk) 21:52, 18 August 2016 (UTC)
Dear Marti, Thank you for your answer.
It’s a pity that you can’t send it earlier as some of participants were making their passports for foreign trips especially for this trip (passports are ready now and should be delivered soon).
Today Wikimedians of Bashkortostan User Group is actively developing. That is why we need to know about experience of other communities. Unfortunately participants of User Group are not good in English. In the same time, Ukrainian is more understandable and there are people who ready to help us with translation during the conference. As far as we know, Wikimedia Ukraine can’t give us a scholarship due to political conflict between countries. Wikimedia-Ru also not financially good now and Wikimedians of Bashkortostan User Group don’t have enough sources to finance due to its status. That is why, as for today we are looking for TPS program as only one possible source of funds for our participation in Wiki-events.
In the same time, we send the grant request from User Group, but we were asked to do it individually. Although, in grant request the aim of participation is written in generally, but every participant has its own topic and direction to speak.
Айсар as a chief of the group has a topic “Cooperation of BashWiki with mass-media of the Republic of Bashkortostan” which gives an opportunity to make active propaganda and informing via mass-media and attracting new editors.
Мухамадеева has a topic on “Women movement in BashWiki” which is very hot topic for today, when the question on gender gap is on top of Wikipedia attention. And in BashWiki women are in majority.
Presentation of З. ӘЙЛЕ will connect to BashWiki in general which is also very important question as Bashkir community is only one recognized User Group among the language societies all around Russian Federation, inspite of the number of speakers only 1584554 people (2010 census). Also she will inform Ukrainian representatives about the situation of Ukrainian content in BashWiki and about Ukrainian decade in Bashwiki which was organized by her.
According to written above, we will be glad if you can fund all the participants. If it is impossible we kindly ask you to give scholarships for two participants which we will decide later during the discussion (or you may choose by yourself). Best whishes,--Рөстәм Нурыев (talk) 16:54, 22 August 2016 (UTC)
I know all three of them and I'm sure that participation in the conference will be very useful for them, for Ukrainians and for representatives of other chapters. --Visem (talk) 22:07, 22 August 2016 (UTC)
Request partially funded
[edit]Dear Мухамадеева,
We are happy to fund the international travel and tax costs for those users from the Bashkortostan User Group awarded a scholarship for meals and accommodation by Wikimedia Ukraine. Typically, we avoid funding requests for Wikimedia events through TPS because we believe it is preferable to allow decisionmaking about attendance to be handled by event organizers. In this case, however, we will supplement the scholarships awarded by Wikimedia Ukraine, per User:antanana, since Ukraine does not allow funds to be sent outside the country. Our understanding is that Мухамадеева will be awarded a scholarship by Wikimedia Ukraine to represent the Bashkortostan User Group, so we are approving that request only for additional funding through TPS to cover expenses that Wikimedia Ukraine cannot. This means we are awarding Мухамадеева $517.54 (covering $430 in travel plus 87.54 for tax). We are declining the requests of Айсар and З._ӘЙЛЕ.
Мухамадеева, please review the next steps for your grant as described in "How the program works". Note that your post-event report must provide a link to an outcome from your participation. We recommend that you start planning your outcome now so you are prepared to submit it as part of your report, which is due 14 days after the event.
As communicated in the link above, an outcome does not include the materials you prepare to present at the event (though we’d like you to link to those, too), but something that is created during or after the event because of your participation, such as a link to something new that was co-created by you and your fellow participants at the event, a blog post you wrote to share your experience with others after the event, or a learning pattern to teach others something you've learned at the event. If you choose to make a learning pattern, think creatively about what you learned. Did you address a target audience about whom you have special expertise (for example, a physicist presenting at a conference for physicists about how to use Wikipedia)? Your learning pattern might focus on a strategy you employed that was successful in engaging that specific audience in our projects.
Our Grants Administrator will be in touch with you about your grant. Thank you for work on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation.
Warm regards, --Marti (WMF) (talk) 17:46, 31 August 2016 (UTC)
- Dear Marti (WMF). Please contact me with questions of Мухамадеева's grant. rnuriev1(at) --Рөстәм Нурыев (talk) 19:39, 31 August 2016 (UTC)
- @Рөстәм Нурыев: an email requesting for User:Мухамадеева's information so that we may issue the grant agreement has been sent to your email address from grantsadmin Please reply to the email and confirm receipt. Thank you, JTud (WMF), Grants Administrator (talk) 21:36, 31 August 2016 (UTC)
- @Рөстәм Нурыев: an email requesting for User:Мухамадеева's information so that we may issue the grant agreement has been sent to your email address from grantsadmin