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Grants talk:Project/Rapid/aristidek5maya/Les citations africaines sur wikiquote

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Latest comment: 6 years ago by Aristidek5maya in topic Approval


Comments from WMF


Bonjour, aristidek5maya, thank you for submitting this new rapid grant request. We have just one question at this time:

  • Your application states that you have experienced editors to help with the project. Could you please modify your application to include those editors' Wiki user IDs?

We have received a high volume of applications, which might delay our response. We appreciate your patience and will review yours as soon as possible. If you have any questions about the grantmaking process, let us know. We're here to help you with a successful grant! Best regards, LSmith (WMF) (talk) 05:29, 5 December 2018 (UTC)Reply

Merci, aristidek5maya! We will review your grant request as soon as possible. Please let us know if you have any questions. Best regards, LSmith (WMF) (talk) 19:36, 7 December 2018 (UTC)Reply

Additional Comments


Hello aristidek5maya, thank you for making the edits my colleague requested from you. I apologize for the delay of response on our end. While I appreciate the concept behind this project I think there are a few questions I would like to pose your way.

  1. How is the research you're proposing going to inform the three sessions you plan to run?
  2. I understand that African Hope has worked on projects like 1Lib1Ref that have collaborated closely with librarians. Wouldn't it be much more productive to host an event at a library with the help of the librarians for this project instead of having one person doing research and then setting up three sessions?
  3. Is there any particular restrictions you're concerned about with the particular library you would like to work with? Can you let us know which library you'll be doing the research at?

Looking forward to hearing back from you soon. Best regards, WJifar (WMF) (talk) 02:59, 25 January 2019 (UTC)Reply

Hello WJifar (WMF), to answer your questions:

1. The research that I propose will inform the three sessions that I intend to organize in the sense that it will support, with supporting evidence, the existence of all the quotes that we will publish on Wikiquote during these sessions, while specifying the works from where they are drawn. Indeed, I conducted research on the net and collected hundreds of quotes from imminent African writers. However, the posting of citations on Wikiquote, both to respect the contours and limits of the right of quotation, exception to copyright, and respect the legal protection of databases, I now have to prove existence of these quotations and give the exact references of the works which contain them so that they are accepted on Wikiquote.

2. It is a good idea that you propose, but the reality is that the librarians with whom African Hope has worked have various occupations and hardly have the time. I even approached one of them to see how to pilot this project with their help, but I have not had a satisfactory return. That's why I decided to do this research myself in order to gain in timing, and once all the information collected, train other Ivorian Wikimedians to contribute on Wikiquote during the three sessions that I account organize.

3. First, I intend to work with two (2) libraries here in Abidjan (Ivory Coast) that are: The library of the French Institute, and that of the Center for Research and Action for Peace (CERAP inades). These libraries are located far from my place of residence, and so to do research properly, I intend to spend all day. Concerning restrictions, I can say that there are some at the level of the CERAP library. It is one of the most equipped libraries in the country, where 99% of the works are found. But the books are consulted there. In other words, you can not borrow them to read them at home. As for the library of the Institut français, one can borrow works to read at home; so that you can arrive and not find the work you are looking for because already borrowed. In addition, she is not as rich as the first. I therefore plan to work with these two libraries to maximize my chances of finding all the works that contain the citations in my possession and their references, and use this information to best explain how Wikiquote works to participants of the three sessions, before the publication of quotes.--Aristidek5maya (talk) 13:28, 30 January 2019 (UTC)Reply

Additional Question from WMF


Hello Aristidek5maya, thank you again for providing an explanation on how you're planning to go about your project. While we appreciate the constraints you're working with in regards to the resources available to you, the way this project is set up is primarily as an individual research project with some help from the community during the three editathons. In order to make this proposal fundable what we would need to see is more of a group effort in collecting the materials and executing the editathons. To that end my question is:

  • Would you be able to work with The Library of the French Institute and/or the Center for Research and Action for Peace to set up one editathon in each place where all 8 people you wanted to host the editathon with attend a half day or all day working on wiki quotes?

If this is a possibility and if you can amend the proposal as such then I do believe it will be more in line with activities we can fund through the rapid grant. Please let me know how you would like to proceed. Best regards, WJifar (WMF) (talk) 22:43, 8 February 2019 (UTC)Reply

Hello WJifar (WMF), The library of the French Institute is more open to work in groups, with subscription fees more affordable, it is possible for us to work over there for the collective collection of quotes to put on Wikiquote and for the execution of the 3 editathons.

It will be enough to do so, to register the participants in the editathons at the said library in order to guarantee them free access at any time of the day; Then decide together the days and times for the 3 editathons. So, as you suggested, I modified my Grant project in this way so that it is in line with the activities you can fund.

NB: Moreover, the advantage of all this is that these registrations in the libraries are valid for one year. This would not only promote the post-editathon research of the 4 new regular Wikiquote editors we want to recruit through this project; but also to organize possible meetings between us, in the said library to continue working. Best regards. --Aristidek5maya (talk) 14:31, 10 February 2019 (UTC)Reply

Last few questions from WMF


Hello Aristidek5maya, this is really great news that you're able to organize the editathons at the Library of French Institute.

  • I see on your budget line item you also have 2 months of internet connection. I don't understand why this is needed. Can you please clarify why? Since the editathons have been moved to the library, I was assuming that they would have internet at the library. Is that not correct?

Please let us know the answer to this piece and I can move forward with next steps. Best regards, WJifar (WMF) (talk) 17:35, 11 February 2019 (UTC)Reply

Hello WJifar (WMF), This requested internet connection is more than necessary to, not only ward off the connection problems encountered in public places like libraries; but also for a better control of the activities of collection of information, and especially for the execution of the 3 editathons. Let me explain :

Firstly, The reality is that, although having a wifi in the library (of the French Institute), access is difficult and limited for our membership category. Indeed, since it is a public connection, and therefore open to all, it very often presents problems of recurring connections due to the large number of users connected simultaneously. It is only the so-called "privilege" category, which costs 40,000 CFA ($ 68,912) per membership, which enjoys preferential treatment and a broadband and unlimited connection. It is therefore to prevent any inconvenience due to the internet connection during our group work that I request an unlimited Internet connection fee subsidy. Because I already have a high speed WIFI BOX, which only asks to be powered by internet credit to allow us to work easily. Secondly, This connection will allow us to better manage this project, from the phase of information gathering (which will last 30 days), until the execution of the 3 editathons that we will organize thereafter for the collective uploading of quotes. Best regards. --Aristidek5maya (talk) 09:47, 12 February 2019 (UTC)Reply



Hello Aristidek5maya, thank you for answering my questions and rearranging this project to be more of a group project. I am really looking forward to the results of your research and group editathons. I am approving your grant request. Best regards, WJifar (WMF) (talk) 01:14, 19 February 2019 (UTC)Reply

 Hello WJifar (WMF) , thank you for your advice and support. Best regards.--Aristidek5maya (talk) 17:32, 19 February 2019 (UTC)Reply