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Grants talk:Project/Rapid/WCUGA/WikiFilmat-SQ-edithathons

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Latest comment: 6 years ago by WJifar (WMF) in topic Approval

Hello Nafie shehu thank you for submitting a request for WikiFilmat-SQ-editathons. I apologize for the delay in our response. I have similar questions for you as I did on your QR-pedia grant.

  • Instead of having drafting the MOU be part of your grant request, you should complete that step before you begin these series of editathons. The reason I recommend this is because we have seen in other grants that grantees propose working with an organization and they find the GLAM institution is not willing to do the activity they had agreed to in initial conversations. Do you want to complete the MOU first before we proceed with this grant?
  • I still have questions on the need for legal services for an MOU. Can you clarify the legal cost please?
  • I would also like clarification on the professional photographers, finance officer and project management costs.

Looking forward to your response. Best regards, WJifar (WMF) (talk) 00:31, 22 November 2018 (UTC)Reply

Hello WJifar (WMF),

  • Thank you for your response on the grant. We will have the MOU signed just in a few days. We had representatives from the National Film Center during the Wiki Weekend event that we organized just this weekend. Due to bureaucratic reasons we couldn't get the agreement signed on Saturday, but the director of the center confirmed once again with us that within this week we will be able to finalize that. They have provided us also with the first materials and we worked on some articles during Wiki Weekend. We will do the maximum by our side to accelerate the process of signed agreement. Moments from the event: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wiki_Weekend_2018.jpg
  • Legal costs: since we are signing a memorandum with this institution, we worked on compiling it. For various reasons and the fact that it includes many details, the institution was constantly asking for changes in some of the points of that agreement. We have volunteers doing this of course but none of us has a background in Law, in order to be able to do finalize the whole thing in our own. This being said we had to ask for legal advise regarding the terms used in it and take all the aspects into consideration in order to be all compatible with the law and avoid any potential issues.
  • Regarding the other costs, as with the other events that we have organized, we use photography as an important way to document our events. We use this pictures in the blog posts we write, we share them with other parties when we explain what we do and invite possible collaborators. For example, with people from the National Film Center we shared links to photos in Wikimedia Commons from the other events that we have organized, as a way to make them better understand how the whole thing is gonna work when we proposed them this sessions of editathons. We can use the same documentation for future collaborations, and we believe it needs to be good. As always, the photos will be shared in Wikimedia Commons. Regarding the finance officer, this is related to the fact that in Albania it is very complicated to get an invoice as an individual and not as a legal entity (organization, business) for a service that you receive and we need for financial advice in order to proceed. For this reasoning least, the project management cost would help to outsource some of the logistics of the event, have someone to help with all the coordination of the whole parties. The budget we put for this is minimal since us as volunteers are also involved with organizing the whole thing, but based on our previous experiences, having someone dedicated to getting everything done correctly and in time, would have an impact on the quality of the event.

Looking forward to your response, Best regards --NafiShehu (talk) 00:34, 10 December 2018 (UTC)Reply

Additional Comments from WMF


Hello NafiShehu, thank you for your response to my questions and for agreeing to the adjusted budget. One more question for you. Were you able to get the MOU signed? Best regards, WJifar (WMF) (talk) 20:39, 3 January 2019 (UTC)Reply

Hello WJifar (WMF),

It is a requirement from the film Center to have a legal entity as part of our agreement with the National Film Center and us (WCUGA) as third parties of the MoU, since they weren't able to sign MoU with our UG not being a legal entity. Open Labs Albania the local hackerspace in Tirana which has an experience of more than 6 years in activities related to open knowledge, open source software/hardware, software freedom and generally open culture and also has helped or organize activities related to Wikimedia projects. Open Labs will help us in this process and will be part of the MoU signed with the National Film Center in Albania. We are working on this but the process is taking time for bureaucratic reasons although the directors of the institution have agreed. Although they have provided us the materials and since we don't want to waste more time we have started working on creating and improving first articles on Wiki Weekend and plan to organize events in January while in parallel we are delivering also the documents for the MoU to be signed.

Thank you, --NafiShehu (talk) 16:00, 9 January 2019 (UTC)Reply

Moved to draft


Hello NafiShehu, thank you for providing this explanation. For now I'm going to move this project to draft until you have the MOU signed. I know you feel close to completing it but in previous grant experience these things take longer than expected. Once you have signed the MOU, you can move this project back to proposed and I can move quickly to approval. At that time you can also update the dates to reflect the new project dates. Hope this makes sense. Please let me know if you have any questions. Best regards, WJifar (WMF) (talk) 00:14, 10 January 2019 (UTC)Reply

Hello WJifar (WMF),

We wanted to let you know that we have signed our MoU with the National Film Center, here you can find a post from their official Facebook account: https://web.facebook.com/AlbanianFilmCenter/posts/1221891111318303. The photographer who helped us with documenting the activity will upload all the photos here later on today: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:WikiFilmat_SQ

I have changed the status of the grant to proposed and added new dates as you suggested to us.

Thank you, --NafiShehu (talk) 09:22, 18 February 2019 (UTC)Reply

One more question


Hello NafiShehu, thank you for moving this back from draft to proposed. Great news that you were able to sign the MOU and will get started on the work. I have one correction to make to your grant. Unfortunately, we're reassessing when we can and can't support project management. For now we're not supporting it until our team can discuss this item further. Would you be able to remove the project management piece from your budget item and we can move forward with your grant? Best regards, WJifar (WMF) (talk) 02:07, 19 February 2019 (UTC)Reply

Hello WJifar (WMF),

I have removed the project management costs and also the legal expertise cost since it was offer from the National Film Center :). I have updated also the total amount.

Thank you, --NafiShehu (talk) 08:45, 19 February 2019 (UTC)Reply



Hello NafiShehu, thank you for responding to my question and adjusting the budget. I am approving your grant request. Best regards, WJifar (WMF) (talk) 21:13, 19 February 2019 (UTC)Reply