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Grants talk:Project/Rapid/Juandev/Wikiexpedice: Mlada Vozice

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Latest comment: 6 years ago by WJifar (WMF) in topic Approval

Application received


Hi, Juandev, thank you for submitting this rapid grant request! We have received a high volume of requests, which may delay our review. We appreciate your patience and will respond to your request as soon as possible. In the meantime, I have a question for you:

  • Last year, your photo expedition resulted in almost 1,000 articles illustrated. This year, you have set the target for newly illustrated Wikipedia articles at 80. Why did you set the goal so low compared to what you achieved last year?

Please check this page for additional comments and questions as we review the application and please feel free to reach out to us with questions; we are here to help with a successful grant application! Best regards, 22:34, 14 February 2019 (UTC)Reply

Lets clarify this a little bit. Wikiexpedition West in 2017 ilustrated almost 1000 articles on all language mutations of Wikipedia. While from the same expedition we created about 250+ objects. Object is equal to one category on Wikimedia Commons and it counts only one launguage mutation of Wikipedia.
So our goal for this Wikiexpedition, which is going to be smaller than Wikiexpedition West is 80 objects/articles on Czech Wikipedia and 300 newly illustrated articles cross all language mutations. So I may rise the number to 300 in the proposal if it stays for articles on all language mutations. Juandev (talk) 10:40, 18 February 2019 (UTC)Reply



Hello Juandev, thank you for clarifying the change in your target number of articles. I am approving your grant request. Best regards, WJifar (WMF) (talk) 00:41, 27 February 2019 (UTC)Reply