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Grants talk:Project/Rapid/Benipal hardarshan/Advocacy and GLAM Movement Strategy Prioritization Event

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Latest comment: 4 years ago by KVaidla (WMF) in topic Approved

Follow-up on the application


Dear Benipal Hardarshan, thank you so much for putting together this comprehensive proposal to facilitate movement strategy conversations with GLAM and Advocacy partners. It would be great to hear feedback in relation to this area of work and understand where the priorities lie for future. In this grant proposal I truly appreciate:

  • The diversity of planned engagement across the movement and beyond with GLAM and advocacy partners
  • A clear agenda and plan to run the event (even though I would suggest including breaks for a 3 hour meeting :) )
  • Ensuring that sufficient context is provided for participants to understand the context of the recommendations as well as a sufficient time for the prioritization exercise.
  • Translation efforts to different languages.

At the same time I would like to seek clarity regarding some of the points - I hope you can inform me about them:

  • Regarding the translations I would like to understand what is the actual scope of the translations? Does it include interpretation or written documentation? Which materials do you plan to translate?
  • I would like to understand better your estimate regarding the coordination efforts. How have you calculated the compensation for coordination, i.e. what is the breakdown in hours?
  • You have budgeted 100 USD for tools and services. How would you use that allocation?

Looking forward to your responses and supporting this great initiative! --KVaidla (WMF) (talk) 19:26, 23 November 2020 (UTC)Reply

Hello @KVaidla (WMF):, Thank you for your questions and kind remarks!! Here is my response:

Regarding the translations, I would like to understand what is the actual scope of the translations? Does it include interpretation or written documentation? Which materials do you plan to translate?
It includes written documentation of:

1) Announcement briefs, the translation of the event page, and the invites 2) Translation of the Final report 3) Translation from English to Hindi, Arabic, French, and Spanish

  • Translation to Hindi: 50 USD (2-4 hours)
  • Translation to Arabic: 50 USD (2-4 hours)
  • Translation to French: 50 USD (2-4 hours)
  • Translation to Spanish: 50 USD (2-4 hours)

We will engage the translators after the grant is approved.

I would like to understand better your estimate regarding the coordination efforts. How have you calculated the compensation for coordination, i.e. what is the breakdown in hours?

The coordinator would be:

  • Creating the architect/design of the event with the team - 5 hours
  • Creating guestlist - 1 hour
  • Inviting guests - 5 hours
  • preparing/adding into the presentation - 1 hour
  • coordinate and engage with the speakers and guests - 5 hours
  • Oversee the facilitation preparations, report, miscellaneous - 1 hour

Note: These are not per hour rate, simply an honorarium stipends since the rate of services are high in different regions.
The facilitator work of the meetup (facilitation time including facilitator preparation, meeting facilitation time, and debriefing)
Total - 10 hours approx.
Documentation of event ((document preparation time, time spent documenting of discussion, post-meeting work, reporting)
Total - 15 hours approx.

You have budgeted 100 USD for tools and services. How would you use that allocation?

  • Zoom (35usd) and streamyard (49.45 USD) streaming software a-month subscription for livestream: 85 USD
  • Internet stipend: 50 USD (approx for 5 people)
  • Facebook adverts: 15 USD

(Note: I have increased the budget in tools for 50 USD after calculating the cost of the software, and 50 USD additional for international bank transfer fee for fiscal sponsor) Thank you and looking forward to work with you! *β€’.ΒΈβ™‘ β„π•’π•£π••π•’π•£π•€π•™π•’π•Ÿ π”Ήπ•–π•Ÿπ•šπ•‘π•’π• β™‘ΒΈ.β€’*π•‹π•’π•π•œ 14:25, 25 November 2020 (UTC)Reply



Dear Benipal Hardarshan, thank you for answering the clarifying questions and again for your application to fund a movement strategy event through a rapid grant!

We have reviewed your application and I am excited to inform you that we have decided to support the Advocacy and GLAM Movement Strategy Prioritization Event in the full amount of $1,200.00 (i.e. 1007.42 EUR).

We hope that you will have successful conversations and I look forward to reading your discussion report. If you have any questions or specifications regarding the grant, don’t hesitate to reach out. Thank you for your contribution to the global movement strategy conversations! --KVaidla (WMF) (talk) 10:35, 2 December 2020 (UTC)Reply