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Grants talk:Project/MSIG/Changemaker's toolbox - introductory resources to campaigning and advocacy

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Latest comment: 11 months ago by YPam (WMF) in topic Extension request

General Feedback


Kudos to the project team! This proposed project shows great potential for making a positive impact and aligns well with the current understanding of campaigning and changemaking outside of the movement. The proposal would also advance the initiative targeted, as others can build on the outputs of this work and contextualize for their own communities and audiences.There's strong recognition of the project's ability to attract potential participants and organizers, which is essential for ensuring a continuous influx of individuals who can contribute to the free knowledge movement.

  • A key question raised is about replicability and scale for this project. The consideration for this being that a one-off or limited series of sessions facilitated by proposed outreach partners may only yield short-term results. To empower Wikimedia communities effectively, the recommendation is for this project material to be hosted on WikiLearn as a self-taught learning resource. This approach would allow for continuous access and utilization, benefitting both new and existing editors who may find the meta page less accessible. This suggestion comes with the understanding that additional time and effort may be required to learn and utilize the platform effectively.
  • Additionally, it would be good to consider developing materials that can be relevant for contexts outside of Europe. Has the team considered running a "pilot cohort" of Wikimedians who can engage with the content and provide feedback. This cohort can be made up of a diversity of representatives from different geographic regions. By incorporating sensitivity to the diversity of lived experiences, the project team can ensure that the material produced can cater to a wider range of contexts beyond Europe.
  • Finally, it would be important for this project team to connect with the WMF programs team at various stages of the project, particularly in shaping the content's outline and examples. This support offered by the team, would ensure that a strong connection is established between advocacy, impactful topics, and the role of knowledge production in driving change. We believe tapping into the team's expertise can provide valuable assistance in these areas. YPam (WMF) (talk) 16:26, 2 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Feedback response from the project team


Many thanks for reviewing the project and taking time to examine ways in which it can serve the movement in the best way. The responses below outline how we're thinking about the scalability and contextualisation potential within the current proposal, while also proposing ways of going deeper in possible further stages.

1. Replicability and scale for this project

While the funding requested is to enable production of high quality content, the project reaches its potential impact through Wikimedians becoming aware and getting access to the materials. In the first instance this will be done by plugging the proposed materials into existing learning structures of the movement, both at WMF (e.g. Let’s Connect) and distributed movement places such as the Capacity Exchange. These are envisaged as ‘portal’ spaces to access the resources, including the introductory Q&A which aims to make the materials as self-explanatory as possible.

WikiLearn is a valuable suggestion which indeed could provide a more accessible space for certain learning styles. Wikimedia UK board member Rod Ward participated in a pilot WikiLearn course in 2021 as a participant and could assist with the learning curve for the platform. The project team would need to understand more about whether hosting materials on WikiLearn would require any adaptation of content or indeed additional content, meaning extra time and resources.

While the proposed resources have been chosen to be self-contained, more materials can be produced with further resources - SMK has a lot of expertise to be explored in potential further phases.

2. Developing materials that can be relevant for contexts outside of Europe

As noted, SMK's expertise is within a UK/European context. The introductory materials have a very broad application, however, covering background questions of how to be an effective campaigner (skills, habits). These are envisioned to have a broad appeal beyond the UK. At the same time the reviewers’ suggestion of testing for contextualisation beyond Europe is very valuable, and something that has been considered by the project team - both in terms of direct translation, and modification of content. With the current budget being fixed to producing materials as proposed, we see that this could be done in a few ways -

  • As a next phase project once first stage is delivered
  • As a legacy activity led by Wikimedia UK
  • As an expansion to the current project with additional resourcing

The team would be interested in getting WMF’s feedback on which route would be preferred. The project proposes a review of some of existing SMK’s content, and production/capturing of knowledge. Therefore it may make sense to engage in contextualisation in phase 2, so that there are existing materials to respond to and modify.

3. Connecting with the WMF programs team

Absolutely, and this offer of connection with the WMF teams is much appreciated. Since WMF’s capacity building projects are intended as one of the key repositories of the produced materials, collaboration across the lifecycle of this project will be key. Conversations have already started with the Advocacy team and a connection point has been identified around gathering advocacy materials. Similarly potential discussion has been initiated with Let’s Connect. Wikimedia UK has excellent working relationships with the WMF programs team (GLAM, Education) and would be very happy to involve them as thought partners in this project.

Daria Cybulska (WMUK) (talk) 10:06, 7 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Extension request


The Changemaker Toolbox project aimed at producing globally relevant introductory materials for campaigners. This content is now complete. WMUK's goal was to contextualise the materials to our context through writing wiki-specific case studies, and publish the materials on a meta site as a part of the project. Whilst this has been achieved, to maximise socialisation and usefulness of these materials to the movement, we would like to propose a project extension to work on the WikiLearn course. Wikimedia UK has recently delivered a 'Train the Trainer' course on the platform and so we have built experience with the site that would be great to use here.

The goals of the extension are to:

- build a WikiLearn course based on the materials

- produce additional content suitable for the WikiLearn setting (e.g. videos)

- run a trial course and harvest feedback for potential future implementation

Additional costs requested

$4988.97 (£3934.89) covering staff time for the above - two WMUK Programme Managers, senior management support, and Communications coordination

Additional time

To complete this we are requesting a 3 month extension (until the end of May 2024, plus a month for reporting). The trial course in particular will take extra time.

Daria Cybulska (WMUK) (talk) 16:00, 27 February 2024 (UTC)Reply

Request Approved

Hello @Daria Cybulska (WMUK) the argument for the grant date extensions are fair and the additional funds requested as well. This means that your new grant end date will be May 31, 2024 while the grant reporting date will now be June 30, 2024.
Regarding the additional sum of £3934.89 GBP ($4,989 USD) requested this is also approved. We look forward to seeing the final product and especially to the potential uptake that might happen as the team socialises the resource. All the best! YPam (WMF) (talk) 19:39, 4 March 2024 (UTC)Reply