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Grants talk:Project/MSIG/Assessing the Women's Movement Experience on the Lusophone Wikimedia

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Latest comment: 7 months ago by SPatnaik (WMF) in topic Additional Report

Overall Positive Feedback


Really good to see a comprehensive documentation of the challenge that the Lusophone women community faces as well as the connection of this project with Movement Strategy. The project team has succinctly documented not only the potential benefit this research can have for the Lusophone community but also for other groups across the movement.

In general, better and nuanced understanding of community groups, particularly when that understanding is developed by a community member themself, is a powerful contribution to movement knowledge. This research project is written with an immense amount of care and thought. All activities are thoroughly detailed, the budget is reasonable, and the project seems feasible. YPam (WMF) (talk) 15:33, 24 October 2022 (UTC)Reply

Feedback For Improvement


While the project goals are quite detailed, it is unclear how the results of the research plan will translate into the development of a Movement Strategy Implementation plan. The research questions currently appear theoretical and academic, hence the missed connection to the initiative the project is seeking to advance.

Please provide more clarity as to how this project fits within the targeted initiative #32 of “Global approach for local skill development”, as it is currently not obvious how the project relates to the goal. From the current application, the project might illuminate indicators for skill development, but it doesn’t seem to be the focal point or goal of the research based on the research questions detailed in this application. YPam (WMF) (talk) 15:34, 24 October 2022 (UTC)Reply

Hello @YPam (WMF)!
Thank you for the thoughtful and valuable feedback. Based on it, I edited the proposal, according to your questions. I noted the changes below.

In order to communicate how the results of the research plan will translate into the development of a Movement Strategy Implementation plan, I added to the subsection “Contribution to the Movement Strategy” the following text:
"The targeted initiative projects a systematic plan for skill development on two levels: 1. Local skill development and 2. Global coordination of local skill development activities. Therefore, the Lusophone Women experience assessment will provide solid data about the community’s both assets and needs, in terms of skill development. In the light of this data, the report will deliver a systematic plan for the future implementation of local skill development through a global approach. The plan will cover the following year of the research completion, proposing a schedule of strategic training, events, and tutorial material publication.
The implementation plan should finally aim to form and enlarger global connections. The activities’ objective should be data socialization and peer-learning in a global scale. Regarding this, it is import to note that Lusophone people are a global community. The established Lusophone women network is organized transnationally, in-between South America and Europe. Additionally, there are still underrepresented Global South women within our linguistic context, from Africa and Asia.
Once the planning and report are completed, the research’s outcome will be widely shared, in order to integrate the global pooling of information, specific to women’s organization within the Wikimedia Movement. The circulation of this material will enable new connections with other global communities: Wikimedian women from the Spanish-speaking in Latin America and from other linguistic contexts of both the Global South and North.
Targeting the initiative #32 of “Global approach for local skill development”, the research will:
  • Methodologically map the community’s current assets and needs;
  • Propose a one-year plan for the local community’s skills development initiatives in the near future;
    The resultant systematic plan will:
  • Strengthen the existent Lusophone women network, and outreach underrepresented communities, forming new global connections;
  • Enable services that facilitate peer connection across the Global Movement (peer-learning, networking and information pool);

    In order to make more clear the research focal point, the skill development, as a primary concern, I added a research question, and reformulated existent ones into more practical propositions. As you can see in the subsection “Research Levels and Phases”:
    > Added,
  • What’s the group main needs for the following year and what assets do we currently have to overcome them?
    > Rephrased and highlighted:
  • What kind of activities can implement in the following year, in order to mitigate the most latent challenges and achieve a collective skill development (implementation plan)?
  • What kind of external support does our group need to achieve this (funding, mentoring, peer-learning)?
  • What kind of efforts do we need to outreach Lusophone women external to the axis Brazil-Portugal, and to better welcome other human experiences still absent or underrepresented in our movement?
  • How can we reach other communities and add-up to the collective consensus on the Gender Gap, as well as the global conversation regarding the 2030 Strategy (trans-linguistic meetings, affiliates outreaching, publication sharing)?
    > Please note that theoretical questions are important to access human experiences. Now reformulated, in-between phase 1 and 3, the questions transition into a more practical approach. Therefore, the research can elevate the individual experience into a collective consensus that will guide a proper implementation planning.
    >> I also included the following phrase into Phase 4 box:
    "Share the outcomes and implementation plan"

    Thirdly, in the Outcomes section, I rephrased and highlighted the following assertion:
    “The report will also present an implementation plan of activities for the following year, around the targeted movement strategy initiative”.

    Lastly, I updated the research timeline, since the original plan was to start this October. I postponed the start to March 2023. Then, the research would end in August, with a recess during June—all in the same year.

    I hope the update fills the pointed gap!
CalliandraDysantha (✉︎) 03:59, 28 October 2022 (UTC)Reply



Hello @YPam (WMF)ǃ

I wish to check the possibility of spending excess funds in-between the project completion date (15 June 2023) and the expected publication of the final report (14 July 2023), without prejudice to the report deadline.

By early June, most of the project's operations are finished, but I still have left U$2000,00, part of the budget intended for Logistics. I have two purposes for the excess fund:

  • Translation - Part of the fund is already reserved for translating the final report from Portuguese to English. It would be vital for the text quality if the translation service ought to be hired only by the end of June and delivered by mid-July, thus surpassing the project completion date, but still attending to the final report deadline.
  • Travel - Additionally, the remaining funds could partially pay the costs of a travel to present the project final results to Wiki Movimento Brasil (WMB). WMB acted as my fiscal sponsor without charging overhead, so we believe a partial defrayal of traveling expenses is suitable and wish to consult you on the matter.

Thank you,
CalliandraDysantha (✉︎) 12:40, 6 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Hello @CalliandraDysantha Your request to reallocate up to $2000 of your grant funds is approved. Thank you for the good work that you do to advance the Movement Strategy. YPam (WMF) (talk) 08:09, 7 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Request #2


Hello @YPam (WMF)ǃ
I kindly request a deadline extension for the publication of the final report until 15 September 2023.
I presented the first draft to community advisors and received feedback suggesting a more detailed final report. This can be done with another sixty hours of work, broken down into a two-month period.
I also intend to use this extra time to share research findings locally and globally.
Thank you,
CalliandraDysantha (✉︎) 14:47, 14 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Hello @CalliandraDysantha, your request for an extension on your reporting deadline to the 15th of September is approved.
Thank you for your work advancing the Movement Strategy. YPam (WMF) (talk) 15:32, 15 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Additional Report


As requested, I present an additional report for the grant implementation.

The remaining funds of $1405 were allocated to several activities co-organized by me and members of WikiMulheres+, Wiki Movimento Brasil, and Wiki Editoras Lx. The activities aimed to celebrate Women's History Month, by raising awareness on the gender gap, promoting content inclusion, and supporting strategic discussions during the entire month of March 2024. The focus were lusophone wiki women and allies, but also improved global connections — in accordance with the previous research scope. Here's a summary of the activities and respective outcomes:

Strategic discussion on the Portal Editatonas

Jamboard feito em discussão estratégica sobre o Portal Editatonas em março de 2024

The Portuguese Wikipedia has a space for the documentation of Edit-a-thons that is currently outdated: the Portal Editatonas. We built upon a previous gathering, where the main outcome was that Edit-a-thons have their history closely connected to wiki women, feminist efforts of closing the gender gap within the Wikimedia Movement. Such a history is not well documented on-wiki, and so aren't gender-related edit-a-thons on the Portal Editatonas. During the afternoon of March 16, 2024, wiki women gathered to analyze and propose changes to the page. The outcomes happened to cover the page's content design more broadly, beyond gender, navigating other cultural aspects, such as geography. Proposals for a more friendly indexation and navigation were also presented. The outcomes were shared to the Wiki Movimento Brasil's Community Manager, Erica Azzellini, responsible for supporting advancements on the page. The event was closed to members of the aforementioned groups, notified in internal communication channels. The gathering was held online.

Imagem de divulgação da campanha Atenção! Mulheres fazendo história

Global campaign Atenção! Mulheres Fazendo História!

With the support of the WMF Gender Organizing Program Officer, Tila Cappelletto, WikiMulheres+ and Wiki Editoras Lx co-organized the lusophone efforts within the international campaign Atenção! Mulheres Fazendo História!. The campaign connected to the global effort Celebrate Women!. The event ended with a total of 404 registered users (according to the Event Registration Tool), 520 Articles Created, 2.13K Articles Edited, 30.7K Total Edits, 370 Editors, and 5.73M Bytes Added, and, 15735 Commons Uploads (according to the outreach dashboard). We are not able to inform the precise metrics for the overall lusophone participation, since the accorded strategy was a global tracking dashboard for the numerous activities hosted by 12 countries (including Brazil and Portugal) and other international efforts. Nonetheless, the following activity was recorded during a WikiMulheres+ online activity.

Edit-a-thon Café&Edição

As part of the aforementioned global campaign, wikiwomen gathered online on June 20, 2024, for 10 hours to edit Wikimedia projects. The effort resulted in 20 Articles Created, 40 Articles Edited, 273 Total Edits, 12 Editors, 121K Bytes Added, 198 References Added, 5.03K Article Views, and 5 Commons Uploads. In-between edits, the space welcomed newcomers, and promoted knowledge exchange between active editors. The event was promoted on and off-wiki, through internal and allied communication channels (see, e.g. [1]).

Community Outreach and Recognition

Whenever possible, the research outcomes were shared with the events' participants. The same goes to the Wiki Women Camp outcomes, and other important, current discussions of the Wikimedia Movement, such as the Movement Charter.

To enable women participation, meal allowances were provided. Part of the budget was also allocated to SWAGs and organizing services, as part of a feminist commitment to recognizing women's volunteer work.

Final words

My research started in December 2023 and ended in June 2023. During the past year, its outcomes and remaining funds supported a number of activities and advancements in the Lusophone Wiki Women community. I thank all the support provided by @YPam (WMF), @TCappelletto (WMF), and @EAzzellini (WMB) during this long journey. A final thanks goes to Wiki Movimento Brasil [a/c @JPeschanski (WMB), @CCosta (WMB)], the group that acted not only as fiscal sponsor in solidarity but also as an activity supporter throughout the grant implementation.

I remain at disposal for providing any additional information,

 CalliandraDysantha (✉︎) 23:52, 27 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
Hello @CalliandraDysantha,
Thank you for sharing the detailed report with us. I appreciate your efforts and am happy to accept this additional report. Could you kindly add it as another section to the previous report and provide answers to the questions regarding how the remaining funds were spent? Thank you for your cooperation. - SPatnaik (WMF) (talk) 18:48, 25 July 2024 (UTC)Reply