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Grants talk:Project/Fjjulien/Modelling and Populating Performing Arts Data in Wikidata/Midpoint

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Midpoint Report accepted


Dear Fjjulien,

Thank you for submitting this Midpoint Report. I am accepting it now with the following comments:

  • Congratulations on your progress toward meeting your goals!
  • I appreciate your observation of the dynamics you have observed in engaging domain experts and modelling experts, with the former group less likely to speak up than the latter, and especially look forward to hearing the outcomes you discover as you experiment with different methods for engaging. This is the kind of learning that could be very useful to share in the future to support other modeling efforts in Wikidata.
  • It sounds like you are working through many painstaking (and in some cases painfully tedious, it sound like) issues as you work with Wikidata and its relationship to Wikipedia. As you do, it would be helpful if you could reflect on whether parts of your process might be worth documenting and sharing with the Wikimedia movement.
  • It appears that all the Learning Patterns you linked to are empty. I'm not sure if you are still working on them or if you pasted the wrong link?
  • Great to hear that the feedback to your workshops has been so positive. Interesting to hear that it has been difficult to get sustained engagement in spite of the enthusiasm of participants. Wondering if you have ideas about this? I wondered how much you think the conditions of the pandemic is impacting engagement.

Thank you for your work. Our grants administrator will be reaching out to you shortly.

Warm regards,

--Marti (WMF) (talk) 04:05, 20 February 2021 (UTC)Reply

Dear Marti (WMF),
I'm sorry about the broken links to the learning patterns. I still occasionally get the Wikimedia namespaces wrong when coding an internal link. The links are now fixed.
I will make sure to address your feedback in our final report.
--Fjjulien (talk) 22:00, 21 April 2021 (UTC)Reply