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Grants talk:Project/Expanding the Wikimedia movement in Peru with a focus on ecology, culture and gender

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Latest comment: 2 years ago by MCasoValdes (WMF) in topic Uso de fondos remanentes

Proposal Clinics[edit]

Hello Carlo,

Thanks for beginning to draft your proposal for the Project Grants open call! I wanted to make sure you are aware that we are hosting proposal clinics for applicants to ask questions and get feedback. If you would like to attend, you can find the dates, times, and videoconference links posted on the Project Grants page. These are optional opportunities to get support improving your proposal. Let me know if you have any questions! Good luck with finishing your proposal for the February 10 deadline!

Warm regards,

--MCasoValdes (WMF) (talk) 23:37, 9 February 2021 (UTC)Reply

Hi MCasoValdes (WMF), much thanks! I was present yesterday at the General Proposal Clinics session of Monday, February 8, 2021 at 5:00 PM UTC with Marti and you. Cheers, --Cbrescia (talk) 05:58, 10 February 2021 (UTC)Reply
Hola Cbrescia, Nos alegra que hayas participado. Estamos pendientes de cualquier pregunta o apoyo adicional que requieras. Saludos, --MCasoValdes (WMF) (talk) 18:32, 10 February 2021 (UTC)Reply

Reminder: Change status to proposed to submit[edit]

IMPORTANT: Please note that you must change your proposal status from "draft" to "proposed" by the submission deadline in order for your proposal to be reviewed in the current round. When your proposal has been successfully submitted, it will show up in the "Open proposals" list (it may take several minutes for the list to update after you submit it). Applications that are not completely filled out and correctly submitted by the deadline will not be reviewed. To submit your proposal, you must complete all fields of the application and then:

1. Click on "edit source"
2. Change "|status=DRAFT" to "|status=PROPOSED"
3. Click the "Publish changes" button.

Thank you,

--MCasoValdes (WMF) (talk) 23:41, 9 February 2021 (UTC)Reply

Too many activities with too little money![edit]

Hey folks! I think this is a very interesting project. However, I have a couple of comments, and hopefully this helps somehow with the proposal you're making:

  • You're committing to at least 5 goals for under 30k USD, meaning that for each goal you'll be assigning less than 6,000 USD. This doesn't look entirely reasonable, or even fair for the people that will be working on the project.
  • For each of those goals, you're committing to do a lot of products and activities. Some of the activities take a lot of time in itself, like the "two pilot projects with a GLAM institution". This is in itself an entire, separate project, and that alone could easily cost the amount of money you're asking for, even when adjusted to local costs. There are too many products and deliverables here for the amount of money that you're asking.
  • Some of the products have an unclear impact. For example, under Goal 5, "Increase the awareness about the different Wikimedia projects and the international movement", you propose to "Create a page on Medium dedicated to the project". How would that help with increasing the awareness, and for whom? I use Medium a lot for some of my own personal projects, but is there an audience in Medium for what you're trying to achieve? I'd even say that the Spanish audience in Medium is really small. Maybe it's worth exploring if with some of the money of this grant it doesn't make sense to put together a website of the Wikimedistas de Perú user group, to increase this digital presence you're signaling as one of the challenges. (And again, add more money to developing that).
  • The title of the project was for me very suggesting, because I thought "oh well it was about time that someone explored these very three closely connected topics", but when I went on to read the proposal these three topics are still being treated somehow separately. I think that more thought on how the three topics could be connected together would allow to see something that we haven't seen yet happening in terms of projects. For example, maybe it's worth exploring the connection between the Sustainable Development Goal 5 and some of the activities you're proposing, or a more holistic approach to the relationship between "ecology, culture and gender". Right now they read like three different, distinctive projects.
  • I wonder about some of the issues around consent & traditional knowledge that might arise in the photographic archive of Huaraz. Have those issues been cleared? Have the communities of origin allowed to be depicted in that way?

In any case, these questions/comments don't affect my decision to support the project (which I'm going to do right now), but as a general thing, maybe consider making less for the same amount of money. Scann (talk) 22:18, 13 February 2021 (UTC)Reply

Muchas gracias Scann por el endorsement and the comments. Here some comments on your comments:
Happy to read you. I definitively see the three topics closely related. Moreover, in Andean cosmovision, ayllu means family and community, and incorporates plants, mountains, lakes, the stars and even other communities. Other native cultures from the Americas have a similar concept; seen it with the mapuches in Chile and the tlingits in Alaska. Everything is part of your ayllu. I personally believe that if we are able to pollute rivers and soils is because we are already polluting our own blood and bodies. If we are able to exercise violence to nature the way we are doing it is because as humanity we are already exercising violence to our own bodies. Behind all the activities included in this project there is a vision: building community in diversity, connecting to nature, connecting to ourselves, individual and collective action, and respect and service to all 'others'. I love being part of the Wikimedia movement as I believe it has this same vision: freely sharing knowledge for everyone about ourselves, about our ayllu and all of its members, human and beyond. We havent mentioned some of these things in the project as we focused more in the practical stuff. Although we look forward to have many participants and new contents in Wikipedia in Spanish project, we also look forward to communicate the values of the movement, and continue reflecting through this project about the connection of the three topics.
I received the photographic archive in 2017 and have cleared out many things. A small portion of the slides from Huaraz (around 50) are focused on a local annual festivity —Festividad de la Virgen del Carmen— that takes place in Chavin de Huantar, on June. The majority of the slides in the archive are about the archaeological site: sculptures, edifices and even some about the archaeological excavations. Identifiable portraits of persons are rare. About the festivity, it has been declared a national intangible heritage in 2009. It is one of many festivities that have been declared a national heritage in the region (see Anexo:Patrimonio cultural inmaterial en Áncash) and in the country. We are very proud of them as they foster local identity, roots persons to their community, and the dresses, dance moves and dance structures are memory, they simbolize & embody values and attitudes. I have been studying traditions in the region for more than 15 years and I believe that it is very important to return to the communities part of their knowledge. The slides have documented the festivity in 1978 (42 years ago): some things have changes as culture is dynamic and people in Chavin will be very happy to see this changes and maybe some of their elders. By digitazing the images, recognizing and promoting the photographer —Tiberio Petro-León—, and sharing them with the community, maybe after this project has ended through a physical exhibition of a small selection of the archive in the Chavin Museum (which has a temporary exhibition room). We have good relations with the Regional Director of Culture and personnel.
The GLAM pilot projects are small in scope. With the Tarapoto Centre we have had many communications and an online meeting with the team in charge of the digital archives, communications and the data systems. And then they had a meeting afterwards with the directors, whom I know for some years. So everybody is glad to begin something. Last year they sent me some pictures and we uploaded them to Commons. Lasy year I also contacted a department from the Imperial College London so they could send us some pictures we afterwards uploaded (see gallery). By doing those two small experiences we learned a lot, but we still need to learn much more through experience. With the Art+Feminismo GLAM, we intend to contact some centers also where we already have good relationships. Through this pilot projects we will make a small but important step in Peru and open new possibilities and opportunities in the future, especially we believe in relation to the educational sector.
Too many activities with too little money! Well, the time, experience and efforts might seem underestimated. We talked about this and we have considerated and agreed that these amounts are the minimum with which we can guarantee the results. Now that I am doing the final report of our last Rapid Grant, I realize that maybe I should have added a couple of months for each coordinator in the budget as the time needed to do a report of a project like this (that creates new knowledge and lessons learned for everyone) can be extensive. We also should have included in our proposal at least two more members as part of the team, although their participation is covered by other means:
Fabio Friso, Communications Officer, Taki Wasi Center (Tarapoto, San Martin region); Communicator graduated from the University of Padova, Italy.
Zoe Massey, Photographer and educator, Colectivo Zamba Canuta (Pachacamac, Lima region): Professional photographer from the Antonio Gaudi Institute, Peru.
Goal 5 is about creating and disseminating content. Mainly we are addressing Peruvians through the dissemination of videos and raising awareness. The videos created in 2020 have new views each week. Each week we are sharing them in a different social network, a strategy used by other User Groups. I am part of the Wikimedia Peru User Group; we are not so many yet, all with many talents and different interests. We are a subgroup that share the passion of ecological, cultural heritage and gender awareness actitivies. Common interests lead to collective action in a very efficient way. And when we created the Wiki Loves Andes project in Peru, we never thought we would limit our activities to only one country. There are other five Andean countries with a lot of cultural and natural heritage still to be developed in the Spanish Wikipedia. But we have to start from the bottom, and that was the Ancash region (2018, 2019) and then Peru (2020).
Sorry for the long response, it is very difficult to stop talking about our passions. Melissa will answer later today about the Medium issue. Best wishes, --Cbrescia (talk) 15:42, 17 February 2021 (UTC)Reply
Hello, Scann. Thanks for your support and feedback. I’d like to comment about the Medium page we included in the proposal. I think you are right when you mention that Medium currently has limitations for content in Spanish (thanks for bringing that to our attention!), so we are considering using a wordpress website instead, as my colleague CBrescia has experience developing this kind of platform. In any case our goal is to have a digital repository that serves as a memory of the project as well as an informative platform. Yhhue91 (talk) 03:46, 18 February 2021 (UTC)Reply

Eligibility confirmed, Round 1 2021 - Community Organizing proposal[edit]

This Project Grants proposal is under review!

We've confirmed your proposal is eligible for review in Round 1 2021 for Community Organizing projects. This decision is contingent upon compliance with our COVID-19 guidelines. If your proposal includes travel and/or offline events, you must ensure that all of the following are true:

  • You have reviewed and can comply with the guidelines linked above.
  • If necessary because of COVID-19 safety risks, you can complete the core components of your proposed work plan _without_ offline events or travel.
  • You are able to postpone any planned offline events or travel until the Wikimedia Foundation’s guidelines allow for them, without significant harm to the goals of your project.
  • You include a COVID-19 planning section in your activities plan. In this section, you should provide a brief summary of how your project plan will meet COVID-19 guidelines, and how it would impact your project if travel and offline events prove unfeasible throughout the entire life of your project. If you have not already included this in your proposal, you have until February 28 to add it.

The Community review period is now underway, from February 20-March 4. We encourage you to make sure that stakeholders, volunteers, and/or communities impacted by your proposed project are aware of your proposal and invite them to give feedback on your talkpage. This is a great way to make sure that you are meeting the needs of the people you plan to work with and it can help you improve your project.

  • If you are applying for funds in a region where there is a Wikimedia Affiliate working, we encourage you to let them know about your project, too.
  • If you _are_ a Wikimedia Affiliate applying for a Project Grant: A special reminder that our guidelines and criteria require you to announce your Project Grant requests on your official user group page on Meta and a local language forum that is recognized by your group, to allow adequate space for objections and support to be voiced).

Please feel free to ask questions and make changes to this proposal as discussions continue during the community review period. By March 4, make sure that your proposal has incorporated any revisions you want to make and complies with all of our guidelines. If you have not already done so, you can make use of our project planning resources to improve your proposal further, too.

The Project Grant committee's formal review for round 1 2020 will occur March 5 through March 20, 2021. We ask that you refrain from making any further changes to your proposal during the committee review period, so we can be sure that all committee members are scoring the same version of the proposal.

Grantees will be announced Friday, April 22, 2021. Sometimes we have to make some changes to the round schedule. If that happens, it will be reflected on the round schedule on the Project Grants start page.

We look forward to engaging with you in this Round!

Questions? Contact us at projectgrants (_AT_) wikimedia  · org.

--Marti (WMF) (talk) 06:46, 21 February 2021 (UTC)Reply

Comment from Wikimedia Foundation Campaigns team[edit]

I am excited to see this proposal -- it connects three communities of practice in the movement working on gender gap, glamwiki and sustainability. The proposal does feel more like a Grants:Simple -- I wonder if the grant officers might be able to support you entering that program (I am not a grant officer so you should definitely check in on that).

I came here to share some thoughts similar to Scann above, as well as some other questions which may help the committee:

  • Your budget seems too small, and the amount of time allocated for each project appears like an underestimate based on the number of goals you hope to achieve. Personally, I don't think we should, as a movement, be funding paid work at the minimal viable rate for a geography if we expect high quality, persistent, well documented professional work. Here are some ways to maybe review/reflect on the rates and amount of time:
    • Does the amount of time reflect what it it takes to document and do deep investigative/reflection on audience/partner needs etc?
    • Are the professionals you are working with are compensated in a way that they are able to focus on this work and have adequate quality of life things that make their jobs easier to do (i.e. good internet access, etc) and a rate that anticipates other basic things like payroll/taxes etc?
    • Do you create space in the program for professional-level support that is persistent and able to absorb unexpected delays/gaps in planning (i.e. partners not ready to batch upload content on your time schedule, or global events like covid interupting work etc)?
  • Related to the above: what happens if one of your events goes really-really well, and the partner wants to do something more ambitious or another event? Does your budget have room for more unexpected events beyond the plan you already have? Remember, the implementation of these activities is going to happen during a period 6-18 months from now-- so despite all your good intentions, some things are going to change, get rescheduled, create new opportunities for unexpected partners etc. I think it might be easier to see this kind of planning if your event budgets and other expenses account for something like n+1 activities, where is n is the number of activities you know you can definitely do and the 1 gives you an opportunity to grow, change or shift, as life happens and opportunities emerge.
  • As a campaign organizer with GLAM experience -- I am not quite seeing the connection/consistency of your audiences in the proposed activity. I think it would be useful to understand how you a) plan to target the audiences for each of the programs, and b) how you plan to retain the participants across the programs. Your goals are really focused on newcomers, but I would also like a broader understanding of how this program of activities actually supports growing your community? How do you plan to retain people across the projects? etc.

Remember, you still have time to revise the proposal before the grant committee review -- so it might be worth thinking a little bit about scope and scale of the budget/work and working with the feedback being share here. Excited that you are doing this, and hopeful that you can grow the activities in your community, Astinson (WMF) (talk) 16:31, 24 February 2021 (UTC)Reply

Dear Astinson (WMF), thank you very much for the comments. They help us improve and nurture our project. Yes, we will be going through a process of reviewing and aligning the scope and budget to the overall objectives. We want a very organic project, both symbolically and literally. We already have made a few changes and tonight we are having a virtual meeting. We are also very excited about this proposal and very excited that other persons like you and Scann find it exciting. We will get back to your comments and comment them in a couple of days. Cheers, --Cbrescia (talk) 15:58, 25 February 2021 (UTC)Reply
Great! I am also not a grant officer or the committee -- so am not speaking with them -- so its always sensible to ask for feedback throughout the process on their side as well. But from an implementation perspective: I also would rather you not end up in a situation where complex work, becomes overwhelming or exhausting in a way that interferes with time and space for implementing the projects. Wikimedians are generally very ambitious, and I would hate for that to be hampered by a resource-request oversight. Astinson (WMF) (talk) 19:11, 25 February 2021 (UTC)Reply
Dear Astinson (WMF) and Scann, thanks. Here are some comments related to your thoughts and questions.
* Community engagement: We have been meeting with some of the actors in Peru involved in ecology, culture and gender looking to root the project into the necessities of communities that find these topics essential. One actor we met became part of the project as is very interested (as documentary filmmaker) in documenting the digitization project in Huaraz. Through another meeting, we affirmed our decision to focus one of the four thematic editathons in concepts, issues and actors against gender violence as it cases have been increasing during the last decade.
* Overall objectives: We have reorganized the goals: goals 1, 2 and 3 are now goal 1, that aims to create community through periodic activities that also improve and creates content; goal 4 is now goal 2, that aims to start GLAM activities in relation to Wikimedia in the country; and goal 5 is now goal 3, that aims to conserve and communicate our lessons learned, activities and results to internal and external communities to the Movement.
* Budget: we aligned scope and budget, increasing the honoraries for the key members of the team and reduced some activites, e. g. five video tutorials, which require filming and editing time, and logistics. Maybe they can be produced or reorientated in future projects with more knowledge.
* Alliances: we decided to refocus the photo walk in Lima, instead of doing it in alliance with a collective (Zamba Canuta) dedicated to enviromental educational, we now are doing it with the Peruvian Society of Cactus and Succulents Plants. We are in contact with the president and they have been participating in the last editathons. They are very active and an alliance with them will help us increase more our connection to virtual communities interested in ecology and biodiversity. One of the four thematic editathons will be about Cactus and Succulents Plants of Peru, and we will have as one of the invited speakers of the webinar the Peruvian specialist in Cactus, Carlos Ostolaza. We believe that by building these types of partnerships we ensure the sustainability of the Wikimedia movement activities.
* Contingencies: we have included a Contingencies Plan if new scenarios appear.
Yes, Wikimedians are very ambitious but also people involved in gender, ecology and culture are. Sometimes we overlook the economic rates for the work being done as many times we do things not thinking about retribution, only service. We usually join forces as we have similar interests and by collective action we build and strengthen friendships that are best way to ensure growth and sustainability. With the changes, we believe the project is more balanced. So, thank you very much for your comments again, best regards, --Cbrescia (talk) 16:45, 4 March 2021 (UTC)Reply

Aggregated feedback from the committee for Expanding the Wikimedia movement in Peru with a focus on ecology, culture and gender[edit]

Scoring rubric Score
(A) Impact potential
  • Does it have the potential to increase gender diversity in Wikimedia projects, either in terms of content, contributors, or both?
  • Does it have the potential for online impact?
  • Can it be sustained, scaled, or adapted elsewhere after the grant ends?
(B) Community engagement
  • Does it have a specific target community and plan to engage it often?
  • Does it have community support?
(C) Ability to execute
  • Can the scope be accomplished in the proposed timeframe?
  • Is the budget realistic/efficient ?
  • Do the participants have the necessary skills/experience?
(D) Measures of success
  • Are there both quantitative and qualitative measures of success?
  • Are they realistic?
  • Can they be measured?
Additional comments from the Committee:
  • A programme for an underrepresented community.
  • This project appears a valuable contribution in a part of the continent that is not well-represented.
  • The project is framed with a deep understanding of the movement and has made references to successful communities in the same region that have achieved similar goals to what proponents expect to achieve. Objective goals of events and campaigns are clear; a deeper, strategic understanding of opportunities and challenges for community engagement in Peruvian context could be developed.
  • Project fits with the Wikimedia's strategic priories. The project is very ambitious with many activities and if accomplished it will certainly have a great impact.
  • There are many goals to be accomplished and different ways to measure the project success.
  • It seems that this grant plans on doing some activities that might have been done already by other South American countries. Consider existing learning and materials in Spanish.
  • I appreciated the well done grant page request. The model is the page itself: clear, descriptive and well defined.
  • This is innovative as it may help an entire country to move forward with its rich history that is under-appreciated due to its under-representation within Wikimedia Projects.
  • Projects are well framed and rely on a good understanding of success cases. I recommend reaching to successful affiliates from the region to hear from them about their best practices and suggestions. A mentorship with strong affiliates like Wikimedia Argentina and Wikimedia Mexico is desirable.
  • The project has realistic measures of success and clear targets.
  • The budget seems unclear, because it includes equipment and payment online services to personal accounts. There are staff names like an organization (Communication officer, Gender and Art Coordinator, etc...)
  • Wikipedians with experience
  • It appears those who are proposing this are capable of contributing to and managing this project.
  • As it was said in the talk page, this reads more like a sAPG application than a project grant application. Several pieces of information that are normally required for a sAPG are missing, especially the connection to an annual plan, details of roles and responsibilities for staff... It is also a big leap from successfully obtaining RGs to building a several-people team with a large budget to handle. Thus, it is indeed hard to assess appropriately this proposal, and I suggest this is moved to a sAPG application.
  • The scope of the project can be accomplished and the participants have the necessary skills and experience.
  • There is sufficient community engagement.
  • The project clearly supports diversity and has a specific target community.
  • The project seems better aligned with Peruvian WUG, because it could get more support from WMF officials in other kinds of funding. I don't see if this project is part of Peru WUG or not, but it seems it.
  • Good proposal.
  • I think this project is dynamic and needed to better represent the culture and history of Peru.
  • Assessment as a project grant might not be appropriate. Projects are normally envisioned as having a specific goal and driving resources to achieving this goal. The proposal here is bold and should be funded, but under the scope of a sAPG --this was even emphasized on the talk page. Why a sAPG? Because the focus is on structuring an organization, with an emphasis on staff-building and organizational strategy-thinking. My recommendation for "not funding" should not be perceived as not appreciating the merit of the Peruvian community --and I am very impressed by the boldness of what is proposed and the commitment of the proponents--, rather as a suggestion to move this application to the scope of a sAPG. The sAPG directioning was key for my affiliate to become a mature organization!
  • For all the activities listed I think the project is worth funding.

This proposal has been recommended for due diligence review.

The Project Grants Committee has conducted a preliminary assessment of your proposal and recommended it for due diligence review. This means that a majority of the committee reviewers favorably assessed this proposal and have requested further investigation by Wikimedia Foundation staff.

Next steps:

  1. Aggregated committee comments from the committee are posted above. Note that these comments may vary, or even contradict each other, since they reflect the conclusions of multiple individual committee members who independently reviewed this proposal. We recommend that you review all the feedback and post any responses, clarifications or questions on this talk page.
  2. Following due diligence review, a final funding decision will be announced on Friday, April 22, 2021.
Questions? Contact us.

Mercedes Caso (platícame) 23:48, 25 March 2021 (UTC)Reply

[Update] Aggregated feedback from the committee[edit]

Hola Cbrescia and Yhhue91,

The updated decision is a result of a missed committee score. The new score placed your project as recommended for due diligence review.

Please contact us should you have any further questions.


--Mercedes Caso (platícame) 00:19, 26 March 2021 (UTC)Reply

Responses and clarifications in relation to the Aggregated feedback from the committee[edit]

Hi, we are very happy that the proposal has been recommended for due diligence review. We are also very grateful for the additional comments given by the Project Grants Committee. Here are some of our responses to them:

  • It seems that this grant plans on doing some activities that might have been done already by other South American countries. Consider existing learning and materials in Spanish.
Certainly other countries in the region have a track record in the fields in which we are venturing. That is why we have an Advisory Committee integrated by active members of the Wikimedia Chapters in South America. To date we have the participation of representatives of Wikimedia Chile and Wikimedia Argentina, and there are high probabilities of involving more members throughout the 12 months of the project. We appreciate the suggestion to take into account the experiences and educational resources of other countries in the region. Our Project Advisors are:
Patricia Díaz Rubio, Directora ejecutiva - Wikimedia Chile
Angie Cervellera, Encargada de Cultura y Conocimiento Abierto - Wikimedia Argentina
Kathia Carrillo, Multimedia and Campaigns Coordinator - Icca Consortium (although not related to Wikimedia projects, her expertise in communicational strategies in Peru will help us plan and implement more efficiently our activities)
  • Projects are well framed and rely on a good understanding of success cases. I recommend reaching to successful affiliates from the region to hear from them about their best practices and suggestions. A mentorship with strong affiliates like Wikimedia Argentina and Wikimedia Mexico is desirable.
Currently we have confirmed the participation of staff from Wikimedia Chile and Wikimedia Argentina to integrate the Advisory Committee (see above). We appreciate the suggestion to request mentorship from Wikimedia Mexico staff.
  • The budget seems unclear, because it includes equipment and payment online services to personal accounts. There are staff names like an organization (Communication officer, Gender and Art Coordinator, etc...)
The names we have created for the members of the team in charge of the coordination of the project correspond to the roles they will carry out, which correspond to the expertise that each member brings. The use of the titles is simply for reasons of organization of the team and of the activities in order to meet the goals. At this point we are not constituted as an organization and we do not have staff per se.
As for the administration of the fund, we will create a bank account dedicated exclusively to the project.
  • As it was said in the talk page, this reads more like a sAPG application than a project grant application. Several pieces of information that are normally required for a sAPG are missing, especially the connection to an annual plan, details of roles and responsibilities for staff... It is also a big leap from successfully obtaining RGs to building a several-people team with a large budget to handle. Thus, it is indeed hard to assess appropriately this proposal, and I suggest this is moved to a sAPG application.
  • Assessment as a project grant might not be appropriate. Projects are normally envisioned as having a specific goal and driving resources to achieving this goal. The proposal here is bold and should be funded, but under the scope of a sAPG --this was even emphasized on the talk page. Why a sAPG? Because the focus is on structuring an organization, with an emphasis on staff-building and organizational strategy-thinking. My recommendation for "not funding" should not be perceived as not appreciating the merit of the Peruvian community --and I am very impressed by the boldness of what is proposed and the commitment of the proponents--, rather as a suggestion to move this application to the scope of a sAPG. The sAPG directioning was key for my affiliate to become a mature organization!
While we do not rule out submitting a proposal to the SAPG program in the future, we believe that the Project Grants program guidelines fit our current objectives and capabilities. In addition, we have taken into consideration that the budgets granted by the SAPG programe are larger and would therefore require a larger team. We have studied the SAPG program and we believe that our next step after running Rapid Grants in Peru is to gain more experience through the Project Grants. It is worth mentioning that the main project coordinators, Melissa Tamani and Carlo Brescia, have previous work experience collaborating on Wikimedia projects and with Peruvian cultural organizations.
  • The project seems better aligned with Peruvian WUG, because it could get more support from WMF officials in other kinds of funding. I don't see if this project is part of Peru WUG or not, but it seems it.
This project is not a proposal of the Wikimedians of Peru User Group, as it has a specific focus on gender, ecology and culture and not about creating any kind of content about Peru. The organizing team maintains that the project is not part of Peru WUG. However, the organizing team maintains a fluid communication with the WUG. We believe that in order to strengthen sustainably the Wikimedia movement in Peru, a good approach is focusing on actors that are already engaged in gender, environmental and cultural rights, communicating the importance of free knowledge and access to them, documenting learnings, establishing partnerships with institutions and developing a consistent communication program. All these, also by following the Wikimedia Foundation guiding principles and a space-friendly policy at all of our activities.

Yours sincerely, Melissa Tamani and Carlo Brescia, --Cbrescia (talk) 04:15, 5 April 2021 (UTC)Reply

Project changes: April 8th, 2021[edit]

Dear WMF, We have discussed and reviewed our project. We have made the following changes:

  1. Added the three project advisors in the project's infobox mentioned in our clarifications on April 5th, 2021.
  2. Removed the Huaraz Digitization component in GOAL 2: Initiate Glam projects in Peru. This component consisted in the digitization of a photographic archive of slides in Huaraz, belonging to the photographer Tiberio Petro-León, who recorded the Chavín de Huántar site and Andean traditional activities such as dances in the late 70s. By removing this component the budget has been reduced from 40000 usd to 36000 usd (personnel, equipment & contingencies). We believe that this change will permit us to focus more in the other GLAM projects, in community building and the strenghtening the presence of the Wikimedia movement in Peru. This change has modified also the targets in metric 3:
Number of digital images uploaded to Commons: from 2500 to 2000
Number of images digitized and uploaded to Commons: from 800 to 200
  1. Changed the number of photographic archives of artists to be digitized in Lima, from at least 3 archives to at least 2 archives. This is a component of GOAL 2: Initiate Glam projects in Peru. This change will also allow us to focus pur efforts more in the other GLAM projects and in community building. This change has also reduced our targets in metric 3.

Yours sincerely, Melissa Tamani and Carlo Brescia, --Cbrescia (talk) 04:47, 9 April 2021 (UTC)Reply

Clarifications in relation to Wikimedians of Peru User Group[edit]

Hi, we wanted to make more clarifications about the relation of this project with the Wikimedians of Peru User Group. We are expanding our response made on April 5th, 2021:

  • The project seems better aligned with Peruvian WUG, because it could get more support from WMF officials in other kinds of funding. I don't see if this project is part of Peru WUG or not, but it seems it.
This project is not a proposal of the Wikimedians of Peru User Group, as it has a specific focus on gender, ecology and culture and not about creating any kind of content about Peru. The organizing team maintains that the project is not part of Peru WUG. However, the organizing team maintains a fluid communication with the WUG. We believe that in order to strengthen sustainably the Wikimedia movement in Peru, a good approach is focusing on actors that are already engaged in gender, environmental and cultural rights, communicating the importance of free knowledge and access to them, documenting learnings, establishing partnerships with institutions and developing a consistent communication program. All these, also by following the Wikimedia Foundation guiding principles and a space-friendly policy at all of our activities.

Detailing and expanding our response:

* Both the project leaders, Melissa Tamani (since 17 April 2018) and Carlo Brescia (since 2 June 2019), are part of Wikimedians of Peru User Group (Peru WUG).
* This project proposal is not a Peru WUG project. This project has been designed based in our experience organizing workshops, editathons, photo walks and contests with partners in the Lima, La Libertad, Lambayeque and Ancash regions in Peru. The experience of Melissa Tamani is based on the Art+Feminism Peru project (organizing activities since 2015 with the support of the Art+Feminism User Group and 2 Rapid Grants) and the experience of Carlo Brescia is based on the Wiki Loves Andes project (organizing activities since 2018 with the support of 3 Rapid Grants).
* The activities we have been organizing since 2015 and 2018 have been promoted in the Telegram, Facebook, Twitter e Instagram social channels of the Wikimedians of Peru User Group.
* Carlo Brescia participates in the Telegram channel of the Peru WUG. On February 22nd, 2021, he presented this project there to obtain support and answered questions in relation to the project.
* Carlo Brescia also participated in a meeting of the Peru WUG on January 30, 2021, to discuss activities related to the April 11, 2021 elections in Peru. Although no activities were implemented, the meeting was very important to virtually present to each other and socialize with the other current active members of the Peru WUG.
* We believe that the strengthening of the Peru WUG, will depend on the regularity of the activities; of shared interests, objectives and activities; and the development of personal relationships among its members: building trust, friendships and community. We would love to contribute to the strengthening of the Peru WUG, understand that this strengthening depends on a community process and that the strengthening of the Peru WUG will contribute to the strengthening of the Wikimedia movement in Peru.
* During the project we would informe to the Peru WUG about our activities and we also can contribute to the dissemination of their activities (those that are aligned with our objectives). We can also seek to harmonize our schedule of activities with those of the Peru WUG as much as possible.
* As organizers of the project Expanding the Wikimedia movement in Peru through an emphasis on ecology, culture and gender, we believe that this project's implementation will positively impact on the internal processes of the Peru WUG and the sentiment of community of the Peru WUG. It is through our shared interests in relevant topics such as ecology, culture and gender that we want to expand the Wikimedia movement in Peru. We believe that there are active members and potential new editors that have interest in these topics and believe that are relevant in our country.
* Finally, we understand and believe that the interest on these topics (culture, ecology and gender) go beyond the interests of Peruvian editors. We believe that these topics are very important for many Latin American editors and readers. Because of this, we also hope to build relationships between other users from the Wikimedia movement in Latin America through this project with the help of our project advisors.

Yours sincerely, Melissa Tamani and Carlo Brescia, --Cbrescia (talk) 02:56, 11 April 2021 (UTC)Reply

Round 1 2021 decision[edit]

Congratulations! Your proposal has been selected for a Project Grant.

The committee has recommended this proposal and WMF has approved funding for the full amount of your request, $36,000

Comments regarding this decision:
The committee is pleased to support experienced wikimedians that bring their knowledge in project management, ecology, culture, and gender issues into a solid project. The committee appreciates the interest of the grantee to participate with the local user group to continue strengthening the Wikimedia movement in Peru.

NOTE: Funding of any offline activities (e.g. travel and in-person events) is contingent upon compliance with the Wikimedia Foundation's COVID-19 guidelines. We require that you complete the Risk Assessment Tool:

  • 14 days before any travel and/or gathering event
  • 24 hours before any travel and/or gathering event

Offline events may only proceed if the tool results continue to be green or yellow.

Next steps:

  1. You will be contacted to sign a grant agreement and setup a monthly check-in schedule.
  2. Review the information for grantees.
  3. Use the new buttons on your original proposal to create your project pages.
  4. Start work on your project!

Upcoming changes to Wikimedia Foundation Grants

Over the last year, the Wikimedia Foundation has been undergoing a community consultation process to launch a new grants strategy. Our proposed programs are posted on Meta here: Grants Strategy Relaunch 2020-2021. If you have suggestions about how we can improve our programs in the future, you can find information about how to give feedback here: Get involved. We are also currently seeking candidates to serve on regional grants committees and we'd appreciate it if you could help us spread the word to strong candidates--you can find out more here. We will launch our new programs in July 2021. If you are interested in submitting future proposals for funding, stay tuned to learn more about our future programs.

Mercedes Caso (platícame) 04:20, 23 April 2021 (UTC)Reply

Modificaciones en las actividades del enfoque Género[edit]


Queremos notificar que hemos hecho algunas modificaciones en las actividades planificadas originalmente en el enfoque de género. La modificación consiste en que hemos agregado 2 actividades programáticas: a) el ciclo de encuentros mensuales #WikiMujerPerú y b) las sesiones de asesoría, ambas actividades inician en noviembre de 2021. De esta manera, queremos ofrecer espacios diálogo, entrenamiento y edición previos a la la Séptima editatón Arte+Feminismo en Lima, programada para marzo de 2022. Estas modificaciones no han significado cambios en el presupuesto planteado. --Yhhue91 (talk) 18:58, 24 November 2021 (UTC)Reply

Muchas gracias por compartir estas nuevas actividades planeadas que contribuyen a generar contenidos y concientización sobre el tema de género.
Enhorabuena. Mercedes Caso (platícame) 23:44, 24 November 2021 (UTC)Reply

Extensión plazo de entrega Mid Point Report[edit]

Estimada User:MCasoValdes (WMF),

Debido a que nuestras últimas actividades programáticas de este año nos han impedido finalizar nuestro Mid Point Report a tiempo, queremos solicitar una ampliación del plazo de presentación hasta el lunes 20 de diciembre, en lugar del 15 de diciembre. De esta forma podremos afinar el contenido que presentaremos. Muchas gracias de antemano. Quedamos atentos a tu respuesta. --Yhhue91 (talk) 23:54, 15 December 2021 (UTC)Reply

Hola @Yhhue91:
Gracias por tu mensaje. Entendemos la necesidad y queda aprobada la solicitud de extensión. Estaré pendiente de leer su informe el 20 de diciembre. Un saludo, --Mercedes Caso (platícame) 00:54, 16 December 2021 (UTC)Reply

Aprobación de midpoint report[edit]

Hola @Cbrescia: y @Yhhue91:

Agradecemos la preparación y envío de su informe. El informe está aprobado. Ha sido un gusto leer con detalle todos los avances y actividades que han llevado a cabo. La ejecución de las actividades se ha beneficiado de la experiencia previa que ambos han acumulado a lo largo del tiempo como wikimedistas.

A lo largo de la implementación del proyecto es claro que tienen una identidad y un enfoque claro en tres ejes específicos: género, cultura y ecología. Sus aportaciones ya son significativas para contribuir a cubrir lagunas de conocimiento del patrimonio natural y cultural del Perú y la inclusión de más mujeres en los proyectos wiki.

Destacamos la creación de alianzas con instituciones y personas clave alineadas con las áreas de enfoque del proyecto.

Reconocemos la sensibilidad de ver que existía interés en la parte de género de su proyecto y que hicieron adaptaciones a su programa original. Asímismo, celebramos el uso de un dashboard que permita registrar los avances. En general, vemos que la implementación de su proyecto ha estado bien documentada, con resultados medidos a nivel cuantitativo y cualitativo que dan cuenta del gran trabajo realizado.

Agradecería si pueden ser más explícitos en la manera como visibilizan, en la práctica, que A+F Perú y WLA pasan a ser el soporte de WikiAcción Perú. De igual manera, sería interesante saber qué nuevas características definen a la audiencia de WikiAcción Perú, a diferencia de las de A+F Perú y WLA que también han integrado al proyecto.

Con la creación de estrategias tales como los grupos en Whatsapp y Telegram y encuestas de evaluación, será interesante conocer qué tan efectivas resultaron para la retención de voluntarios (tanto editores como organizadores) de la serie de talleres, concursos y demás actividades.

Observamos también que parte de su estrategia de retención tiene que ver con el orden como calendarizar sus actividades, ofreciendo primer un taller y al poco tiempo organizando un editatón y concurso. ¿Saben si eso resulta efectivo para mantener la atención y participación de quienes participaron en el taller?

Será interesante conocer si el ajuste que planean en la segunda fase del proyecto de buscar segmentos de públicos especializados (por ejemplo, activistas en género, cultura y ecología) tiene un mejor resultado comparado con la estrategia anterior. Con el propósito de compartir con otros su trabajo, resultaría de utilidad que documenten su metodología de enseñanza y de mentoría para talleres y jornadas de edición presenciales y virtuales.

Asímismo, será interesante saber cómo funcionó en la práctica el apoyo del grupo de asesores y si hay algo de esa experiencia que recomendarían o que pensarían modificar.

Gracias por detenerse a reflexionar sobre sus aprendizajes, por compartirlos y por hacer adaptaciones a la segunda parte del proyecto en base a lo aprendido. Saben que siguen contando con el acompañamiento de WMF para lo que sigue. Muchas felicidades por todos los logros obtenidos hasta el momento, esperamos que se sientan satisfechos y con muchas ganas de seguir poniendo cuidad, empeño y dedicación a lo que viene.

Gracias, Mercedes Caso (platícame) 20:59, 23 December 2021 (UTC)Reply

Uso de fondos remanentes[edit]

Estimada, @MCasoValdes (WMF) Como acordamos en nuestra última reunión, queremos comunicar que contamos con 3,969 USD remanentes de nuestro fondo de financiamiento. Quisiéramos emplear dichos fondos de la siguiente forma durante el mes de junio, antes de la presentación de nuestro reporte final:

- Financiamiento de actividades en Brasil en junio de 2022: 400 USD

- Adquisición de los premios para los ganadores de los concursos de edición de mayo 2022: 469 USD

- Costos de la asesoría legal para la conformación de la Asociación Civil WikiAcción Perú: 1800 USD

- Costo de hospedaje en Lima de la Directora de Comunicaciones y de la Responsable de medios sociales en Lima para reunión presencial de equipo: 300 USD

- Honorarios para 2 miembros del jurado del Concurso de fotografía sobre olas peruanas, 120 USD

- Producción de materiales impresos y bolsos para la fase 2: 380 USD

- Honorarios para trabajo de mantenimiento y optimización del sitio web: 500 USD

Por favor, déjanos saber si tus comentarios. Atentamente.

Yhhue91 (talk) 23:19, 16 June 2022 (UTC)Reply

Gracias@Yhhue91 por el mensaje y por el detallado replanteamiento del uso de los recursos que me parece adecuado. Considero que la reasignación de recursos que aquí proponen está en alineación y es congruente que el avance y los aprendizajes de su proyecto. Seguimos en comunicación para lo que requieran. Saludos, Mercedes Caso (platícame) 17:16, 23 June 2022 (UTC)Reply