Grants talk:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Rapid Fund/Wiki Karaeng (ID: 22655083)
Add topicEndorsement from
[edit]-- 04:16, 3 June 2024 (UTC)
Endorsement from
[edit]-- 08:00, 6 June 2024 (UTC)
Follow-up questions/ comments
[edit]Hello @Silentwinner
Thank you for putting in a grant application.
As this is the first time applying for the rapid fund grant, would you be able to share more about:
1) Your experience and participation in the Wikimedia movement;
2) Your previous experience in accessing and managing a grant of similar budget, editing and movement organising experience etc.
3) What are the different wikimedian communities you are working in Indonesia? How are you interracting/ collaboraing with them (individuals/ recognised or unrecognised groups)?
4) How did you learn about the Wikimedia Foundation grants and what motivated you to put in an application?
As we may require more time to review your application and schedule a 1-1 time to connect following your responses. We'll be moving your application to the next cycle (see timeline for more details) to give us more lead time to connect.
Thank you.
Regards, Jacqueline JChen (WMF) (talk) 04:49, 26 June 2024 (UTC)
- thank you for the Respons for my application.
- saya sudah bergabung di Komunitas Wikimedia Manokwari Sejak tahun 2021.
- Selain Aktif setiap bulanya dalam kegiatan rapat bulanan Wikimedia Manokwari saya juga ikut berperan dalam beberapa kegiatan Seperti :
- 1. 20-21 Mei 2023. saya mendapat kesempatan untuk menjadi bagian dalam Kegiatan Wikinusantara 2023 yang diadakan di banjarmasin. dalam kesempatan tersbut saja juga ikut berpartisipasi dalam sesi bacangurah dimana saya mengangkat topik terkait literasi.
- 2. Hibah Buku Oktober- November. Dalam kegiatan ini saya mendapatkan hibah buku yg berjudul Qualitativ Research , isi materidari buku tersebut telah saya sunting di Wikipedia.
- 3. 14 Oktober 2023, Menjadi salah satu panitia penyelengaraan Wikilatih dari team Pendidikan WMID. Melalui Kunjungan tersebut Kami mencoba untuk melakukan Kerjasama dengan team Pendidikan WMID dengan fakultas saya yaitu FKIP.
- 4. Kopdar 23 September dan 28 Oktober. kegiatan menulis dan menyunting bersama secara luring di proyek Wiki
- 5. 25 November 2023Temu data Hibrida Tematik 3. dalam kegiatan ini bertema tentang penggunaan data semesta fiksi, film dan tokoh kartun.
- 6. Penanggung jawab Kompetisi Data Terstruktur dengan objek Papua.
- 7. mei 2024. menjadi salah satu peserta dan mengisi peserta Wikilatih pada kegiatan wikinusantara 2024
- Pada tahun 2023 saya menjadi penanggung jawab Hibah kompetisi Data Terstruktur dengan objek Papua denga Junlah dana Rp. saya menjadi penanggung jawab dalam pengelolaan dana untuk kompetisi termasuk keperlyuan lomba fan juga hadiah bagi peserta. Saya tergabung di wikimedia Manokwari Provinsi papua Barat Indonesia bukan di jepang.
- salah satu teman saya di wikimedia manokwari pernah menjadi penerima rapid fund dari wikimedia foundation. dia selalu sharing dan memotivasi saya untuk ikut bergabung dalam progran wiki foundation. adapyun tujuan utama kenapa saya mengajukan proposala rapid fund tujuan utamanya yaitu untuk mendokumentasikan museum, benteng dalam bentuk gambar sehingga memudahkan pengunjung untuk mengaksesnya dalam bentuk digital. karena saat ini masi belum ada foto dan dokumentasi yang berlisensi bebas. sehingga kami bertiga yang berasal dari Sulawesi Selatan berinisiatif untuk melakukan dokumentasi dan dokumentasi tersebut akan dibagikjan secara bebas melalui Commons. sedangkan data-adata yang akan kami kumpulkan akan dibagikan secara bebas pula melalui wikidata dan wikipedia. Sebagia awal kegiatan yang kemudian diharapkan akan ada kegiatan lanjutan berupa dokumentasi isi dari museum-museum tersebut. Silentwinner (talk) 14:46, 26 June 2024 (UTC)
- Hello @Silentwinner,
- Thank you for responding to the talkpage comments.
- Let's schedule a call to connect.
- I'll reach out via email.
- Thank you.
- Regards,
- Jacqueline JChen (WMF) (talk) 01:32, 27 June 2024 (UTC)
Clarifications on your budget
[edit]Hello @Silentwinner,
Thank you for taking time to connect last month. Following our call, I'll like to seek further clarifications on your proposed budget.
We noticed that
a) the budget request is above the allowable limit for the rapid fund grant
b) there is an error in the local currency to USD conversion (please take a closer look)
c) Contingency should not be more than 10% of the total budget
Once you have reviewed and updated your budget file, please share a google link document and respond to the talkpage message.
Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.
Regards, Jacqueline
Reupload budget Rapid Fund
[edit]Hello. Jacqluine I have reviewed my Budget for Rapid Fund. here I attcehd the Link.
My Regard. suardi Silentwinner (talk) 09:31, 2 August 2024 (UTC)
Your grant application has been approved
[edit]Hello @Silentwinner,
Thank you for reviewing and updating your budget request.
The revised budget that you have requested is INR 22,760,000.
I have also uploaded the file on the Fluxx portal for future access. We observed that you have a formula error in your total budget cell (i.e. rows 5-16). The approved amount is based on the summation of rows 5-17.
Thank you for also clarifying that the travel and per diem/ remuneration serves to offset a fraction of the out of pocket cost related to project implementation. This is because the compensation should be for well-defined roles that do not replace volunteer activities, including (but not limited to) graphic design, training, childcare services, translation, project management, and Wikimedian-in-Residence roles.
You may wish to take note of this for future grant applications. Reference: Grants:Project/Rapid#What we fund
Your grant application has been approved in the amount of INR 22,760,000 from 1 November 2024 to 31 January 2025.
Let’s continue having regular conversations over the course of your grant implementation. Please let me know if you require support in any way or would like to share your experiences with a wider community through the Let's Connect Programme or at ESEAP community meetings.
Note on grant funding amount
In your award letter/email, you may observe that the USD equivalent may be different from that floating exchange rate on Oanda. This is because (at the moment) we apply a pre-determined exchange rate for each grant as determined by the WMF Finance team. That said, I've published on meta the approved amount in your local currency and we can use that as a common reference point.
We know even the best thought through plans may change.
In the event that there are changes to your implementation schedule, you can reach out to request for a grant extension (i.e. extend end date). Similarly, if there is a surplus budget or changes to your planned budget, you can reach out to me about reallocation (via email and on this talkpage). There is also the option to have the unspent funds deducted against a future grant. More details here:
Additional resources which may be useful
- The reporting requirements and templates for the grant can be found here. All reports are to be completed and submitted via Fluxx.
- Timelines for reporting can be found in your grant agreement or on Fluxx.
- Instructions for post award:
- Documenting project expenses:
Thank you.
Regards, Jacqueline JChen (WMF) (talk) 06:41, 12 August 2024 (UTC)
- @JChen (WMF): I just came here while passing around somewhere here. I see there are some currency mistakes. The grant request and the budget itself is in IDR, and not in INR, which your response and approval mentions. Am I missing something? ─ Aafī on Mobile (talk) 19:33, 15 August 2024 (UTC)