Grants talk:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Rapid Fund/WLA 2024 Congo-Brazzaville (ID: 22391692)
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Latest comment: 1 year ago by VThamaini (WMF) in topic Rapid Fund Approved
Endorsment from CapitainAfrika (talk)
[edit]Support Ceci permet d'assurer l'inclusion et la diversité au sein du mouvement Wikimedia surtout lorsque nous savons qu'il y a une faible participation des Wikimédiens francophones dans des activités d'envergure continentale, j'encourage nos camarades voisins du Congo d'en face, content de voir que vous avez ce souci de grandir.
--CapitainAfrika (talk) 12:13, 27 November 2023 (UTC)
Rapid Fund Approved
[edit]Wikimedian community of the Republic of Congo,
Thank you for applying to the rapid fund program and for your interest in contributing to the Wiki Loves Africa campaign. We are approving your grant with the following conditions;
- Based on the scope of work and the amount of people to be involved in the project from the 2 cities and the expected outputs and outcomes - we approve funding at XAF 2,121,212. We encourage you to review the budget to support efficiency while maximizing impact value.
- Please ensure that you have put in measures to support the sustainability of the efforts and skills brought in by the expert brings to the community. We would hope you avoid dependency on external expertise and that you take time as a community to develop the skills needed for future participation in similar projects. There are lots of resources within the community that could be supportive - please reach out to Wikimedians, and they will make this available.
- It is important that you reflect and put in action steps on how you support the community members who participate in the campaign afterwards. How do you keep them engaged and support them?
- We highly recommend that you use the event registration tool and the outreach dashboard for tracking the outputs of their event. It is also important to include a learning component as part of the event to help you together with the participants in learning whether the objectives you set were accomplished.
- Lastly - you need to clearly define what editors in the event are able to do; what actions the editors can take after the event - how about after 6 months, and what support the group is providing to make this possible. Putting in SMART objectives together with clear metrics will support you in assessing whether the project is working or not and this is beyond quantitative metrics. There are other ways of tracking editor growth and retention; here is a tutorial on how to use PAWS to query retention with this template and tutorial (English. We would like you to deepen your approach to tracking retention beyond just the number of attendees.
We look forward to seeing some of the points highlighted above in the report. VThamaini (WMF) (talk) 09:35, 18 December 2023 (UTC)