Grants talk:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Rapid Fund/Monuments photowalk Tunisia (ID: 22005861)
Add topicEndorsment from Houss 2020 (talk)
[edit]This proposal is important because it will help providing more information and photos about archaeological sites and monuments in Tunisia.The photo walk will provide wiki users and information seekers with visual details that can help them in their research and extend their cultural knowledge.Finally I think this project will surely contribute to important developments around Wikimedia commons and Wikipedia projects.
--Houss 2020 (talk) 14:05, 11 November 2022 (UTC)
Endorsment de Adoscam
[edit]Pour avoir travaillé dans différents projets avec les membres de Wikimédia Tunisie au regards de leur engagement et de leur motivation et compte tenu du fait que ce projet va mieux révéler les monuments de la Tunisie je soutiens fortement ce gant pour la mise œuvre de ce projet qui ne va que faire grandir la communauté. Adoscam (talk) 14:26, 11 November 2022 (UTC)
Endorsment from نعيم قربوسي (talk)
[edit]as part of the preparation of our event; we had organise a presentation about the photo walk (program, and how to upload photos)
--نعيم قربوسي (talk) 10:26, 14 November 2022 (UTC)
Support هذه فرصة لتوثيق أكثر صور لمنطة الأثرية في تونس
--Hommi2020 (talk) 07:48, 26 November 2022 (UTC)
[edit]Bonjour نعيم قربوسي, thank you for submitting your proposal. We are pleased to approve this grant in the amount of 10,000 TND (3,135 USD) taking into account the following comments [for this application or any future grants]:
- Kindly seek to avoid duplication of photos of monuments by participants during the photowalks.
- Please ensure that the metrics mentioned are aligned and consistent with the proposal [example: the number of participants versus the number of photos or articles that will be uploaded; versus number of days].
- Please highlight in future applications the process of identifying the relevant participants as part of the activities.
- Please make sure that the approximate number of total monuments is well stated in any future proposals.
Your grant request will be approved on Wikimedia Foundation Funds Grantee Portal on Fluxx once the eligibility check is completed. Thanks again for your contribution to the Wikimedia movement. We wish you the best for your project! --DGuedri (WMF) (talk) 09:40, 19 January 2023 (UTC)