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Grants talk:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Planificación 2022 de Wikimedia España

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Latest comment: 3 years ago by Florenciac in topic Gracias

Feedback and questions


Thank you for submitting this application. Thank you for your time, energy and effort. After the first review step, We have some remarks, recommendations and questions that we'd like to get more clarity on. Please find them below :

  • In the objectives, you state "Nos apoyaremos en la generación de herramientas propias." / "We will rely on the generation of our own tools" - could you provide more information about these tools please?
  • You have a significant budget for Wiki Takes events, but not much description of them in the proposal - could you add more details please? Please also consider including related metrics (e.g., photos uploaded/subjects photographed for the first time/etc.) to track their impact?
  • You also include a budget for advertising campaigns, please could you provide more information on these, and describe the impact you've seen from past campaigns?
  • You talk about "Trabajar 1200 artículos de Wikipedia" / "Work on 1200 Wikipedia articles" - how do you define the minimum amount of content added to the article to include them in this metric?
  • "Personas que realizan al menos una edición en los 60 días siguientes" - please could you clarify this metric, is this just a single edit to count as continuing to be active, or do you count attendance at multiple events?
  • Hiring an ED is a significant change, please could you elaborate on how you will go about this process, and describe the work that is currently done by the Board that you expect to transition to the ED? How will you keep the organisation volunteer-led with an ED in place?
  • Please could you explain how you decided the salary range for the ED, and give more details of the timeline for it (is 6 months of salary in 2022 realistic)?
  • Please could you elaborate on "In Spain, the amount of internet for your home by teleworking is added to the employee's salary", and how the €30/month amount has been obtained - is this being provided for all employees? I'm also surprised by "In Spain it is customary to give a Christmas gift to the staff" (as a Spanish public employee myself, neither of these are something I've seen before) - but presumably this should be x4 for 2022 anyway?

Thanks. Mike Peel (talk) 18:22, 23 December 2021 (UTC)Reply



Muchas gracias por sus comentarios. Creemos que nos ayuda a tener las cosas más claras y poder organizarnos mejor. Gracias por el tiempo dedicado a una lectura tan profunda.

Thank you very much for your comments. We think it helps us to be clearer and to be able to organise ourselves better. Thank you for taking the time for such a thorough reading.

In the objectives, you state "Nos apoyaremos en la generación de herramientas propias." / "We will rely on the generation of our own tools" - could you provide more information about these tools please?

Para poder alcanzar nuestro objetivo de “Cubrir brechas de contenido haciendo hincapié en la diversidad lingüística y cultural de España y la brecha de género de forma transversal” necesitamos poder acercarnos lo más posible a las diferentes comunidades editoras de España. Existen ya en el ecosistema Wikimedia muchas herramientas y materiales, pero no siempre trasladables a la idiosincrasia local. Por ejemplo, queremos poder hacer los vídeos explicativos de edición en las diferentes lenguas cooficiales de España, es decir: catalán, euskera y gallego. Consideramos que trabajar en los subtitulados o doblajes de materiales es importante, pero también hacerlo tomando en cuenta las necesidades específicas de cada zona. Aprovechamos para aclarar que entendemos herramientas como recursos, materiales y elementos de los que valernos para trabajar y formar a la comunidad.

English. In order to achieve our goal of "Bridging content gaps with an emphasis on the linguistic and cultural diversity of Spain and the gender gap in a transversal way" we need to be able to get as close as possible to the different editing communities in Spain. There are already many tools and materials in the Wikimedia ecosystem, but they are not always transferable to local idiosyncrasies. For example, we want to be able to make explanatory editing videos in the different co-official languages of Spain, i.e. Catalan, Basque and Galician. We consider that it is important to work on subtitling or dubbing materials, but also to do so taking into account the specific needs of each area. We take this opportunity to clarify that we understand tools as resources, materials and elements that we can use to work with and train the community.

You have a significant budget for Wiki Takes events, but not much description of them in the proposal - could you add more details please? Please also consider including related metrics (e.g., photos uploaded/subjects photographed for the first time/etc.) to track their impact?

Gracias por la pregunta, no nos dimos cuenta que podía no conocerse el término. Un evento de Wiki Takes consiste en ir a un sitio, ciudad o zona y coparlo, tomarlo, recorrerlo profundamente para así, poder documentarlo a fondo. En nuestro caso, los wiki takes que hemos hecho y que queremos seguir haciendo, consisten en el mapeo de una zona de España que no cuente con muchas fotos de sus pueblos (pueblos a veces de sólo 5 habitantes), y acercarnos un fin de semana para fotografiarlo y documentarlo. Se paga alojamiento (habitación individual debido al COVID), comidas y algunos desplazamientos, para las personas asistentes. Se trata de pueblos poco habitados, muchas veces fuera de los circuitos turísticos, y que no cuentan con fotografías libres. En 2019 hicimos el último Wiki takes áreas rurales (puede consultar la memoria aquí: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:Simple/Applications/Wikimedia_Espana/2019#Media_content_3 donde se documentaron más de 50 municipios con 2.200 fotografías Estos proyectos wiki-takes están directamente relacionados con el proyecto https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikiproyecto:Ning%C3%BAn_municipio_espa%C3%B1ol_sin_fotograf%C3%ADa que es revisado de forma regular y actualizado, logrando que cada vez más sitios de España estén fotografiados. Para 2022 quisiéramos llevar adelante dos Wiki Takes, uno en primavera y otro en otoño. Tenemos identificadas dos amplias zonas con falta de fotos: Salamanca y Huelva. Durante los meses de enero y febrero se trabajará junto con la gente de la asociación en definir las posibles rutas y la organización de ambas actividades. Aquí se puede apreciar el listado de municipios y el trabajo previo al viaje: Planing Burgos y aquí el material que uno de los grupos utilizó al salir a fotografíar su zona asignada. Con respecto a las métricas, el número de municipios a abarcar se calcula en al menos 60 (de los cuales 35 no tiene ninguna imagen todavía). Es importante tomar en cuenta que cada municipio puede contener varios pueblos, por lo que se consigue ilustrar más sitios que solo los municipios. Calculamos, tomando en cuenta los eventos anteriores, alcanzar entre los dos WikiTakes un mínimo de 3.000 imágenes.

A la vez, estas experiencias de WikiTakes, implican a varias personas de la comunidad, a saber: grupo de wikimeditas que conviven un fin de semana, intercambian saberes, técnicas fotográficas, temas de geografía del lugar, etc. Además, al ir en grupos por los pueblos o municipios, la gente local interactúa con nosotros, les explicamos qué es Wikipedia para quienes no conocen, y nos permiten establecer lazos más profundos y romper brechas generacionales y digitales. Por último, hemos comprobado que después de las experiencias de convivencia, las personas que han participado quedan mucho más entusiasmadas y con muchas ganas de seguir formando parte de la comunidad, donde empiezan a proponer más ideas de actividades e involucran a más personas.

Ejemplos de program story relativos a Wiki Takes: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wiki_Takes_Sueca_report.pdf, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wiki_Takes_Ayora_2016_report.pdf, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:La_Manchuela_de_Albacete_report.pdf

English. Thanks for the question, we didn't realise that it would have been useful to describe the term. A Wiki Takes event consists of going to a place, city or area in order to document it in depth. In our case, the Wiki Takes that we have done and that we want to continue doing consist of mapping an area of Spain that does not have many photos of its villages (villages sometimes with only 5 inhabitants), and we go there for a weekend to photograph and document it. Accommodation (single room due to COVID), meals and some travel expenses are paid for the participants.

These are sparsely inhabited villages, often outside the tourist circuits, and which do not have free photographs. In 2019 we organised the last Wiki Takes rural areas (you can consult the report here: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:Simple/Applications/Wikimedia_Espana/2019#Media_content_3 where more than 50 municipalities were documented with 2,200 photographs).

These Wiki Takes are directly related to the https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikiproyecto:Ning%C3%BAn_municipio_espa%C3%B1ol_sin_fotograf%C3%ADa project, which is regularly reviewed and updated, and more and more sites in Spain are being photographed.

By 2022 we would like to run two Wiki Takes, one in spring and one in autumn. We have identified two large areas with a lack of photos: Salamanca and Huelva. During the months of January and February we will work together with the people of the association to define the possible routes and the organization of both activities. Here you can see the list of municipalities and the work done before the trip: Planning Burgos and here the material that one of the groups used when they went out to photograph their assigned area.

With respect to the metrics, the number of municipalities to be covered is estimated to be at least 60 (of which 35 do not yet have any images). It is important to take into account that each municipality may contain several villages, so that more sites than just municipalities can be documented. We estimate, taking into account the previous events, to reach between the two Wiki Takes a minimum of 3,000 images.

At the same time, these Wiki Takes involve several people from the community: a group of wikimedians who spend a weekend together, exchanging knowledge, photographic techniques, geography of the place, etc. In addition, by going in groups through the villages or municipalities, local people interact with us, we explain to them what Wikipedia is for those who don't know it, and they allow us to establish deeper ties and break generational and digital divides. Finally, we have found that after the coexistence experiences, the people who have participated are much more enthusiastic and eager to continue being part of the community, where they begin to propose more ideas for activities and involve more people. Examples of program stories related to Wiki Takes: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wiki_Takes_Sueca_report.pdf, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wiki_Takes_Ayora_2016_report.pdf, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:La_Manchuela_de_Albacete_report.pdf

You also include a budget for advertising campaigns, please could you provide more information on these, and describe the impact you've seen from past campaigns?

Es la primera vez que pedimos presupuesto para campañas publicitarias. Hasta ahora siempre nos hemos manejado con el boca-oreja, pero queremos explorar la posibilidad de tener mayor alcance en medios sociales realizando campañas específicas para eventos muy puntuales. No tenemos datos de años anteriores porque no hemos hecho campañas. Pero sí sabemos que la gente que llega a nuestras actividades no suele ser por haber visto nada en RRSS, sino por el boca-oreja, correo personalizado y los grupos de Telegram.

English. This is the first time we have asked for a budget for advertising campaigns. So far we have always used word-of-mouth, but we want to explore the possibility of having a greater reach on social media by running specific campaigns for very specific events. We don't have data from previous years because we haven't run campaigns. But we do know that the people who come to our activities are not usually through having seen anything on social media, but through word of mouth, personalised mailings and Telegram groups.

You talk about "Trabajar 1200 artículos de Wikipedia" / "Work on 1200 Wikipedia articles" - how do you define the minimum amount of content added to the article to include them in this metric?

Es una muy buena pregunta que nos ha hecho reflexionar sobre la precisión de nuestras métricas. Para poder contabilizar estos artículos solemos utilizar la herramienta de Outreach y nuestras propias bases de datos de artículos. Por ejemplo, según el evento, hay un listado de artículos a crear o a mejorar… entonces si percibimos cambios, estos artículos entrarán dentro de la métrica y si no, pues no. Hasta ahora hemos usado el sentido común: al finalizar los encuentros de edición o concursos, miramos si los artículos propuestos para mejorar siguen necesitando mejora importante o no. Si la edición es, por ejemplo, solo de una coma, no se contabiliza como una mejora. Si la edición implica agregado de texto y referencias, sí se contabiliza como edición.

Anteriormente hacíamos la contabilidad en bytes añadidos. En las reuniones de seguimiento del grant con el personal de la Fundación Wikimedia se nos insistió en diversas ocasiones para que no siguiéramos usando esa métrica, y que nos centráramos en el número de artículos, pero no en los bytes añadidos por artículo. Además, medir el aumento de tamaño presenta varias complicaciones, puesto que no hay ninguna herramienta que permita de forma sencilla obtener estos datos y en muchas ocasiones el cálculo no era muy fiable puesto que, por ejemplo, agregar una plantilla sumaba mucho pero no se mejoraba necesariamente el contenido. Estamos abiertos, igualmente, a considerar otras formas de medición para definir ”la cantidad mínima de contenido”. Si siguen necesitando mejora, no se cuentan como artículos trabajados, puesto que seguirán estando en nuestras listas de “necesita mejora”.

English. It's a very good question that has made us think about the accuracy of our metrics. In order to account for these articles we usually use the Outreach tool and our own article databases. For example, depending on the event, there is a list of articles to be created or improved... then if we perceive changes, these articles will be included in the metrics, and if not, they will not be included. So far we have used common sense: at the end of the editing activities, we look at whether the articles proposed for improvement still need major improvement or not. If the edit is, for example, just a comma, it is not counted as an improvement. If the edit involves the addition of text and references, it is counted as an edit.

Previously we did the accounting in bytes added. In grant monitoring meetings with Wikimedia Foundation staff, we were urged on several occasions to stop using that metric, and to focus on the number of articles, but not on bytes added per article. In addition, measuring the increase in size presents a number of complications, as there is no tool to easily obtain this data, and the calculation was often not very reliable since, for example, adding a template added a lot but did not necessarily improve the content. We are also open to consider other ways of measuring to define "the minimum amount of content". If they still need improvement, they are not counted as worked items, as they will still be on our "needs improvement" lists.

"Personas que realizan al menos una edición en los 60 días siguientes" - please could you clarify this metric, is this just a single edit to count as continuing to be active, or do you count attendance at multiple events?

Es la primera vez que establecemos este tipo de métricas de seguimiento para la nueva comunidad. Nos proponemos saber si vuelven a editar, al menos una vez, en los siguientes 60 días. Esperamos que al menos el 5% de las personas nuevas, que asisten a estos encuentros por primera vez, sigan en relación con la edición. Así podremos saber cómo seguir nuestra relación con ellas, si los invitamos a eventos más avanzados, o para principiantes, o les ofrecemos enlaces a tutoriales. La idea de esta métrica es poder hacer un seguimiento de esas personas nuevas, para poder encaminar mejor nuestras metodologías de retención y valorar mejor la salud de nuestra comunidad, por ejemplo analizando siempre que sea posible el motivo de abandono de la edición.

English. This is the first time we have established such tracking metrics for the new community. We aim to find out if they come back to edit at least once in the next 60 days. We expect that at least 5% of the new people, who attend these meetings for the first time, will continue in relation to the edition. Then we will know how to continue our relationship with them, whether we invite them to more advanced or beginner events, or provide them with links to tutorials. The idea of this metric is to be able to keep track of these new people, to improve our retention methodologies and to better assess the health of our community, for example by analysing whenever possible the reason for leaving the edition.

Hiring an ED is a significant change, please could you elaborate on how you will go about this process, and describe the work that is currently done by the Board that you expect to transition to the ED? How will you keep the organisation volunteer-led with an ED in place?

La contratación de una dirección ejecutiva es, sin duda, un paso enorme para WMES. Detectamos esta necesidad desde hace aproximadamente 2 años, pero al estar sujetos al SAPG, teníamos limitado nuestro crecimiento hasta que la Estrategia 2030 estuviera finalizada y hubiera más claridad para acompañar procesos de profesionalización como el nuestro.

Wikimedia España ha crecido lentamente y de forma constante desde 2011, con un incremento a partir de 2016. Actualmente el equipo está conformado por 2 personas encargadas de la implementación de la estrategia mayormente definida por la Junta Directiva. Actualmente la Junta directiva dedica una media de 35h semanales para realizar las siguientes funciones:

  • Definición, planificación y dirección de la estrategia anual.
  • Gestión del equipo de trabajo y RRHH.
  • Apoyo a la implementación de los proyectos e iniciativas anuales y gestión financiera anual.
  • Gestión administrativa y operativa de correos, atención a prensa, contacto con fundación.
  • Tesorería, facturación y pago a proveedores. Relación con Gestoría para impuestos.
  • Relación con sindicatos y abogados.
  • relación con gente de la asociación y grupos Wikimedia.

Si bien todo este flujo de trabajo ha fortalecido de manera notable las capacidades de la Junta Directiva para construir una estructura de gobernanza estable y diversa, el tiempo de sus miembros - personas voluntarias - es insuficiente para atender diariamente el trabajo, exigencias y desafíos del equipo de WMES, así como su proyección y crecimiento. En este sentido, desde WMES consideramos que incorporar un/a DE es clave para:

  • Coordinar, atender y fortalecer el equipo de trabajo
  • Liderar la implementación de la estrategia de la organización y orientarla a los resultados esperados e impacto
  • Fortalecer el crecimiento organizacional e impulsar su sustentabilidad.
  • Afianzar y ampliar las alianzas estratégicas.
  • Posicionar, en coordinación con la Junta Directiva, a WMES en espacios estratégicos dentro y fuera del Movimiento Wikimedia.

La Junta directiva seguirá controlando y a la vez, marcando las líneas generales de actuación, pero la ejecución de las mismas quedaría en manos de esta nueva persona.

English. The recruitment of an executive director is undoubtedly a huge step for WMES. We detected this need about 2 years ago, but being subject to the SAPG, we had limited our growth until the 2030 Strategy was finalised and there was more clarity to accompany professionalisation processes such as ours.

Wikimedia Spain has grown slowly and steadily since 2011, with an increase since 2016. Currently the team consists of 2 people in charge of the implementation of the strategy mostly defined by the Board.

The Board currently spends an average of 35 hours per week on the following functions:

  • Definition, planning and direction of the annual strategy.
  • Team and HR management.
  • Supporting the implementation of annual projects and initiatives and annual financial management.
  • Administrative and operative management of mailings, press relations, contact with the Foundation.
  • Treasury, invoicing and payment of suppliers. Liaison with the agency for taxes.
  • Relations with trade unions and lawyers.
  • Relations with people from the association and Wikimedia groups.

Although all this work flow has notably strengthened the capacities of the Board to build a stable and diverse governance structure, the time of its members - volunteers - is insufficient to attend to the daily work, demands and challenges of the WMES team, as well as its projection and growth. In this sense, at WMES we believe that incorporating an ED is key to:

  • Coordinate, attend to and strengthen the work team.
  • Lead the implementation of the organisation's strategy and guide it towards the expected results and impact.
  • Strengthen organisational growth and promote its sustainability.
  • Strengthen and expand strategic alliances.
  • To position WMES, in coordination with the Board of Trustees, in strategic spaces within and outside the Wikimedia Movement.

The Board will continue to control and, at the same time, set the general lines of action, but the execution of these will be in the hands of this new person.

Please could you explain how you decided the salary range for the ED, and give more details of the timeline for it (is 6 months of salary in 2022 realistic)?

La escala salarial se establece a partir de consultar con la abogada laboralista de la asociación, y de mirar lo que se paga en puestos similares de asociaciones sin fines de lucro. También, tomamos como referencia lo que paga el grupo de Wikimedistas Vascos a su DE. Nuestra idea sobre la contratación es trabajar los 6 primeros meses del año en definir el perfil, con ayuda de la Fundación y otros afiliados Wikimedia, y proceder a la búsqueda. Esperamos poder encontrar a la persona adecuada a mediados de año y contratarla a partir de julio 2022. Si se dilata su selección, serán menos meses de contratación para 2022.

English. The salary scale is established by consulting with the association's labour lawyer, and by looking at what is paid in similar positions in non-profit associations. Also, we take as a reference what the Basque Wikimedistas group pays its ED. Our idea about recruitment is to work the first 6 months of the year on defining the profile, with the help of the Foundation and other Wikimedia affiliates, and proceed with the search. We hope to be able to find the right person by the middle of the year and hire them from July 2022. If the selection is delayed, there will be fewer months of recruitment for 2022.

Please could you elaborate on "In Spain, the amount of internet for your home by teleworking is added to the employee's salary", and how the €30/month amount has been obtained - is this being provided for all employees? I'm also surprised by "In Spain it is customary to give a Christmas gift to the staff" (as a Spanish public employee myself, neither of these are something I've seen before) - but presumably this should be x4 for 2022 anyway?

Una aclaración, no contamos con oficina, y nuestro personal vive en ciudades diferentes, por lo que hemos considerado práctico tener espacios de coworking contratados para ellos en vez del alquiler de una oficina.

Desde el comienzo de la pandemia en marzo 2020 los empleados ya no están obligados a trabajar desde los centros de coworking y pueden hacerlo desde sus casas (por precaución para no enfermar). En nuestro caso, uno ha elegido seguir yendo al espacio de Coworking, y la otra no. Atendiendo a las leyes españolas, si la persona trabaja desde su casa, hay que pagarle una compensación según establece la Ley 10/2021 de Trabajo a distancia en su artículo 12 https://www.boe.es/eli/es/l/2021/07/09/10/dof/spa/pdf

En nuestro caso, estamos en el proceso de acuerdo con la empleada que trabaja a distancia, pero actualmente está de baja por enfermedad así que el proceso de acuerdo se está retrasando, pero desde WMES consideramos (tomando en cuenta las recomendaciones de nuestra asesoría laboral y nuestra abogada) pagar 30€ al mes.

English. One clarification, we do not have an office, and our staff live in different cities, so we have found it practical to have coworking spaces rented for them instead of renting an office.

Since the start of the pandemic in March 2020 employees are no longer obliged to work from coworking centres and can work from home (as a precaution against getting sick). In our case, one has chosen to continue going to the coworking space, and the other has not. According to Spanish law, if the person works from home, compensation has to be paid according to article 12 of Law 10/2021 on Telecommuting https://www.boe.es/eli/es/l/2021/07/09/10/dof/spa/pdf.

In our case, we are in the process of reaching an agreement with the employee who works remotely, but she is currently on sick leave so the agreement process is being delayed, but from WMES we consider (taking into account the recommendations of our labour consultant and our lawyer) to pay €30 per month.

I'm also surprised by "In Spain it is customary to give a Christmas gift to the staff" (as a Spanish public employee myself, neither of these are something I've seen before) - but presumably this should be x4 for 2022 anyway?

Gracias por la apreciación, Mike. Los empleados públicos no solemos recibir cesta de Navidad, es cierto, pero sí lo hacen los empleados de empresas y organizaciones no públicas. De hecho, hay convenios laborales que hasta incluyen este ítem dentro de las negociaciones. En nuestro caso, lo implantamos hace 3 años y nos parece un detalle/regalo/tradición bonita a mantener. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cesta_de_Navidad

¡Gracias por darte cuenta que no hemos incluído el importe de la cesta en el presupuesto! Deberíamos incrementarlo en 200€, cosa que haremos en el excel de presupuesto.

English. Thanks for the insight, Mike. It is true that public employees do not usually receive a Christmas gift, but employees of non-public companies and organisations do. In fact, there are labour agreements that even include this item in the negotiations. In our case, we implemented it 3 years ago and we think it is a nice detail/gift/tradition to keep. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cesta_de_Navidad

Thank you for noticing that we haven't included the amount of the basket in the budget! We should increase it by 200€, which we will do in the budget excel.

Thanks,--Florenciac (talk) 17:56, 4 January 2022 (UTC)Reply



Congratulations! We are happy to recommend your grant for approval, for the full amount of 152.775,24 EUR (see note below) for the period 1 January 2022 until 31 December 2022.

The committee would like to thank you for proposing this application, and for the work you have been doing in Spain over the years. We particularly appreciate that your application was clear and comprehensive.

While the amount requested increases significantly from previous years, this increase makes sense within the context of WMES, particularly with the planned change in staffing with the addition of an ED.

We would like to see improved metrics for future years. We also request that you closely monitor the use of advertising campaigns to ensure that it is cost-effective and stays within Wikimedia's ethos.

We recommend adjusting the budget (and hence the total grant amount) by the small amount discussed on the proposal talk page, and to make sure that there are no other discrepancies, working with the WMF staff to do so.

Thank you again for your proposal and for your involvement and we wish you all the possible successes for your work over the course of the year!

On behalf of the NWE regional committee — Mike Peel (talk) 17:19, 12 January 2022 (UTC)Reply



Muchas gracias por tan buenas noticias. Daremos lo mejor de nosotros para cumplir con la propuesta que hemos hecho para este 2022. Muchas gracias por las aportaciones, guía y recomendaciones. recibe un fuerte abrazo, el equipo de WMES.

Thank you very much for such good news. We will do our best to achieve the proposal we have made for 2022. Thank you very much for your input, guidance and recommendations. Warm regards from the WMES team. --Florenciac (talk) 11:41, 14 January 2022 (UTC)Reply