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Grants talk:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/General Support Fund/Plan of Wikimedia Taiwan 2024-2025

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Proposal Feedback and Invite for Response[edit]

Thank you for submitting your application. After the review process please find the feedback - comments and questions below for your response;

  • We are keen on understanding the lack of usernames attached to roles shared. Please let us know here or on email if it works better.
  • As we continue to see growth of emerging groups and communities from Taiwan are are keen to learn what WM Taiwan sees as their role including that of resources support. And please share any other factors that may influence the approach you take.
  • WAM [ Wikimedia Asia Month ]; we see the role you have played with WAM and also see an opportunity for other communities to lead the role you have played - budget wise and operation wise how they hope to diversify it with other communities.
  • We see a strong relationship with Mozilla community and Open Street map and are curious on how you could further leverage this relationships to enhance your work.
The overall strengths of the proposal Recommendations and general feedback and questions Responses by Applicant to the feedback and questions
This directly and clearly builds off the 2023 annual plan, with the budget and capacity clearly based on that experience. [TB]

The planning not only inside Taiwan but also to ESEAP Regional. [GS]

Sorr this isn't general, but may I ask you what are 9.2 "communities of origin, indigenous and first nations self-determination" respectively and 9.6 "other open-culture nonprofits``? [YS]

There is information about previous feedback and challenges they face, but no elucidation on the method of this feedback. [TB]

Similar to Korea, Taiwan has potential in participating in Technology, MediaWiki. Is Taiwan exploring possibilities in seeding, incubating and developing a small tech community? I understand that there might be language barrier challenges.

I am confused if they have a policy of encouraging new affiliates in Taiwan and have separate budget plans? Having several independent  [ BB]

Try to retain the contributor for small language but also explore more for the are that haven't been involved. Have you mapped all the small languages in Taiwan? Which one is emerging on Wikimedia Movement? Which one has a higher potential to explore? Which one is under the radar but have the potential to explore in the next couple of year with your multi-year strategy? [ GS]

To YS:

  1. Q9.2 是一個選擇題,選項內容是固定的。我們勾選了"communities of origin, indigenous and first nations self-determination"這項,主要是指"communities of indigenous"。台灣分會透過國立政治大學原住民研究中心與台灣原住民社群合作已經有很長久的歷史,在其他題目中應該也能看到我們在這個部分的規畫。確實這個選項中有些名詞不存在於我們的計畫中,但是這是題型設計造成的。
  2. Q9.6 這裡指的範圍包括有:推廣原始碼與著作開放的組織,例如開放文化基金會(Open Culture Foundation, OCF)與Mozilla Taiwan(MozTW);推廣創用CC授權的組織如CC Taiwan,還有同樣使用開放授權資源的社群,例如OpenStreetMap (以上舉例是計畫名單,目前尚未邀請他們)

To BB:

  1. 依據台灣開放原始碼社群的發展,他們比較傾向依技術或抽象的理念形成社群。前者像R語言、Python語言社群等;後者像是希望科技能協助公民參政的g0v、或是希望協助女性技術人員發展 WoFOSS 等等。數年內我們可能會更傾向與這些社群保持合作,使維基的需求成為這些社群參與者可撰擇的任務之一。
  2. 我們有鼓勵成立新分支組織的政策,但是沒有獨立預算。依據過往經驗,這個過程最重要的事情是有人力去遊說社群組織者的意願,以及在說服他們成立新組織後協助完成計畫。所以這會分散在員工人事、差旅、通訊的費用之中。另外計畫中提到台灣語言峰會也會是重要的促成機會,但這個活動會與其他活動聯合舉行,所以成本很低,也沒有特別預算的需求。(我不太確定這題是否理解正確。假如「獨立預算」指的是是否鼓勵新成立的組織有他們自己的預算計畫,不再仰賴台灣分會支援,那這是我們的策略目標。)

To GS:


  1. 台灣原住民族中人口第四多的布農族目前最有潛力,基於前三多的民族都已成功孵化自己的百科,他們也已經有組織在推動。
  2. 傳統的台語、客家語也都不斷有零星志工有意推廣,或是政府部門詢問參與的機會,只是有些政治因素要克服。我們的計畫中提出要在閩南語維基百科佈署轉換系統,就是是減低一部分政治因素的工作。
  3. 我們也在審慎評估如何協助積極復振的平埔族語。他們目前都被列為已死亡的語言,但民間有組織正在試圖重建。雖然維基的政策上不為死亡的語言孵育新版本,但是就中長期來說,我們確實在思考如何使維基媒體運動本身成為復振過程的助力,而不必等待復振成功後才有角色。

Expert Reviewer - GLAM[edit]

Clarification: It wasn’t clear if their partnership with the National Chengchi University Centre for Aboriginal Studies was ongoing and what their specific plans are for this period.

Since Wikimedia Taiwan has described significant challenges attracting and retaining contributors and organizers, it is good that they are focusing on a strategic partnership with the Ministry of Culture, rather than many partnerships with individual museums. Such a high-level alliance could also benefit their advocacy goals relating to Freedom of panorama.  

We highly recommend you get in touch with the regional program officer to support you in understanding the questions raised or if you find it useful to meet with the committee as well, please let them know and they can organize a conversation meeting.

Thank you, and we look forward to receiving your responses to support us in the next steps. On behalf of the ESEAP Regional Committee and Staff - VThamaini (WMF) (talk) 12:36, 25 October 2023 (UTC)Reply

原住民語言的專案會持續進行,目前我們有計劃邀請政大原民中心前主任加入分會的治理團隊,以方便進行溝通。但是與該中心如何合作會視情況而定。如果該中心有取得來自台灣政府的研究經費,台灣分會會以顧問方式支持研究案,也就是提供研究案在維基上進行的方法建議;而如果該中心接下來都沒有相關的經費,我們就會與既有的原住民語言社群直接合作,並請原民中心協助與原住民社群建立聯繫,以及提供語言、文化方面的建議。 Reke (talk) 00:57, 5 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

General Support Fund Approved at 8,280,456.3 TWD[edit]

Dear Wikimedia Taiwan,

Thank you for submitting your application seeking General Support Funds - Wikimedia Community Fund. The ESEAP Regional Committee and Staff have reviewed, discussed and deliberated upon your application and made the decision to fund you at 8,280,456.3 TWD for the grant period 1st January 2024 to 31st December 2025.

Here are a few points to note;

  • While we see an opportunity in being able to support the smaller emerging groups and projects, we also see even more need in the chapter to dedicate effort in their main projects. The main projects showcase an opportunity for deepened partnerships and supporting diversification of participation as well.
  • A more sustainable approach is needed when thinking about how you support emerging groups and their language-related projects.

We hope to continue having regular conversations over the course of your grant implementation. Do set up a regular schedule to connect with your ESEAP Programme Officer based on your needs. The reporting requirements for the grant will shared in your grant agreement and on Fluxx. All reports are to be completed and submitted via Fluxx.

Once again, Congratulations! We thank you for your participation in the grant application process and hope to continue to journey with you as you embark on a new year of project implementation. VThamaini (WMF) (talk) 11:55, 15 December 2023 (UTC)Reply