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Grants talk:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/2022 Wikimedia Taiwan 工作企劃

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Questions from ESEAP Funds Committee


Hello Wikimedia Taiwan, thank you for applying for the Wikimedia Community general support funds. We are in the process of reviewing your application and would like to hear your responses to the following questions:

Additional Metrics

  • We commend your efforts to narrow content and representation gaps by focusing on gender and indigenous communities. What other types of metrics (beyond participation numbers) would you be collecting to understand if you have made progress after one year in diversifying the community? These could be qualitative or quantitative indicators.

Budget and Funds Management

  • Would Wikimedia Taiwan be ready for multi-year strategic planning in consultation with key stakeholders in 2022? If yes, do you need to include a budget for it?


  • Would you be able to share a schedule of activities by month (and estimated metrics breakdown by activity) for 2022 based on your proposed plan?

Learning and evaluation

  • We understand from your application that you would like to learn how to improve participation for those who come from minority communities. Would you be able to share some preliminary plans on how you may conduct this learning?
  • As you could also be taking on the role of fiscal sponsor for potential Wikimedia Alliances Fund Applicants, would you be also willing to share learnings on being a fiscal sponsor at the end of the grant period?

It would be really helpful to respond by 7 Jan before our next deliberation round. Thank you. JChen (WMF) (talk) 10:55, 4 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

  • 我們預計會蒐集兩個指標來佐證我們對於小語言社群的參與:
    • 統計使用非中文(zh)建置的 wiki-page 數量
    • 以非中文(zh)文化為主題的活動次數(以客家文化、臺灣原住民文化為主題)
  • We select two indicator to evaluate our effort for the indigenous communities:
    • Number of non-Chinese(zh) wiki-page.
    • Number of event about non-Chinese oriented cultural, such as Hakka and local indigenous.
  • 這個部份是我們 WMTW 既有的工作項目,在我們原有的預算中就已經包含了這個部分。
  • This is part of WMTW's regular work, it is already included in the budget.
  • 這份表格中我列出了我們目前每月的例行性活動,其他活動目前仍在籌畫當中,包含 WPWP2021、1lib1ref等台灣區賽事的舉辦,抑或是其他我們跟校園課程的規劃,會在 Q2 有更多詳細訊息。
  • At here, we have listed all the monthly regular activities. We will bring more information about other activities at Q2, like WPWP2021, 1Lib1Ref that are under preparation, or project that we cooperate with Universities.
  • 這個學習我們目前有兩個重要的合作夥伴將會與我們共同推進這個計畫,一個是成功大學歷史系,另一個是排灣用戶組(PWNUSG),我們正在跟他們進行課程的開發並且會在這個年度計畫中進行驗證。當活動完成後,我們會在社群中進行這些經驗的發表。
  • Currently, we have two key organization regarding this project, National Cheng Kung University History Department and Payuan user group(PWNUSG). We have held several meeting about developing curriculum, and should run and evaluate the curriculum by this year. We will also share the experience and lesson learned to the community.
  • 這個沒有問題,隨著2022年年度結束或是 Wikimedia Alliances Fund有階段性的成果時,我們可以發表這之間的工作心得。
  • Of course, we are happy to share our experience at the end of the year or whenever we have some mid-term result.

Allenwang6212a (talk) 08:33, 13 January 2022 (UTC), translated by Joycewikiwiki (talk) 05:07, 13 January 2022 (UTC+8)Reply

General Support Fund proposal approved in the amount of NTW 3,893,940


Congratulations! Your grant is approved in the amount of NTW 3,893,940 with a grant term starting 1 February 2022 and ending 31 January 2023.

The ESEAP Funds Committee is pleased to support the work of Wikimedia Taiwan. The Committee values the efforts in putting together the grant application and budget. Your application provides insights into your lived realities and a deeper appreciation of the Chapter’s plan for the year.

The Committee and Programme Officer sees a number of strengths in your application and track record. This includes

  • Active Partnerships: Through experimenting and reflecting, over time, Wikimedia Taiwan has developed a strong reason for the “value to partnerships”. This together with being plugged into the local open source community/government networks has enabled the Chapter to be successful in their outreach.
  • Strong Organisational Capacity: The Taiwan chapter has a healthy mix of editors and community organiser who are willing and able to step forward to take on coordinating roles for projects (beyond the Secretariat - full-time staff of the chapter). For example, the Wikiwomen Taiwan hosts the Art + Feminism campaign. This enables the clear delineation of roles of  volunteers (e.g editing/ event organising) from paid staff (project management/ partnerships/ administration etc) and Board (lend networks, strategic planning etc), resulting in a more sustainable and thriving community over time.
  • High Community engagement: There is a consistent pace of events engaging members with diverse interests. Throughout 2021, the Taiwan community kept up with online meetups when in-person meetings were not possible (evident from blog in mandarin). There was also an element of “spontaneity” as at a local level, new partnerships also brought in new projects for volunteers to work on. The community health is well in spite of COVID-19.

We are in agreement with you on your growth area which is

  • Developing a multi-year strategic plan. This coincides well with the leadership renewal every 3 years. (most recent Dec 2021).

In your 2022/2023 learning journey, the Committee and Programme Officer envisions you may require support in the following areas during the course of your grant term:

  • Streamlining financial and grant reporting (as a fiscal sponsor)

We also look forward to your participation in the peer learning network where you can share what you will learn during this grant term

  • Fiscal sponsorship in growing local community
  • Enhancing indigenous communities participation as editors and active stakeholders (i.e. active participation in chapter’s decision making process)

Note: Award is contingent on fulfilling all existing reporting requirements.

JChen (WMF) (talk) 04:11, 17 January 2022 (UTC)Reply