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Grants talk:Programs/Wikimedia Alliances Fund/Promoting and Fostering the Use of Open Educational Resources in Indonesia

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Follow-up questions on grant application[edit]

Hello Creative Commons Indonesia Project Team, thank you for putting in a grant application and for providing further clarifications. We are capturing the key questions and your responses here as well for learning and sharing with the wider community.

Note: The questions were posed by ESEAP Funds Committee and the Programme Officer and responses were provided by Creative Commons Indonesia Project Team.


1) Theory of change: Why is it important to promote and foster the use of Open Educational Resources in Indonesia? In the short-term and medium term, what do we hope will be different? How does this project fit in on a strategic level?

Creative Commons Indonesia Project Team

  • Because it is a vast archipelagic state, sharing printed educational work throughout Indonesia is costly, especially to its more remote areas. This unfortunately results in education inequality. At the same time, however, the number of internet users in Indonesia has grown, particularly with the COVID-19 pandemic forcing educators to teach online and create digital educational materials. We have seen that educators in Indonesia had problems in finding the necessary raw materials to create educational content and lacked awareness of copyright when making their content. So, there is a clear opportunity and need to promote and foster educational works on the internet and to license them in a way that is open, easily understandable, and replicable.
  • In the short-term, our goal is that educators and learners will have an OER booklet that is universal, accessible, and usable by both creators and users of open educational content. Subsequent to that, we hope to see an increase in the number of educators who are familiar with OER (practices of use and creation) and who are able to use Wikimedia projects as OER resources.
  • In the medium-term, we hope to see greater understanding by Indonesian institutions (government and private) of OER, open content, and the open movement, as well as knowledge of how the principles of OER can be properly applied on their respective platforms. We would also like to see our OER training serve as a prototype for the government in promoting and strengthening open education in Indonesia on a national scale.
  • We expect that later OER training participants and trainers, CCID members, and WMID members will advocate for the government in promoting and strengthening OER in Indonesia. Concerning the government’s OER platform, in particular, we hope to see it become more practical for educators, and to interconnect with the content of Wikimedia projects.

Programme and Strategy

2) Representation of groups and content within the movement: How will your efforts in welcoming more diverse trainers and participants as a whole help increase the amount and quality of content about underrepresented groups and topics, as well as content from underrepresented perspectives on wikiprojects? For example: Have you identified gaps in knowledge that you plan to fill with your activities? There are 4,741 texts on Indonesian Wikibooks, have you done an analysis on which topics are missing and also which topics are sought the most? Is the plan for the OER content to be also available in other languages apart from Bahasa Indonesian?

Creative Commons Indonesia Project Team

  • Rather than taking a top-down approach to identifying gaps in knowledge and determining the content to be created from this project, we have adopted a bottom-up approach that welcomes more diverse educators from underrepresented groups and empowers them to identify and create the content that is currently needed in their own communities and contexts. Our role here is to educate, train, and guide them in creating quality content that meets the OER principles. Once they have the knowledge and ability to create quality content themselves, our hope is that they will transfer their knowledge and skills to others in their underrepresented communities, so more educators can produce more content from and in accordance with their own necessities. We do not set limits on the content as long as it does not violate the OER principles and is useful for content users in the underrepresented communities.
  • With respect to language, our initial plan is to make our OER content specifically in Bahasa Indonesia, as this is the only language universally spoken throughout Indonesia (which itself has over 700 languages). We will then encourage our training participants to adapt the resources and teach them in their local languages, relying on their personal expertise. These resources will then be reincorporated into Wikimedia projects, enhancing the breadth of coverage of the original OER content.

3) Peer learning and collaboration within the movement: How do you plan to encourage communities to continue to connect and learn from one another after the end of the project? In question 18, you mentioned strategies to retain participants. Are these sufficient to build a joint crowdfunding culture of sharing between educators in improving the quality and quantity of teaching materials that can be used by anyone, without a paywall? What else is missing? What needs to be tested? Can it be added to the learning and evaluation segment?

Creative Commons Indonesia Project Team

  • We are fully aware that the strategies to retain participants that we mentioned in question 18 are not sufficient to build a joint culture of sharing between educators. However, that strategy could be the first step into the long journey of building such a culture because it connects the relevant key stakeholders from different sectors, institutions, and geographical areas, in a professional working network.

  • Our hope is that there will emerge initiatives, particularly from the government sector, which has the power to create and influence public policy, to forward and campaign on the importance and benefits of OER to Indonesian educators. Building a culture is hard and takes more time. However, we think that a formal policy from respected governmental institutions will accelerate this effort. One way we can start with this step is by introducing our trained OER participants and trainers to the government institutions, with the goal of there being support for the existence of a forum for educators who become OER advocates.
  • Concurrent with the efforts of approaching public policy makers, we can also connect participants to join the local Wikimedia community and to participate in WMID activities, so that the spirit of sharing is maintained.


4) Learning and evaluation: How do you plan to scope the work of the open education resource evaluation consultant? How will the consultant’s work fit into the project schedule?

Creative Commons Indonesia Project Team

  • The OER consultant will generally provide continuity of advisory inputs to the planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the project, across all three stages, as well as supporting the project team in each phase of the project, tracking its progress and activities’ impacts for project reporting.
  • More specifically, they will also serve as a resource person for the following project activities:
    • Development of the OER understanding and misconceptions survey. (Stage 1)
    • Review of OER booklet and module for trainers. (Stage 1)
    • Open discussions with stakeholders on the OER materials. (Stage 1)
    • Collaborative online workshops with key stakeholder institutions. (Stage 2)
    • Review of communication materials/products about OER. (Stage 2)
    • OER training. (Stage 3)


5) Organisational culture: Could you share about the volunteer culture of Creative Commons (Indonesia) in project implementation and how will it change with 3 personnel roles to be hired for the project?

Creative Commons Indonesia Project Team

  • The volunteer culture at Creative Commons Indonesia is more or less the same as that of the Wikimedia Movement, wherein everyone who has the ability and willingness is welcome to contribute to the Movement. The time and effort volunteers dedicate to CCID is decided by them. Each volunteer also brings a specific set of skills and knowledge that allows them to contribute to a specific interest, be it copyright reform, OER, or GLAM. Each person is thus individually valued and encouraged to participate based on what appeals to them personally, and which of Creative Commons’ program areas they value most.
  • We do not expect this philosophy to change substantively with the implementation of our project because the people hired for it are already part of CCID (except for the finance and administration staff, as CCID does not have someone with a financial background who can dedicate their full time to this project), and it is accepted among our members that those who are willing to dedicate their full time and energy to this project can be selected to become full-time staff for its duration. Meanwhile, under our previous funding from the Ford Foundation, we also employed 3 full-time staff members (project manager, deputy manager, finance staff) alongside our volunteers. We consequently believe our past experience will allow us to maintain CCID’s existing culture, as we did previously.
  • Outside of the hired staff and volunteers, other CCID members will also actively participate in this project. They will be heavily involved in the preparation of booklets and modules, as well as becoming facilitators/trainers for 2 months of intensive OER Training. JChen (WMF) (talk) 08:37, 26 May 2022 (UTC)Reply

Alliances Fund proposal approved in the amount of IDR 770,700,000[edit]

Congratulations! Your grant is approved in the amount of  IDR 770,700,000 with a grant term starting 1 July 2022 and ending 30 June 2023.

We are pleased to formally welcome you to the Wikimedia movement!

The ESEAP Funds Committee is pleased to support the work of Creative Commons Indonesia to implement the project on “Promoting and Fostering the Use of Open Educational Resources in Indonesia”.

The ESEAP Funds Committee and Programme Officer sees a number of strengths in your application. This includes

  • Programme delivery and innovation: Strong institutional education partners, deep networks amongst educators and previous experience in holding a training bootcamp for educators on using and creating open education resources. We recognise that this application builds on previous experience and innovates by planning for a needs assessment, building institutional partnerships in localising content and sharing metadata.

  • Organisational capacity: The project team has the background and expertise to implement the project. The volunteer culture within the creative commons community is also similar to the wikimedia movement. It would be interesting to learn about the sharing of knowledge and networks through the course of the project between the Wikimedia Indonesia and Creative Commons teams.

  • Growth and diversification: We recognise that the project team is taking a deliberate approach to ensuring diverse representation of trainers and participants through geographical targeting and inviting both formal and informal educators to apply. If successful, we expect to see a growth in breadth and depth of engagement from wider circles. We observed that the larger challenge is to sustain the communities’ interest to continue to connect and learn from one another when the project ends.

  • Learning and evaluation: We are also interested in your findings about:
    • What are the opportunities and challenges that educators find when creating Open Education Resources through Wikimedia Commons and Wikibooks?
    • How do they view these Wikimedia platforms as resources for open teaching and learning?

As part of your 2022/2023 learning journey, you may find these resources useful (or contribute to the learnings) through the Let’s Connect Programme, Wikilearn platform, Wikimedia Education Greenhouse and Reading Wikipedia in Classroom Training Programme. We hope to continue conversations and support you through your grant lifecycle.

On behalf of the ESEAP Funds Committee, JChen (WMF) (talk) 08:39, 26 May 2022 (UTC)Reply

Request for grant extension and budget updates - approved[edit]

Hello Creative Commons Indonesia Project Team,

Thank you for your email. I am also documenting your request here.

1) Request for project timeline to be extended to end of August 2023 - approved

2) From the 3rd stage, we have a remaining budget of about 23 million rupiahs (~USD 1540). We want to use it for communication services, workshops and cover personnel-related expenses - approved

3) Besides the extra budget, we got a foreign exchange gain of USD 670. Are we allowed to use it? - Yes. Approved. You may use it and report it in your final report.

Thank you.

Regards, Jacqueline JChen (WMF) (talk) 08:37, 13 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Project Updates[edit]

Hello Creative Commons Project Team,

thank you for sharing these exciting news. I am also capturing them here so that the progress that you are making can be accessed more widely. =)

From CCID We are delighted to share that CCID has been invited by UNESCO to speak at an upcoming conference in Bali. The committee has requested we share our experiences in training educators to create materials for a thriving commons of shared knowledge in inclusive lifelong learning. Our participation will be in a panel discussion with the theme "Teaching adults in the age of digitalization." Without support from WMF for this project, we wouldn't have had this special opportunity.

Additionally, we are excited to inform you that we have signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with SEAMEO SEAMOLEC. Although we have been collaborating since last year, the MoU formalizes our partnership. You can find the documentation of our collaboration here.

Regards, Jacqueline JChen (WMF) (talk) 08:37, 30 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Report on the Use of Remaining Project Funds[edit]

We would like to inform you that we have been permitted to use the remaining budget of IDR 14,681,012 for team capacity building through online and offline training, as well as the purchase of online modules. This initiative aims to enhance our team's capabilities in executing future social projects. The training began in March and will continue until the end of June. Below are the details of the training sessions conducted and planned:

Online Training

  • Online course Project Manager Bootcamp (start on June 7, 2024)
  • How to Create Social Media Guidelines

Offline Training

  • Basics of Monitoring and Evaluation (conducted on March 11, 2024)
  • How to Create an MEL Plan for Social Projects
  • Theory of Change 101 for Social Interventions
  • Finance and Administration Training

Online Module

  • Project Management
  • Social Media
  • Infographic Guidelines

We will continue to provide updates on further training sessions. Additionally, after all the training is completed, we will send you a comprehensive report via email, including the budget report. Fitri Penyalai (talk) 15:41, 11 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

Hello @Fitri Penyalai,
Thank you for sharing and also documenting it here.
Jacqueline JChen (WMF) (talk) 01:43, 12 June 2024 (UTC)Reply