Grants talk:Programs/Organizer Lab/Wiki for the sustainable climate in Burundi
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[edit]Hello @Gilbert Ndihokubwayo, thank you for submitting this grant proposal and we appreciate your participation in the organizer lab.
After reviewing your grant our conclusion: At this point, we are recommending not to fund this project in its current state because it doesn’t show the scope of work you seek to do and the goals to be achieved. Because the audience is not clear, and it's as broad, it feels like the scope is not very concrete yet.
General observations:
The project lacks clarity around what it seeks to achieve. It will be great to clearly describe what problem you are solving and for who. Because this project has a very wide audience it's almost impossible to scope activities that show how each of these audiences will be engaged, targeted, or addressed in the project.
The project also lacks clarity on the approach for its trainings, because the target is very broad the methodology feels very generic and not very targeted.
As mentioned above, an unclear scope makes it quite difficult to identify project goals and target audiences. Because of this, the grantee struggles to explain who the audience is and its role in the project.
Your quantitative metrics seem plausible however your qualitative measure of the work is insufficient for you to cover lessons from the project.
We are worried that by not properly scoping out the purpose and goals for your project, the budget was also affected and an improvement/revision of this grant request could affect or impact your grant amount.
What we would like the grantee to improve:
- We would like you to focus on telling a story of what your project seeks to accomplish and to clearly describe the goals by which you can measure the success of your project.
- Considering the timelines for the organizer lab grant process we will advise you not to rush to make tweaks but patiently and rigorously work on improving the general scope for a future rapid grant opportunity.
- We would like you to tightly scope the audience of your project, explaining why that audience, and their role in ensuring impact and success.
- Possibly rescoping around a singular audience and reducing the scale of the campaign to allow experimentation and learning.
- We invite you to request support or a meeting from the organizer of the Organiser Lab in rewriting your qualitative metrics in order to ensure that your maximizing the opportunity to collect lessons that can impact future iterations of your project.