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Grants talk:PEG/WM Fr/Hackathon Lyon 2015

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Latest comment: 10 years ago by Rubin16

GAC members who support this request

  1. list of tasks is already prepared, targets seem reasonable and challenging - I support the request rubin16 (talk) 16:14, 9 March 2015 (UTC)Reply

GAC members who oppose this request


GAC members who abstain from voting/comment

  1. Since I'm a member of Wikimédia France and involed in the organization of the Hackathon, I abstain to vote and comment for obvious conflict of interest. Léna (talk) 09:13, 9 March 2015 (UTC)Reply

GAC comments


measures of success


Hi! I see questions in this sections ("how many participants", "how many projects", etc.) but what are the answers? What are the metrics that you want to achieve? rubin16 (talk) 16:38, 28 February 2015 (UTC)Reply

Hi Rubin16! Thanks you for pointing out the absence of metrics to measure success. As you might now, a Hackathon follows an unconference model which means that a lot of information, such as the planning, will be defined the very first morning. Though, here are the indicators we already have:

  • How many participants? The minimum expected is 130 but we can already say that we aim to have 200 coders on the 3 days.
  • Diversity of participation (origin, affiliation, sponsored, newcomers)? Our objective is to have people coming from every continent for the communities to meet up. We target newcomers to represent at least 10% of all attendees. Other indicators will be defined afterward.
  • How many buddies? We expect every attendee to either have a buddy or to be the buddy of someone.


  • How many projects are showcased? We currently don't really know how many projects will be worked on. You can find a list of all proposition at the page: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/wikimedia-hackathon-2015/ under the tab "Hacking Proposal"
  • How many driven by volunteers? Same answer. It will depend of the number of projects showcased.
  • Any projects that the WMF decides to support after the event? We will see regarding the quality of projects proposed. But so far, we hope to have at least one project that will be supported by the WMF after the event.
  • Tasks resolved? Will be defined the first morning.


  • Overview of Wikimedia tech priorities and ongoing projects welcoming contributors.
  • How many newcomers & welcomers in welcoming session? We hope that we'll be able to gather at least 20 newcomers (10% of participants) and at least the same number of welcomers.
  • Participation and results in other training sessions.


  • Community decisions worth a face to face meeting.
  • Social meetings and events. We aim to plan a gala dinner on Saturday evening and some other activities for coders to have fun during this 3 days.


  • Costs and final balance. We aim of course to have a well-budgeted Hackthon where we have taken into account every expense.
  • How much funds pooled for volunteer travel sponsorship, and from whom? Each applicant will be allowed to ask to be sponsored for WMF or any other chapter to pay for his venue.
  • Participants survey and summary report. At the end of the event, a survey will collect impressions. We aim 80% satisfaction among newcomers and 60% satisfaction for all participants.

--Alex.cella (talk) 15:53, 3 March 2015 (UTC)Reply

Community comments


WMF comments


Travel sponsorship process


Hi, I'm not sure where in the proposal should this information be specified. Even if I work at the WMF and not WMFr, I'm the responsible of organizing the travel sponsorship process and approvals. We plan to repeat the formula that worked so well in the past Hackathon in Zürich:

  • Define public criteria.
  • Offer a registration form that reflects the activity of candidates in mediawiki.org, Phabricator, and Gerrit, and also links to their specific plans (Phabricator tasks).
  • Pool a common travel sponsorship budget with the contributions of the WMF, WMFr, and other chapters willing to contribute (in exchange of sending participants from their territories).
  • Identify the most suitable candidates from a global perspective, and then see who else can be sponsored in the regions that received chapter funding.

It is a light and flexible process where the WMF and representatives of every chapter are involved. Last year all the communication was done through a spreadsheet with all the data and a few emails. Not a single meeting, and everybody was happy. We aim to involve more chapters in order to increase the participation of volunteers and the diversity of origins.--Qgil-WMF (talk) 17:02, 20 February 2015 (UTC)Reply