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Grants talk:IEG/Promoting Wikivoyage/Midpoint

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Report accepted, with feedback


Hi Tammy, Thanks for this midpoint report. As I'm marking it accepted today, here are a few thoughts:

  • Your switch from webcasts to presentation makes sense, given the audience. Thanks for being clear about this, and adapting your plans as needed :)
  • Reallocation of funds is also a simple approval. If you'd like to switch your $100 from meeting materials to another use, please just update your finance page accordingly. If you find that your own time is really the largest/only expense for this project, I'd also be fine with rolling that $100 in with the other $500 line-item - by hosting more small meetings, I expect your own time investment here has probably grown to some degree.
  • Re the long game - glad to hear you thinking this way, and that it is taking some of the pressure off of what I imagine can otherwise sometimes feel like a rather daunting solo experiment!
  • In your final report, I'm looking forward to hearing more about the feedback you receive from the local chambers about your materials (once finalized/disseminated), and about how things proceed with other Wikivoyagers as well. It looks like someone created your final report page in error/spam, so I've deleted it and given you the button back for creating your report when you're ready.

Let me know if you'd like to check-in with a call at any point! Seems like you're on the right track thus far. Happy to help support anywhere you're finding it may be needed. Best wishes, Siko (WMF) (talk) 21:58, 16 December 2014 (UTC)Reply

Slides with video


Hi Tammy! I have used a neat (and free) product to incorporate video over a slidedeck. It's called MoveNote: https://www.movenote.com/

I was impressed with how easy it is to use and have 'presented' with it for Wikipedia before. Maybe it will help solve your slides/video challenge. Cheers! Ocaasi (talk) 01:40, 17 December 2014 (UTC)Reply