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Grants talk:IEG/Build an effective method of publicity in PRChina/Final

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Hi Addis! Congratulations on a productive 6-months full of trying new things :) It is really great to see everything you've put into your report and be reminded of how much you've accomplished in such a short time!

A few bits of feedback and suggestions on this report :

  • It is great to see all of the things you've learned - items like #6 in your methodology section would make a very useful Learning Pattern :)
  • Outcomes section: congratulations on reaching nearly 10,000 followers in just a few months. And may the 10,000 come even more easily! I'm sorry that we weren't able to solve the Weibo shortlink referrer issue so that we could learn how often your posts brought people to Wikipedia...we'll need to keep thinking about ways to do this for future social media projects. But thank you for trying and being thoughtful about how to measure impact along the way for this project.
  • Online activities section: it is interesting to hear your thoughts about why the prize-for-report experiment didn't work as well as expected, thanks very much for sharing the lessons learned from this experiment (and, yes, I will now be quoting you for years to come, that failure is only the step to success). On the opposite side, in terms of successes, I'm curious to know what you think was the most successful online campaign you ran? Which one would you definitely repeat again in the future?
  • What didn't work section: I'm curious to understand more about what you mean by "Activity without "spreading" on Social Media" - you mean posts that don't encourage people to share or otherwise promote viral behavior?
  • Project resources section: I love the images, thanks for linking to those Commons files. What about also linking to things like:
    • the weibo social media account (it is the clearest example of something you made for this project!)
    • a design file of the postcards you had made (I think you must have a file for this somewhere, because we had legal approve it)
    • the WMF blog post about you and this project :)
  • Remaining funds, documentation, and confirmation of project status: We need you to type either Yes or No in answer to those questions before we can consider this report complete - we can talk about this on our call if you're not sure how to answer. It is our first time using this report template, so it is useful for me to know what isn't yet very clear or helpful for you in this page too :)
  • Thanks for a lovely grantee reflection. It helps to know that you're seeing value from connection. And I'm so grateful that this IEG has given me an opportunity to know you, Addis. Looking forward to continuing our conversations in the future and to seeing where your plans take you next!

I'm going to keep this report in "open status" a bit longer, so that you have time to make any additions in response to this feedback, and so that we can discuss any final things on our check-in this week. Best wishes, Siko (WMF) (talk) 01:45, 18 December 2013 (UTC)Reply

Report accepted


I'm marking this report accepted, thanks for the additions to your page :) Once we've received the remaining funds, we'll mark this entire IEG project completed. Enjoy the rest of your holiday, Addis! Siko (WMF) (talk)

Publicly viewable posts


The link to the account seems to require registration to visit. For those of us with no Weibo account, could you please add a link to a publicly-vieweable page that hosts the account's posts, if available? I found http://www.nianzhi.cc/user/3319295604, but I'm not sure this is official. Thank you, AddisWang, for completing this project and delivering us this report. I am sure many community members will find it insightful as I do. :) --whym (talk) 09:20, 27 December 2013 (UTC)Reply

Hi Whym, glad you like our project. Weibo.com do need an account to get access to those posts. The link you find is kind of mirror sites, which is a good platform for people who has no account to find out what we post. I will add it in my report. And as Siko recommended, I will create a learning pattern later for what we learn through the project, and provide our experience, like the best time for social media post and posting strategy. Hope this could be much helpful for all of us.--AddisWang (talk) 10:04, 4 January 2014 (UTC)Reply