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Grants talk:Conference/R Ashwani Banjan Murmu/Annual Anniversary cum Conference of Santali Wikipedia

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Latest comment: 5 years ago by CAlmog (WMF) in topic WMF comments - 2020 proposal

Deadline reminder


Hi R Ashwani Banjan Murmu, please note that in order for this proposal to be included as a part of the round review, you should:

  • Add the amount requested in USD to all columns in the budget table, and also to the general information section (top right).
  • Change the application status from 'draft' to 'proposed' by the submission deadline.

Best CAlmog (WMF) (talk) 20:06, 9 September 2019 (UTC)Reply

WMF comments


Hi R Ashwani Banjan Murmu. Thank you for your efforts and motivation in engaging with this reviewing process. I reviewed your grant request and have some follow up questions.

Community input:

  • Can you please share a link to the community input survey, or to a survey analysis?
  • Since not many survey responses were received, how do you intend to reach out to a minimum of 30 contributors?
    • Though the total participant is 35, out of which 6 person are from non-santali wikipedia community to whom we have invited as resoursce person to address the two days worksh therefore we have not sent them the survey analysis. We have sent the survey analysis only to 30 Santali wikipedian among which 29 user will be attending the event with the the purpose to know what they want to learn during the event.
  • Can you please specify more what kind of Wiki tools are you looking to work on?
    • The major tools we are looking to work on are Editing tools, citation tools, anti vandalism tools, translating tools etc
  • What will a successes look like?
    • Our sucess will depend on the future contribution of the participant. If the rate of contrubution and the quality will be enhanced by major participant of the event we will consider the event has been sucessful.
  • What can you do to plan in advance for post-event follow up?
    • After the end of the event we will ask for the feedback of the event.We will keep observing the contribution of the participant at a regular interval. We will see the changes in contribution prior to event and post event. If the contribution are progressive i.e the rate of contribution and quality of articles have increased then we will try to make it in more better ways in any future event and if the contribution will be regressive we will discuss with all the participant of to find out the loop wholes of the event and try to find out the sollution.We will also share these issues with our close supporter like Odia wiki or CIS.In order to to make our contributors contribution smooth one we will conduct small meet up at diffrerent locality after finding out the suitable sollution. However the sucess story of this event will also be shared.
  • You mentioned you got a lot of support from the Bangladesh, Nepal and other Indian communities. Are you considering including those User groups as part of an outreach effort? Maybe as a coalition or a formal partnership? Also,do you intend to include any other outreach component?
    • Yes, since the incubator we have the support from CIS, Odia wikipedia and also from the Bangladesh Chapter of Wikipedia. Even after the santali Wikipedia became life we have got support from all of them to keep momentum. In this event Satdeep Gill Subhashish Panigrahi Tito Dutta Sumita Roy Jnanaranjan sahu Sailesh Patnaik​ will be part of our event as resoursce person who are from Punjabi Wikipedia , Bengali Wikipeida and Odia Wikipedia respectively. It may be noted working with collaberation among indic wikipedia community is regular practice in India. We are taking advantage of this.
  • Do you have any plan on how to welcome newcomers to event?
    • Between application of our last proposal and current proposal of the event many new user have evolved throuh our social media awareness and outreach programme we have invited all of them to this event and all will be attending this event. We see this an opportunity to groom them from begining with the best skills which they will learn from the experience wikipedian.


  • What other "invited delegates" are you planing to have?
    • Here other invited delegates are the other than santali language wikipedian to whom we will be inviting from Odia Wikipedia, Bangla Wikipedia as resoursce person.


  • If you are giving away T-shirts, what is the need for an additional momento?
    • Currently we are not planning any additional momento and we have deleted from our budget estimate.
  • Schedule: How flexible are you with the proposed event date? We have another potential event happening on the same dates, and in case both will get approved, we wouldn't want to overlap.
    • The new date may be 13-14 th of the September 2020 subject to the availability of the resoursce person to whom we have invited from other wikipedia group.

Thank you for the work you have done on this grant proposal. We are excited for the opportunity to be a part of the first Santali Wikipedia community offline gathering. Best, CAlmog (WMF) (talk) 00:30, 19 September 2019 (UTC)Reply

Eligibility confirmed, Round 1 2019-2020

This Conference Grant proposal is under review!

We've confirmed your proposal is eligible for Round 1 2019-2020 review.

New grants will be announced October 29, 2019. See the schedule for more details.

Questions? Contact us.

WMF comments - 2020 proposal


Dear @R Ashwani Banjan Murmu:, Thank you for submitting this proposal! We are very happy to explore the opportunity to support you in hosting the 1st Santali Wikipedia conference.

Your proposal has many strengths to highlight. I especially appreciated the clarity and the hard work you put into analyzing the community needs and identifying the key goals for this event.

I reviewed your proposal, and have some follow up questions and comments to offer as a part of staff review:

Background and Community input

  • “The event will try to cover all the common issues and challenges for santali wikipedia as well as the basic and significance of other projects like Meta-Wiki, Commons,Wikidata will also be discussed.” It would be helpful to have a few more specific focuses called out. What issues and challenges are the most pressing? Which ones will be the focus of this event. Understanding this will help us understand the specific goals of the event and also will help attendees know if they can contribute to the discussions.
    • In a single words the specific goal of the event is “Capacity Building” of the participant.The capacity building could be done only when we can address the issues which are regularly raised in our discussion. We have treid to put a balance between the issues from our regular discussion and feedback from the survey analysis and made our priorities accordingly.Ignoring any one of the priority will be like missing many thing as a part of capacity building. We believe whatever priority we have choosen are the basic ingredient of a wikipedia specially to grow for a newly emerged community.
  • It would also be helpful to clarify the role of the “new active contributors” how can they help? What will they be able to contribute or learn?
    • We see these “new active contributors” as the future prospects of the Santali Wikipedia. We want to give them sufficient space to grow and lead. In our day to day discussion in the social media group, new contributors have always more querries than the older contributors. So, we believe they will be the active participator of the event. Their regular issues can be easily resolved from here.They will keep the momentum of the event.
  • Instead of starting an annual conference, maybe start with a “first ever Santali Wikipedia conference” Then you can measure the impact and success before committing to doing this in future years. Maybe it will make sense, maybe you will want to change some things.
    • yes, “first ever Santali Wikipedia conference” would have been good but “annual” would mean a time where you begin a new counting and look back your last counting. However wheather we are mentioning or not this is going to be our First Ever Santali Wikipedia conference.
  • It is mentioned that “Gender equity Wikipedia will be the one of the major concerns of this conference.” but it is not really mentioned further in the proposal except for ensuring two participants will identify as female could you add a little bit more details around the plan for that - especially if it will be a major concern?
    • The Gender equity is not our individual priority. It is our community spirit every participant are very much sensitive to that. In the event besides the participation , we have planned for a session on gender equity which will be carried out by Sumita Roy. Sumita Roy is one of the leading wikipedian in India.
  • These are great and clear: “The Priorities are as follows 1.Technical Understanding 2. Quality of Articles 3.Knowing Wikipedia and Other Wikimedia Projects 4. Community Building 5. Building Leadership 6. Gender Equity in Santali Wikipedia.” Can they all be fully addressed and progressed in a two day event?
    • Yes it would challenging task to cover all our toipics in two days. Still we will put our best for that. In two days we will have six session and three session each day. The session will begin from 9.30am and will end in 5.30pm. Inbetween we have 45 minutes of lunch and two tea break for 15 minutes ensuring 2hrs 15 minutes for each session. In order to accomodate these times we have arranged a small introductory gathering on the eve of this event for introduction of each other.
  • This is a good plan: “Each group will be guided by one resource person to make it more friendly and comfortable.”


  • Because there are such a small number of participants attending this event, would it be possible to in some way follow up with them individually in the months following the event to see if they are using the skills they learned, successful, or need any other support? Maybe a 6 month follow up survey?
    • Yes, this is possible and acceptable.
  • Do you expect many more applicants than you can accept?
    • We have applied the grant considering the cost of hotels and other amenities we had inquired in the market before our last application we have also considered the nominal hike in all these. So it would be difficult to accept the new applicant.


  • It’s a nice idea to have an award ceremony for top editathon contributors.
  • The budget looks reasonable and clear. Thank you!

It is very nice to hear about efforts underway to support the Santali Wikipedia community to grow. This proposal makes sense and is clear and it seems like it is a great time to hold this conference and to celebrate the achievement. It might be worth waiting to commit to doing this conference annually until you see how the first one goes. Additionally, after reading through the proposal it sounds like this may end up being more of a Santali community training around editing, tools, and community norms with advisory keynotes from other parts of the Indic Wikimedia Community - maybe clarifying and reducing the scope just a little bit more would be helpful for the first conference to make sure you are able to impact and really focus on the highest priority areas.

When you're able, please respond to the questions above and revise the proposal as needed. These revisions will be due by 28 February 2020, after which the Conference Grant Committee will begin formal review of the proposal.

Thank you again for your significant role in supporting your community! And for this proposal. Best CAlmog (WMF) (talk) 23:48, 21 February 2020 (UTC) Hii @CAlmog (WMF):, I have tried to give answer on some of your querries, hope it will bring more clarity on this. Inspite of that if you want to know anything further please ping. Regards R Ashwani Banjan Murmu (talk) 02:18, 25 February 2020 (UTC)Reply