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Grants talk:Conference/Celtic Knot Wikimedia Language Conference 2022

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Latest comment: 2 years ago by CAlmog (WMF) in topic Grant approved

WMF feedback and questions


Hi Daria Cybulska (WMUK), Richard Nevell (WMUK), Lea Lacroix (WMDE),

Thank you so much for this proposal. I really enjoined reading this. I think the proposal does a terrific job in showing the practical needs for this conference, but also, very clearly captures the emotional aspect of languages and why should it be a priority for the Wikimedia community as a whole. I agree that the value and importance of this conference is reflected by the focus on different languages that enable people to connect on the grounds of their shared challenges.

Here are some specific comments I wanted to highlight along with a few questions:

  • I like the approach of having a Workshop-led format with limited number of sessions. I think it's accurate and shows an understanding of the community, and the limited attention that platform allows. Alongside focusing on the necessary impact. You don't always have to have a robust program with multiple parallel sessions, to teach, interact and make an impact (or a successful conference).
  • I very much appreciate the detailed plan you shared. It's clear and make sense.
  • The idea of having pre-planned options for people who are not attending a workshop is great. Makes it easier to keep engaged.
  • I like the idea of focusing on post-event onsite gatherings and workshops to reflect and bring to action the skills people learned. I see that as a real potential impact of the event, not only looking at the individual participants, but on their own language communities.
  • Do you intend to follow up with the local communities on what they've done on their onsite events?
  • Do you intend to also have a call for volunteers? If so, what will they do?


  • I'm not sure I understand what you mean by 'speaker support' (for workshop hosting and video updates). Do you mean working with speakers on how to deliver their sessions? Or is it more of technical support?
  • Do you know what kind of Translation method will you be using?

Thank you again for the time and thought you've put in this proposal. We are happy for the opportunity to support this conference again, and we would definitely want to see it as a recurring event.

Best, CAlmog (WMF) (talk) 15:09, 25 February 2022 (UTC)Reply

Response to feedback


Thank you for engaging deeply with our proposal and for the positive feedback. It’s great to hear that you support the suggested approach for our event, and that you can see its potential for impact within wiki communities. Below are our responses to your questions:

  • Do you intend to follow up with the local communities on what they've done on their onsite events?

Yes, for the hosts of the on-side events we will ask for a write up of what took place. This will be lightweight and could take a form of a blogpost, which we will then promote. We may suggest a template to help hosts report back (for example like the outcomes page for XXX Days events). In the UK, the local communities will likely be supported or hosted by our local partners (e.g. past hosts of the Celtic Knot conference). We have an ongoing relationship with these hosts, and will be able to pick up and support any ideas coming out of the local events.

  • Do you intend to also have a call for volunteers? If so, what will they do?

Yes, we will have volunteers helping with the delivery of the event. The likely tasks are taking notes, upholding Friendly Space, serving as ‘announcers’ (eg: engaging with participants on social channels during the conference about upcoming sessions). We already had some volunteer participation with supporting multilinguality - volunteers helped us translate the pre-event survey.

  • What you mean by 'speaker support' (for workshop hosting and video updates). Do you mean working with speakers on how to deliver their sessions? Or is it more of technical support?

We intend to provide extensive support to the conference speakers both in terms of training and tech. Leading a good workshop is an important skill that can be developed, and we believe that by focusing on pre-event training we are building lasting community skills that the speakers will be able to apply in the future in other contexts. We intend to provide:
- For workshop hosts, coaching and training for workshop delivery
- For speakers who will submit pre-recorded talks, support with preparing, recording and editing their video. Our idea is that the speaker will work with a specialist on this, gaining tech video skills in the process
- if needed, tech equipment like a microphone (to be loaned or returned to WMUK if purchased)
Hope this clarifies, but very happy to go into further detail.

  • Do you know what kind of Translation method will you be using?

We are currently considering two options:
- Live translation of the workshops. This would be great for accessibility. However, with the nature of the event (workshop-heavy, and two types of audiences - participating and watching) this would be complex for us to deliver ;
- Post event translation, i.e. subtitles on video recordings later, translation of the conference materials. This is less inclusive, but would be significantly easier to provide. We could also take our time with choosing the languages to translate into and curate the resources. This is what we are leaning towards, and would be keen to hear the Events’ team thoughts on whether that’s the right pay off between manageability of the event versus accessibility.

Do feel free to get in touch with any followup questions.

On behalf of the organising group,Daria Cybulska (WMUK) (talk) 10:50, 4 March 2022 (UTC)Reply

Update following the 'Announcement of the Removal of the Covid Travel Policy'


Following the Removal of the Covid Travel Policy, with encouragement from the Conference & Events Grants team, the organizing group reflected on how this context changes our approach to the Celtic Knot conference. We decided to keep it broadly unchanged in format and approach. The only small change is that we increased the budget line for local events, recognising that there may be more interest and more travel involved. Daria Cybulska (WMUK) (talk) 15:33, 30 March 2022 (UTC)Reply

Grant approved


Hi Daria Cybulska (WMUK), Richard Nevell (WMUK), and Lea Lacroix (WMDE),

Thank you for your work on the grant request and for responding to our comments. We are glad to inform you that we have reviewed the final proposal and we are happy to support it in the amount of US$35,646.25 (GB£27,152.84). You can expect an email in the next few days with more instructions and next steps. I will also circle back soon to schedule our first meeting. Looking forward to working together! On behalf of the Conference Grants Committee and Community Resources team. Best CAlmog (WMF) (talk) 08:25, 2 April 2022 (UTC)Reply