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Grants talk:APG/Proposals/2019-2020 round 2/Wikimedia Norge/Proposal form

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Latest comment: 4 years ago by Astrid Carlsen (WMNO) in topic Correction in budget Expenses

My name is Sigrun Espe, and I am the newly elected chair of the WMNO board. I live in a small town in western Norway, and I am currently on maternity leave from my job as a digital culture advisor in the archives sector of the regional government of Vestland.

In the short time since the pandemic hit us all, Wikimedia Norge has done it's best to adjust our annual plan for the next funding period: July 2020-June 2021. Staff is working to find new ways of collaborating remotely with volunteers and partner organizations. It's still too early to predict how the pandemic will affect our work in the upcoming year.

Shortly after the Corona crisis hit Norway, we had an online meeting where the board and members of staff discussed the challenges we face, and possible solutions, adjustments and outcomes. The six-person board and the three members of staff are very invested in the organisation. We are not a very large group, which can be good in times where flexibility and close dialogue is important. In my experience we have a good and positive tone, and we cooperate well. I keep in close contact with the executive director, different members of staff are in touch with both members of the board, volunteers and others as need be, and plans are adjusted to keep the organisational wheels rolling. After two weeks of lockdown, we have made necessary adjustments, come up with new plans and reorganized activities for the spring of 2020. We will continue this as long as necessary. Our next board meeting will also be an online meeting, in April.

One possible outcome of this crises could be a more unstable economic situation for our national partners. Last funding year, Wikimedia Norge reached it's goal of 30 % national funding. We want to share our concern here that the possibilities for such national funding may change. This is something the board and the executive director, Astrid Carlsen, will monitor closely. We will, as always, assess the risks and work out alternative plans if we see that anticipated funding falls through.

We are, however, very lucky to live in a country where both the government and the health care system seem to be able to handle the crisis as well as can be expected. We hope to get through this without too much damage, and we are more than happy to assist our colleagues around the world if there is anything we can do.

--Sigrunespe (talk) 10:43, 2 April 2020 (UTC)Reply

Correction in budget Expenses


Program 1 Supporting communities the correct sum in $ should be 22,020, not 23,394. This will change the suprlus with 1,374. --Astrid Carlsen (WMNO) (talk) 10:57, 25 January 2021 (UTC)Reply