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Grants talk:APG/Proposals/2014-2015 round2/Wikimedia Armenia/Progress report form

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Latest comment: 9 years ago by KLove (WMF) in topic thanks & feedback from FDC staff

report not yet complete


Hi colleagues! I see the program content has been filled out here, and I look forward to delving in! However I see the financial data has not yet been completed. When will you be able to submit that? Cheers, KLove (WMF) (talk) 17:09, 2 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

Hi, dear KLove (WMF). We are already done. Sorry for the delay. Thank you --Lilitik22 (talk) 13:09, 3 February 2016 (UTC)Reply
Got it, Lilitik22! Thanks so much. KLove (WMF) (talk) 13:41, 6 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

thanks & feedback from FDC staff


Thanks for joining the call today, David & Lilit! I enjoyed discussing your updates, which I've noted. KLove (WMF) (talk) 22:54, 9 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

General updates

  • CEE meeting — grant request to organize. Working on logistics, about to start registration, etc. Excited about hosting it!
  • New space for office
  • Grant — Western Armenia project. Funder who wants to fund Western Armenia language work in Diaspora communities
    • Camp in Lebanon
    • Offline events are very important. Before Beirut camp, WMAM did training seminar in Lebanese seminar in Yerevan in April. Wikiclubs began organizing them. 10 Western Amenian students came from Lebanon.
    • If successful WMAM will hold Wiki Camp in France, hoping to work with WMFR
  • Teacher training seminar
    • Teachers were trained last year and they were very excited, so decided to organize another one (a five day seminar). 29 teachers selected.
    • New Wikiclub opening up with one of the trained teachers.
  • 3 clubs closed in 2013, because the clubs are sponsored, and sponsor withdrew. Three new clubs in different regions. Find coordinator and sponsor and establish Wikiclub. Wikimetrics are used. WMAM choose very active participants and invite them to join.
    • Wiktionary—in secondary school, WMAM begins working on this project rather than WP
  • Wikisource
    • technical issues with IOS scanner. Find high school volunteers to scan books in public domain. Proofread book together (organized through Facebook).
  • WLM
    • 81 participants
    • Nice award ceremony during WP 15th birthday
  • GLAM
    • One 98 year old gentleman took photos of famous Armenians, donated all photos to CC-license, and put on Commons. 150 photos, previously unavailable on Commons. He was excited to donate them. This is a real gift to Commons & Armenian WP!
    • Other books
    • Museums & library work continues: when WMAM want some sources, they request them and often receive access to them.
  • Staffing
    • 2 staff, from APG grant, and 1 staff from other foundation grant.
    • David & Lilit and the woman working for Western Armenian project. They divide the work organically, except for Western Armenia.


  • WMAM staff are very excited about Wikicamp and CEE meeting at the end
  • Looking into Wikicamp in France! This will be supported by the foundation who funded Wikicamp in Lebanon. WMFR is likely to support.
  • Working with Iranian WM group on digitization work. They will send books to Yerevan, and with help of Iranians in Yerevan, they will upload the books on Commons! This will be a great introduction to having them on Wikiclubs.

Next grant request

  • Will request some funding to support work in Iranian work in Armenia and beyond for a regional report
  • Georgian collaboration was great and will continue.
  • Collaboration with Norway in next APG request as well.
  • Will include request for funds in renovating office
  • Will include teacher training work. Try to link with Wikiclub (first finding sponsor, which is not so hard, plus school manager or municipality)

FDC staff feedback

  • It's exciting to see the progress WMAM is making in global metrics!
  • Congrats on securing meaningful photos from Tzolag Hovsepian. Those will live on in Commons and hopefully Wikipedia as well!
  • WMAM's model in working with youth through wikiclubs, your Education program (especially teacher trainings), as well as Wikicamps is inspiring and seems to be bearing fruit.
  • We appreciate the regional collaboration and the strong work you do in collaborating across the movement.
  • Your have built partnerships both with municipalities and external foundations that connect to WMAM and benefit from what you offer.
  • I understand the budget is only roughly 37% spent because the largest expense is Wikicamps, which will be held later this year.
  • We are interested to see how you navigate the challenges of digitization. Your approach to work with high school students is interesting, and I hope you continue to update us on how it goes! KLove (WMF) (talk) 22:54, 9 February 2016 (UTC)Reply