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Grants:PEG/WM ID/Wikimedia Cipta Jakarta/Project classes/Report

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Illustration of Project classes are taken from Wikimedia Indonesia's Internship program - as created by Isabella Apriyana

Project classes was introduce as an effort to train potential volunteer to do project with the goal of reversing editor trends in Indonesian language Wikipedia and other languages spoken in Indonesia.

Description of actual activities


An open call prior to project classes was done through site notice, community mailing list, and ID WP village pump. As expected internal ID WP community respond was low, as a back up Wikimedia Indonesia contacted previous participants that manage to complete Free Your Knowlege writing competition to join the project classes. The project classes began on May and end in July 2011 and in total WMID run 9 project classes. The participant was given homework to be evaluated in the next project classes.

Project classes participant are limited to very active users only. Ex Free Your Knowledge participants who is able to complete the competition proves to be able to "keep up" with the demand needed to run a long term project and deliver. Some of the external public joining writing classes - express their interested in joining the project class, however they are informed that only "advance" wiki user are able to join. Since the project management training involves wiki codes and intense monitoring.

Hans Abdiel previously held a runner up position of the previous competition quickly jump in to the offer to do project, and since he has a very specific time line, we separate the training for Beacon of Theology 2011 project to an independent training tailored to Hans time-line need.

Best Practice and Lesson Learn

  • Project classes begin with brainstorming ideas.
  • A lot of ideas are accummulated at this time. Ex participant of Free Your Knowledge 2010 come up with ideas such as:
    • Korean topic writing competition whose winner will be fly in to Korea, in cooperation with Korean radio and Korean culture lover community. While back in Korea we contacted Korean Wikipedian, Cheol Ryu, who kindly reply to update him about the possible project.
    • Journalist club writing training - where the journalist club community in Atma Jaya University write article for Indonesian language Wikipedia and as a return favor, Wikimedia Indonesia buy this club a printer they badly needed.

WMID said we will think about these ideas for the future.

The classes cover budgeting, proposal writing, Free Your Knowledge 2010 writing competition system scoring and monitoring, basic design for project branding, and fundraising.


  • The training went well, it also serve as identification of which participant willing to go through the whole class and express interest to do projects (reliable participant).
  • We cover most of the item we would like to transfer such as knowledge on how to run a project, project proposal writing, budgeting to design project logo by a non designer.

Not too succesful

  • Due to time limitation of the trainer (me), the fundraising implementation weren't cover perfectly. Although all the project classes participant already have the proposal, guarantee that their communication expenses cost will be reimbursed, and company contact provided to do fundraising for the next Free Your Knowlege 2012 competition, they don't have the confident to do it independently. Most of their concern was "I don't know what to say", or "I really don't want to do it (fund raise)" or "I'm not sure about doing it".
  • In short the committee are trained and ready about doing all the part that a project needed to run successfully except the fund raising part.

Detail of expenditures


Please see expenses report for detail

Amount underspent in US Dollars


None, all underspent amount will go to the main funding infrastructure in Wikimedia Cipta

Will you be requesting re-allocation of remaining grant funding?


See Wikimedia Cipta report.