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Welcome back from Wikimania 2014!




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Option 1: Shared Experience: What is one way you shared something from your experience with your community (either locally or globally), after the event?

As like the previous years we wrote a series of articles on one of the most popular newspapers in Bangladesh. The articles were started to publishes before starting the Wikimania ([1][2][3]) and on the following week we published a feature article which covers the whole event[4]. Along with the writing we also organized a meetup for teh experience and knowledge sharing[5].

  1. http://www.prothom-alo.com/technology/article/284221/লন্ডনে-কাল-থেকে-উইকিম্যানিয়া-২০১৪
  2. http://www.prothom-alo.com/technology/article/286030/লন্ডনে-উইকিম্যানিয়া-শুরু
  3. http://www.prothom-alo.com/technology/article/286729/বাংলা-উইকিপিডিয়া-এগিয়ে-চলেছে
  4. http://www.prothom-alo.com/technology/article/291211/এগিয়েছে-বাংলা-উইকিপিডিয়া
  5. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Dhaka18
Option 2: Learning Pattern: What is one useful learning pattern you can share with the Wikimedia movement?
Add a link to a learning pattern - either a new pattern you created with insights from your participation, or an existing pattern to which you added your endorsement and some significant new "considerations" or “examples” from your experience.
Option 3: New Creation: What was one useful outcome that was created at the event for the Wikimedia movement?
Add a link to something new that was created as a result of your participation in this event (for example, you might link to a new tool that you and your co-participants worked on at the Hackathon, or to pages created in a workshop you participated in).



Anything else
