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Welcome back from Wikimania 2018!






Option 1: Shared Experience: What is one way you shared something from your experience with your community (either locally or globally), after the event?

I will share the ideas I gathered from Wikimania 2018 with my local community in the town where I live - Brno community (in August or September meeting). I already discussed some ideas on my home wiki Village pump. We will have more conversations and I will try to involve back our community in a discussion about Strategy. For the Strategy discussion we organized an improvised talk and discussion in Cape Town (out of the schedule) - the report from it had been sent to the coordinator Kaarel Vlada.

Option 3: New Creation: What was one useful outcome that was created at the event for the Wikimedia movement?
  • Probably a session during CEE 2018 meeting in October - I had a conversation with several users from CEE region (Masty from Poland, BASE from Ukraine and Adrian Cipu from Romania) to organize a session or presentation for bots in CEE region and how we can help CEE communities with them - to make them international somehow. The preparations are still ongoing. If we are approved to participate and make a presentation - I will post the link here.
  • During discussions for Strategy, I applied for Product & Technology group, for which I am waiting a reply. My second choice was Resource Allocation group - I hope I will join one of them soon and will help with my knowledge.

Anything else


Wikimania has a strong social function - even stronger than organizational or technical. During Wkimania I met a lot of people - not only from CEE region or my fields of knowledge and experience, but from everywhere. I exchanged ideas, experience, etc. At the CEE meeting (if I am approved) we will discuss the Strategic direction and movement strategy for the next years. I also met a lot of people from organizations not directly related to Wikipedia and I have exchanged ideas and experience with them.

With the two other Bulgarian scholars, Spasimir Pilev and Vassia Atanasova, we had very long discussions about the future of our user group, what actions need to be done in order to revive and develop it.