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Grants:TPS/Satdeep Gill/Wikimania/2017/Report

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Welcome back from Wikimania 2017!



Satdeep Gill

Punjabi Wikipedia | Affiliations Committee | Language Committee



Wikimania 2017 was my third consecutive Wikimania but it was only the first time that I gave a presentation as well. After the presentation, fellow wikimedians told me about Photographers User Group Meeting 2018.

I was a part of a panel related to Movement Strategy and I also assisted Rosie in a session on Group Consensus-Building.

During my first Wikimania presentation
New Creation: What was one useful outcome that was created at the event for the Wikimedia movement?
I was a part of at-least two meetups where we discussed and planned future activities in specific regions:
  • Wikimedia Asia meetup
    • One of the major outcomes of this meetup was that we are planning to organize a conference for East and Southeast Asia namely ESEAP Conference 2018.
  • SAARC Meetup
    • 12 Wikimedians participated and we discussed about organizing next WikiConference India in Odisha and there was a discussion about organizing an Indian Wikisource Conference as well.

After being a part of 100wikidays meetups at last two Wikimanias, I represented Punjabi Wikimedia community at this years 100wikibirds of a feather meetup as well. I talked about the recent 100wikiwomendays Marathon in which 8 different Punjabi Wikipedians wrote 100 articles each in 100 days to commemorate Women History Month 2017.


  • Anne Gomez - We talked about the New Readers Program and its future in India.
  • Frank Schulenburg - Frank told me about Photographers User Group Meeting 2018.
  • Eddie Avila - We discussed about the minority languages project done by Global Voices and regional Latin American affiliates.
  • Ravinshankar Ayyakkannu - Ravi helped me in recording some interviews during the event.
  • Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight - I assisted Rosie in her session on Group Consensus-Building.



Anything else
