Welcome back from Wikimania 2017!
[edit]Horadrim (as a WiR) Horadrim~usurped (personal user)
[edit]- Option 3: New Creation: What was one useful outcome that was created at the event for the Wikimedia movement?
This was my first Wikimania and I was lucky enough to have one of my submissions accepted by the committee. The Wiki-in-Residence Birds of a Feather sesssion (you can check the presentation to the right), to me, was a great success, accomplishing what I had planned for it and more. We had a quite full room, with active and former Wikimedians-in-residence from several countries and continents, along with people from chapters and the WMF that can help us organize and improve WiR projects. It was a rich and deep discussion on what defines a Wikimedian-in-residence, how can we support each other and what can we do to expand this model. I thank every attendee deeply, and it was a pleasure to have shared those moments with everyone of you. What made me even happier was to see the interest in an ongoing support amongst our participants, which lead to the idea of a Wikimedia-in-residence User Group. Among others, users John_P._Sadowski_(NIOSH), Pharos, Antony 22 and Mtmlan84 helped us engage with AffCom to start a thematic user group for Wikimedian-in-residence projects, which would allow us to create learning patterns, support newcomers, create tools and resources and several other activities. The above mentioned users, by the end of Wikimania, helped create and send an application for the newly proposed Wikimedians in Residence Exchange Network, to which I am very proud to be part of, and to have been part of it's kick-start.
[edit]I was amazed at the sheer volume of people attending Wikimania. I have talked with other users that had attended before, which helped understand a little of how it was, but to actually be there for the first time was necessary to understand the massive scale in which it happens. It was the best opportunity for me to engage with users from several different communities, with different experiences and so much knowledge to share, both during the Learning Days and the main days.
I've me people from WMF and Wiki Ed, from Communications committe, AffCom and Iberocoop, chapters and user groups from countries like Italy, Côte d'Ivoire, Germany, Basque, Australia, Argentina and so many others, including other Brazilian users I hadn't had the chance to meet before. I don't mention them by name to not try to forget anyone, but I also used this time to create a mailing list with all the contacts that I could save, which I hope will allow me to keep in touch with them in the future.
Besides that, I've hosted a birds of a feather session, the Wiki-in-Residence Birds of a Feather, which had about 15 attendees, if I recall correctly (picture at the right), and which allowed me to get in touch with other wikimedians that were involved in the same model of project that I was in the past year.
Anything else
[edit]I would like to thank for the amazing oportunity that was given to me with this scholarship. It is and incredible experience to have participated in a Wikimania, and I will definitely wish to attend in 2018! Thank you very much!