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This Wikimedia Participation Support request was not funded. Reasons have been communicated with the request submitter on the Discussion page.

statusnot funded
summaryA Detailed introduction to Mediawiki and How to get started with Mediawiki Contributions for 2-hours.
event locationCentral PA,United States
event websitehttp://cposc.org/
event date(s)19th November 2016
amount requested1380 USD
home countryIndia
submitted on16:09, 19 October 2016 (UTC)

Proposed participation[edit]

About Me[edit]

I am Haritha Harikumar, a Computer Science and Engineering Student from Amrita University, Amritapuri Kerala, India. I have been contributing to Mediawiki codebase and extensions since the last two years. I have also started contributing to WikToLearn, via collborating to make new textbooks and study materials.

Being an active Open Source contributor, I have been involved in different FOSS Outreach programs in my University.

  • I have actively coordinated to organize MediaWikiToLearn Hackathon in Amrita University, Kerala, India.
  • Volunteered in organising a Google Code In Camp for High School Teachers of Amrita Vidyalayams in Kerala
  • Conducted a Google Code In Camp for backward schools in Kerala.
  • Given Talk on Women in Open Source at TKM College of Engineering on an occasion of Women Empowerement Celebration Day at the College.

Goal and expected impact[edit]

CPSOC or Central Pensylvania Open Source Conference has been held successfully since 2008, where all aspects of Open Source has been covered. There are talks ranging from beginner level to expert level. I would be giving a talk on Getting Started with Mediawiki. My talk would be including sessions ranging from Introduction to Mediawiki to contributions in Mediawiki. I would also be covering detailed talks on WikiData and Pywiki-bot core. The session would be great start for the newbies in start Contributing to our organisation. My contributions to Mediawiki Community has pushed me to apply for international events where I would be able to spread out the goal of Wikimedia to an extent.

Being an Annual Event and wide range of speakers and developers are being expected there is no better time to get out some Mediawiki Contributions rolling. This adds to the growth and popularity of our community.

Budget breakdown[edit]

  • Travel (round trip airfare from Kochin to Philedalphia): 1200 USD
  • Accommodation : 1 night = 80 USD
  • Local Expense : Travel from Philedalphia to Lancaster and back: 100 USD
  • Total = 1200 + 80 + 100 = 1380 USD

Any amount left over would be whole heartldy returned to Wikimedia Community.

Other instructions[edit]

Yes, it would be great if the you could book my tickets and accomodation for me, as I am still a Bachelor Student and the conference do not extend any special Scholarship offers to anyone yet.


I would love to endorse the proposal, as I had been involved in her Outreachy and GSoC applications during 2015 - 2016 rounds, as the org-admin for the programs.

Previously she started with applying for the Outreachy 11th round at https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T116201, which we had to reject as the Gnome team was taking no more University students right from that round. Just like any other applicant in that round, it was depressing, but I need to congratulate Haritha as she gathered all her courage and applied for another project with yet another proposal at https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T128739 for Google Summer of Code 2016, just 6 months after that. This time, the mentors never selected a student for the project due to various reasons, and like all the candidates who applied - yet another depressing result.

I like the energy and commitment in her to invite new developers to contribute to Mediawiki code base, as I was personally present for the Amrita University Hackathon and the Google Code In camp. Considering she has couple of patchsets in Gerrit as per https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/q/owner:haritha.h20%2540gmail.com and her eagerness to stick with the community, I am happy to endorse the same. 01tonythomas (talk) 17:43, 19 October 2016 (UTC)