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Welcome back from Wikimania 2015!



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Hard to say, very many, English, Swedish, Swahili, Yoruba, Nahuatl, etc...


Option 3: New Creation: What was one useful outcome that was created at the event for the Wikimedia movement?
Picking one thing is hard, but something previously overlooked and completely new was created at the medical meetup we held and was a Wikipedia Medicine mailing list and getting loads of new sign ups to it at [1]. The new users on the list will get planning events, editathons etc. much better! It also has the benefit of being international.



So from the top of my head I think 50 people (possibly more) attended my talk on "Ebola Translations: How to get involved with medical translations", and we had good discussions afterwards about how we can expand to different communities. We made plans with people from the Bulgarian, Arabic, Italian, Czech, Finish, Estonian, Swedish, South African, Croatian, and Chinese communities to name a few.

I attended the pre-conference learning day which was good as it gave me insight into the process of grantmaking and evaluation as well as getting to know people who've done some really cool multi-lingual projects. I also got to meet the rest of the WikiProject Med Foundation board which I didn't meet last year, and was invited to join the board. We also had fruitful discussions with representatives from Mexican healthcare as well as Cochrane.

Anything else

  • [slides link coming]