El programa TPS ha cerrado y ya no acepta más solicitudes. Por favor acude a Rapid Grants para obtener otras formas de financiación para viajes.

We're glad you're applying! A few hints...
Paso 1: Solicitar
- Read about how the program works and make sure you and your request meet the criteria for support. We encourage you to apply as early as possible!
- Create your application by typing a name for your page in the format of YourName/EventName in the input box provided. Enter all information as requested and save your application page.
- Email participation to notify the Participation Support Committee that your application is ready for review. Please include your full legal name in this email (this information will only be used internally).
- The committee generally reviews applications once a week. If your request has all the details needed to make a decision, your request will be approved or denied within two weeks, with a message on the discussion page of your request.
- If details are missing, the committee will ask for clarifications on the discussion page of your request (so be sure to add it to your watchlist and check back for updates regularly).
Budget guidelines
- Need advance disbursement? Please let us know in your application, and make sure you apply at least 1 month before your event so that we can make every effort to provide support in time.
- Need us to book your flight? We're happy to do that too - please let us know in your request.
- Please include reasonable travel costs. WMF uses the following guidelines when booking travel:
- Meals and incidental expenses should total less than 75% of the standard U.S. General Services Administration or U.S. Department of State rates (M & IE rates, which include local transportation) for the city in which you are traveling. See the GSA list for US cities, and the US Department of State list for cities outside of the US.
- The total cost of accommodations should not exceed 75% of the GSA or Department of State Rates, and applicants are strongly encouraged to seek more frugal accommodations when available.